Tell me baby, what's your story?

in #art7 years ago

Zara showing off while talking to Zul'jinn

Where you come from and where you wanna go this time?

Zara and Zul'jinn hanging out in a courtyard either at Zara's apartment complex or more likely Juan's place.

There isn't so much rhyme or reason to this, it just kind of happened while I was listening to the chorus of Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Tell Me Baby. As a young adult most of Zara's gymnastics skills simply augment her fighting style but every now and again she likes to randomly show off. I think she's going into a straddle press handstand on the wall.

One of these days I will do nice rather than sketchy close ups of the tattoos.

This took longer than it had any right to as my Flier rigs seem to be rather borked. Appending the Dragonkin base was causing Blender to segfault but linking was doing something weird with the tail rig and for whatever reason the spine guide refused to move with the rest of it (I am quite certain it's parented in the model). I ended up rearranging the entire scene around Zul'jinn in the interests of getting it into Krita.

Then I felt like colouring but that would have taken another round of forever so I just attacked it with the pencil after I'd finished scrawling.

Then I realised I forgot to go to bed again, so no more working on wing membranes (which is what I was trying to take a QUICK break from doing).

Sigh :)

This post also appears on my blog and Wysp.

More Zara:

More Zul'jinn:

Thanks for looking! ^_^


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Oh shoot! I must've mixed up Zul'jinn and Za'haran! Maybe that's why I thought he was on the up and up. Without colors, those two look eerily similar, do they not?

I really like how you drew Zara's pose. The depth of the legs was well done. Looks very 3D, pertaining to the leg near the screen.

Most of my characters probably look annoyingly similar in sketch because I have this bad habit of only including details in colour unless they're particularly prominent -_- My sketches and even my lineart tend to be agonisingly basic as if I'm going to be doing anything with them I put in enough to remember what I need to do and then just do everything with colour. Which is not very helpful if I'm just going to be showing people a sketch and never colour them XD

Thanks ^_^

Maybe you could add in distinguishing features like a scar or a broken horn/wing just so that the lineart are different from each other even without color haha!

Tsa'run has both of those XD (actually he has a lot of scars and they're always a different pattern every time I draw them).

Za'haran is the only one (aside from his mother who you won't see til the last ep anyway) who has twisty horns from hell. Zul'jinn has hair that likes to do its own thing. The older Tribe Dragonkin have longer hair, generally longer means older becase they don't cut their hair aside from edges to neaten it unless they've done something dishonourable in which case it gets lopped off at the nape of the neck.

More useless information for you XD

I just really need to work out their builds, male anatomy is not my strong point.

Wait, wait, wait. Didn't you write a story about a child Za'haran and his mother before? I could've sworn I remember that story of them walking along the coast.

Since you've created a whole new race, you wouldn't need to adhere to the anatomy that men are used to, my friend :) That's the beauty of it! Oh, and that's really not useless information. I always find those little details the most interesting. Even my throwaway tales have those finer details that 99% of readers won't even pay attention to haha

No, that was chibi Tsa'run XD I have a lot of characters and they're probably hard to keep track of because I throw them around semi-randomly, sorry! And this is just the handful I have the most ideas for, not even all of them!

And they actually evolved from humans and odd appearances aside are still human for all intents and purposes, they can produce viable offspring. I've made some modifications obviously, extra limbs means lots of extra muscles and trying to figure out where they all go is...uhm..."entertaining" XD

Ahh you're so good for my ego [glomps]

Oh shoot! I mixed another one in haha! Maybe it's the interval how they're release and the peculiar names that get to me haha! I'm usually great at matching names with faces, so I'm kind of a bit out my element.

Oh hey, if I could help out, even if it's just for boosting the ego, I'm happy with it. My intention is to help out my friends any way I can, so I'm glad I'm fulfilling my purpose :)

Believe me ego boosts are really very quite helpful when you have the self esteem of someone who knows without a doubt that they are not good for anything and will fail no matter how hard they try combined with the unfortunate stubbornness of someone who is going to bloody well give it a red hot crack regardless XD (yeh I'm a bit of a mess) you're helping a lot more than I know how to explain even with the purplest prose I can come up with (and I reckon I can come up with prose purple enough to make purple things look grey XD).

The good news is only the Tribe Fliers have the complicated names. The bad news is there's a lot of Tribe characters XD And the miscellany is I don't actually know why the names are like that or if there is any rhyme or reason to the structure.

Is it just the Fliers you're having trouble with or all of them? I'll try and do a lineup of the four I've thrown in here so far (Ae'nur, Tsa'run, Za'haran and Zul'jinn) tomorrow or so as I technically should be going to bed (actually probably should have gone to bed half an hour ago but I'm 3d sculpting and hands are my nemesis and when I finish the hands and feet and everything looks good I can retopo and paint). If it's all of them well I'll put that down to info overload and hopefully everything will make more sense down the line :D

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