TREE OF POSSIBILITIES. painting and work in progress. 2018

in #art6 years ago

122x176cm acrylic on wood.

Hello Steemians,
yesterday I posted the letter where I explain the reason of my Sale on paintings up till the 9th of May. I then got a few messages that made me think I could also present this part of my current work. I´m still not happy with the actual tree and it´s still requiring more work but I have had a lot of fun with the appearances in the sky and ground... The idea that moved me to work on this painting is elaborate and works on self though the barriers of time. Please read this text and you might understand more.

A tree of Possibilities that explains visually where I feel I´m at in this life I´m experiencing. The image comes to me like a map I can trace where I have been, where I aim, based on where I am at present. Something like that.!

The society I live in affects me, as much as I try to work from my own criteria. When I was a teenager and most of my friends were into partying, I was into philosophy and trying to understand the world I was supposed to live in. I have observed how, from a young age we are taught to aim for wellbeing in ways like you need to study a good career, or get a good job, make money to live well, may be get a good home, may be a mortgage, find a good partner, a good car and be able to go on nice holidays, then of course, have a family when you have all the rest worked out and so on and so on.
Then there are those who reach my age now, around forty, and have failed in most or all of these aims and at times feel like life went by too quick and didn´t get all of that on track. Others who have done all of that are now facing a “where do I go from here” situation. The Children no longer need them so much, the partner in life is now boring, the job is no longer challenging and one feels slightly empty.
From and early age I have been driven by the love for discovery and curiosity. As I grew older I kept this alive though each decision I was able to make, trying to never get into non stimulating jobs, relationships or situations .
I never want to loose that fascination for discovery.
I never decided I wanted to be a painter. I just discovered that while painting I could access this subconscious mind that gave me so much information to work on. I found a certain freedom inside me while putting myself in the state of painting. Painting only complements or enhances a way of discovering, coming from a kind of collective unconscious. It´s new for me, even if it has already been experienced by others.


This Tree of Possibilities Map I quickly drew in my notebook was sketched to not forget this initial idea. I felt we start life in this body at the trunk and whether the decisions are taken by us, out parents or by life itself, we can trace a line from one branch to the other.
A way is marked. We think, as we grow up that we have free will to decide either this or that way, but in this illustration I see it´s free only in a limited frame of possibilities we are given in life. Our decisions are really shaped by our attractions and repulsions (represented by the little faces and beings in the background), these also being a product of our automatic response to life.


Anyway, by seeing this image I then saw there are so many branches of this Tree of Possibilities that I haven´t taken. Somehow I feel they also are a part of me. I also live with all the things I know I haven´t done or felt.
I asked myself what happens when I reach the end of the branch and look into the abyss. Is this where those people are who have done all the ambitions in life and now are stuck waiting for life to grow the branch for them? Is that the place the successful artist or scientist reaches after a great breakthrough and feels there is nothing important left in life to make a difference? Is that the point they become depressed and unmotivated? Is that the place they are waiting for life to surprise them?

This is the point I reached in this image when I decided that if I was to reach this place, I´d like to be the spider who connects and threads all those ends of branches to create a rich and fulfilling now. By connecting I mean to bring all those other possible presents to the now, accept all the paths that didn´t become active and include them in my present.
I was explaining this to someone and they asked me, “what does that mean in practical terms?”. What it means is that usually one limits ones moves to only slightly stretch experience, in ones possible world. I never went to University, I might have been limiting my academic knowledge to this fact, but the reality is that I can share my knowledge in this field. I might lack many structures for this but I shouldn´t limit myself. The other example is that haven´t had children. I could exclude myself from certain circles and experiences because of this but I can choose to embrace the experience of other and be an important part of their lives also. These are two quite large issues, but then there are others like the society one chooses to live amongst, it could be any other I crossed and was a part of for a time. I can also make that a part of my present.
It´s all about transforming a memory that would naturally go stagnant over time (nostalgia) and turn it into an alive experience of the present that nurtures me now.

This second painting that is related to the first(Walking in different ways of seeing), it's all about a very personal experience of life. It´s about bringing out all those details and feelings. A kind of exorcism to the phantoms of the past.

Bring it all forward and clean the space of old dust. Symbolically.

During the painting of it I go back and rescue memories and play them through and reach different versions of myself, welcome them to the community and make them part of me. Each moment I recall a decision I made or life made for me is represented by a symbol in the bark of the branch and then kept in a dictionary for myself. Each symbol has been created while visualizing the moment of change, the moment just before I took the other path, when it was still present.

I guess the part where I can see the roots will be the baggage from family passed down for generations.

An other aspect this Tree shows me is that many of my discoveries I find so valuable and special, others have already discovered. I can feel quite disillusioned when this happens, but this graphic of the tree shows me that I´m still digging common grounds. When I find others have discovered the same as me before I should take it as important information to grow on the subject and then will be able to grow further knowledge upon the discoveries. It´s a push forward to go even further. Good answers to questions bring more good questions. If the answer brings comfort it´s not real. It is suspect of not seeing the whole thing. Something is missing. Nothing is only comfortable if real.

Work and thoughts are still in process, I have been working on this piece since July 2017, and there is still a lot to do, but it takes a lot of inner work apart from painting the actual piece.
Here are some pics of different parts of the painting and the process it´s been going though.






august 2017

september 2017

later on...


next to Walking in Different Ways of Seeing






Well, you might have an idea by now, what it´s looking like, but it´s the story it tells I´m more interested in.

Best Wishes and please take a look at the special offer I have on till the 9th of May if you would like to support my work in any way. Thank you


I try to avoid writing heartlets, BUT....
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

I want to write so many things in reply to this!!!
It seems we have a very similar approach to painting, and to life!

So happy we'll meet soon!

I´m happy you have enjoyed this post. I also look forward to meeting you and talking, this is why I don´t do it so much online, there will be time when you are over here. Hasta pronto!

The layers of your life story and the sketch so enliven these works for me. I have never felt the need to follow the pattern of what life was supposed to be but instead followed my whims with steady determination and along the way had fun and enjoyed simplicity. Maybe never really feeling a part of the whole is good in the long run. Wonderful paintings.

Thank you Donna! I have a habit I can´t help finding patterns in life everywhere... it´s just under my skin I suppose. ;-)

Wow, awesome, so detailed ... Upvoted, followed.

Thank you Zorank! :-)

Your beautiful tree vaguely reminds me of the "tree of life" symbol commonly used with midwifery, which I have always liked, but yours has many more layers.

"We think, as we grow up that we have free will to decide either this or that way, but in this illustration I see it´s free only in a limited frame of possibilities we are given in life." I agree. I love the idea behind the branches.

Thank you Ginnyannette!

This is quite involved - love the details!
I am thinking YGGDRASIL - and the roots of it like rhizomes spreading out to create a whole forest .... of ENTS

I checked your links and yes, I guess there is a resemblance. This is just spontaneous painting but I guess there is a lot f that in my subconscious from childhood books.

That's exactly what happens to me - I read from an early age, but not children's books. My grandfathers library had a great selection about mythology (Greek, Germanic, Norse) and some classic German poets (Schiller, Goethe, Heine, Rielke and others) and of course art books.
Writing the earlier comment made me look for a color pencil drawing YGGDRASIL, and I could not find it at all in my digital files, so after some searching I gave up and looked into the pile of photos and slides I "rescued" from Canada, and found a slide. I scanned the slide - the results were not great, but passable for recognizing the image (not much for printing though). If you allow me a bit of self-promotion, here it is, freshly "baked" and stored in my digital files now (you see it here first!):

YGGDRASIL - 20 x 28 inches - 1981
It is sort of a response to a object sculpture I created before then, using a tree trunk in an object box and a plaster cast of my face, the root section set on top like a crown. The whole thing was about 2.5 m tall.

wow... interesting painting! you should make a post of it!

thanks Romanie - I got lots of other stuff to post about .... now if I ever would find the photo of my sculpture, lol - so much of my past is "missing". But about this one: I almost think I should re-visit and turn it into a painting (with a updated image of myself). So much on my list, I have decades still to do them all!

So beautifully written, with honesty and child like sincerity I admire very much. It is beautiful how your life and art flow together harmoniously. Not always easy road, but definitely great one.

Thank you Mirjana for the appreciation. Life and art are the same thing I guess, at least for me.

I love trees and paintings about trees; bravo!

Thank you Kathleen!

Very interesting reflections! The next wonderful painting with soothing color combination!

Thank you Gmateev! It will evolve from here, I´m sure.


You get tedious!

👏👏👏I love your text and even more your painting and the different stages👍Beautiful!

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