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RE: Title: Market defaulted

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Took your invite & checked it out.

Prisoners's like another term for our consumer driven society .. your concepts are deep and based on the subject you chose I'm guessing you've had your taste of the circular world & this is your way of expressing the experience you had. Fill us in.

Btw, beautuful smiles of you & your son.. time flies so fast - cherish every moment spent.

Regards to your lovely family!


Hey Reign

I try my best to describe the world as I see it. Conflict and war is the main feeling i get from this post but also getting choices wrong, making a error, also treating others badly all fall into this art painting destruction and waste.

my painting before this was the opposite of this all about peace and harmony and treating your fellow human as a individual with hopes and dreams and getting it right, thats how I see Hong Kong buiding of dreams and respect for each other.

thank you Reign we are for sure in the good choice list ! we know the power of respect.

really enjoy reading your posts : ) please tell me how you interpret the art painting ? and compared to its twin the one before this post, love to know !

harj x

Hi @harj

let me see...

the 2nd painting shows 2 entities synchronized..a pair aiming for the same goal - united. The strokes & colors..I'm guessing may represent having different mindsets, outside influences but still manage to stay unified despite of it.

This piece here shows them apart -trying to meet half way w/ their differences. One entity having hope & faith trying to mend what drew them apart.

There's definitely a story here but I can only interpret from what I can remember & what struck me first when I saw it.

I hope I made sense.. lol.. it's difficult to explain w/out the emotions being heard but let me know if by any chance I came close.


I struck with how you have wonderfuly described the painting, its given me insight into my painting, this is a wonderful interpretion, i never thought of it like that but its very good. : )

that is very deep!

I really enjoyed your understanding : )

thank you

btw, when I said the 2nd painting I meant the other pair on your other blog..just to be sure we were on the same page.

lol.. like I mentioned I based my interpretation on what stuck to me when I first saw them..looking at a piece of art one can draw a lot of conclusions & I wouldn't want to take it that far.. lol.. simple is sometimes better - it leaves things uncomplicated.

It's heading 11pm at my side of the globe... time to sleep. It was nice talking to you.. night for now.

awww hope you had a good sleep! i hope you like my next post its comming soon!!! next few hours what is your next post Reign ? I will check!

Hi @harj was your day?

Woke a bit late a while ago...btw,
it's a Sunday here & heading 2pm. I already posted my blog this morning..happy reading it! 😊

Reign, I love this .. "If the simplest things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice for your soul is alive." is a wonderful post love the sky is it morning or night ? is that you in the picture! : )

my day has been good been a bit busy need to spend more time with my family not seen my mom as much as I would like. been busy building a mining rig at the moment and my next post : )

Harj x

Yes, it is an eye wakening quote. Guess you know by now how I love poetry..quotes.. art.. lol.

It was almost 6 pm when we went there at the beach that day.. really anticipated to get a few photos of the sun setting.. it was beautiful..glad we were able to make it before it got dark.

It took us a few mins to walk at the edge of the beach strip besides being a busy day on the road it was also jam packed w/ people so we had to wait for a clear shot as well.

And yes, that was me was a shame to not get a photo w/out me in it.. - my take away! 😊

Love the beach.. the breeze, the smell of the ocean, the sky, the sound of the waves...basically everything! lol..

So sweet to hear you are planning to make more time for your Mom..give my regards all the way from the Phillipines to her for me.

Sounds like it was a pretty busy day for you..guess part of unwinding for you is blogging..will look forward to your next entry!

Cant wait for you interpretation on my newest painting post Reign :)))))

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