WITH HANDS AND FEET: Sketchbook of a storyteller -

in #art8 years ago (edited)

When it comes down to story-telling, Tom Van Outryve has a  very pronounced body language, with fast changing facial expressions. It  is his passion for stories that tempts us all, seduce us and secretly takes us to  imaginative environments, in exciting situations. 

Sketch book of a storyteller is a pooling studies and drawings around  story- teller Tom Van Outryve.
For two years, I've followed my friend on his performances, where I made live quick sketches of his expressions. In between I also took photos,  so I could pursuits at home.


For  this project I mostly limited myself to quick sketching. Just because it's the most direct form of drawing that perfectly reflects the volatility of words and changing face expressions. Which makes 'Sketchbook of a  narrator ' nothing more then volatile notes (with a detailed drawing now and then). Or registrations of sharp observations, experiences in the moment and thoughts that run free.



What we get to see eventually is a playful take on the ancient tradition of story telling, anno 2016.  In the translation - from loose sketches to sketchbook- I tried to tell a story in mere images, without words. Where any minimal story  line is missing, no message ... without punch line or pointe.


There was never a preconceived purpose. The idea all started from a personal interest and eventually grew organic into a concrete product:
Sketch bundle with DVD + business card.
At the presentation of the bundle I showed a small selection of drawings in a mini exhibition. We also had a performance where I draw live on big scales, while Tom was telling stories and live musicians played the right atmosphere.
This performance is recorded and burned on dvd.

This project was a fantastic adventure and beautiful experience. And I always look back at it with pleasure and pride.

Thank you for your time and interest!

Sincerly yours,

#drawings #steemitartchallenge #quicksketches #romaannamoor


@romaan-namoor , I can only be humbled by your skills and sense perception while having your own very unique signature expression.

Thank you my friend.

If someone sent you say 20 pictures of their vacation, wedding, night on the town, etc. How long and how much would you charge to turn it into what you've posted here? Also would you want to?

That is something I certainly would see as a challenge and would work on with pleasure.
And depending on the desired format and material, I would ask about $22 per sketch and 56$ for a detailed drawing.

Great work and post! You are a really skilled artist and I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Iets op deze foto's verteld mij dat jij wel eens nederlands zou kunnen zijn?

Keep up the great work

Lol! Is het te zien aan de foto's of is het te merken aan mijn gebrekkig engels? Maar bon, dat heb je scherp opgemerkt.

Thanks for your comment @poeticsnake

Ik zag verteller staan en nam de gok! Je engels is echt niet slecht hoor!
Good luck with everything you are going to do in your future! You have a new fan! :D

De 'verteller' verraad altijd de oorsprong, dat is geweten... en ik had het moeten weten! :D

Thanks for the encouraging words, they're really motivating.

Gorgeous art, and what a pleasure to watch it take form. You really captured so many diverse facial expressions. What was Tom's response to these drawings? I hope you'll post more art!

Tom was always happy and enthousiastic with every sketch I made. He even made bussiness cards from one of my drawings, so that shows how much he loved it.

Thanks for your comment and I will post more art...

Man, you keep sharing such great stuff! I love your style. Is there anywhere I could buy that book and DVD?

Thanks for your compliments fungusmonk.
The publication of the booklets are printed on limited edition, and they sold like hot cakes, so I have no idea if Tom still has a small surplus to sell. I will ask him and let you know a.s.a.p.


Yeah, that would be cool. I don't know if I have the money at the moment but I'd love to know if they're available.

I'd really love to hear how you sketch hair so well. Do you have a specific method, technique, process, etc? Drawing hair scares me lol

I'm stuck on this drawing on her hair. Every time I try on a bit of scrap paper it just isn't working for me. lol

Do you use a kneaded eraser? Cos' those are very handy to draw hair, for example.

Nice drawing by the way and yes I think you should finish it! :)

Thanks! I've got kneaded erasers. How exactly are you using them when you're drawing hair?

I always start with the darkest parts. What's left I draw in different shades of grey. and then I erase the 'light' away.
It is important to always draw the lines of your hair in the direction the hair falls, if you know what I mean?

Oh, and when I 'put the light' in my drawing with my gum, I knead my gum again and again. I erase a few lines and knead it... erase, knead...

Yeah I've always done that but for some reason it always looks like a bunch of lines instead of hair... perhaps I'll give it a go tonight and share to hopefully get an idea what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!

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