Art Time with @qiqi-power!

in #art6 years ago

One thing I love about living at the @gardenofeden is the cozy family time. I'm not a mother myself, but by living in this community I get to enjoy the blissful vitality and unlimited imagination of the inspiring children that live here every single day! They are wonderful teachers for being present and loving life.

Last night, @qiqi-power wanted to make art with her daddy @quinneaker. With an abundance of art supplies available to her, she chose to craft from construction paper, markers, glitter, and glue. Here are their unique creations:



QiQi set herself up a nice workspace by the fire while scrambled eggs and salmon warmed on the stove for snacks.

She was potentially most excited about making art WITH her daddy!


QiQi chose to make a crown/tiara with beautiful glitter decoration.

Quinn created a triple heart for each of his daughters @qiqi-power and @noki-power.


QiQi was absolutely delighted, especially by her name written in glitter glue!

QiQi learned how to conserve every precious speck of glitter!

QiQi is extremely smart, capable, and creative, and she gets to express herself as she pleases all day, every day. Doing these sweet, "simple" little projects whenever she wants is an opportunity for her to think and find solutions for making exactly what she wants. She is provided all the resources she needs, but is not told exactly what to do or how to do it!

It's awesome to witness children being free. Imagination and creativity is so valuable in an awesome, fulfilling life. I am so grateful to learn from @quinneaker and the @gardenofeden about supporting rather than stifling healthy, happy children! This is a whole new paradigm of unwavering, excellent parenting that I have not witnessed anywhere else in my world travels, and it gives me hope for the future!

✨💛✨ Sara!


Thanks for sharing

Thank YOU for sharing! Grateful to capture a tiny taste of the glittery magic in photos ✨

Very well said Sara!!! The joy they exude from being around him is a true testament to the life he has created for them. Love is the most powerful and pure foundations of life. Witnessing in awe!

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