Picking Apples (WIP)

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Work In Progress

I am not done with the tree, so don't tell me it looks great or I need to do more work on it!

I still have tons of work fleshing out the girl, so don't tell me she looks wack, she is wack! lolol

I added shadows under the horses feet so people wouldn't tell me I had to fix the horses feet.

I've been reading and writing more than working on my art lately. It get's boring just posting "work in progress " art articles. Plus I am writing about subjects that have always intrested me. But I feel guilty when I don't work on my art all day. By the time I get done reading, taking notes, writing, trying to edit (I am awful at writing and editing) I need a nap. I decided to spend 3 days on writing and 4 days on painting. Painting is like a vacation. Writing is like pounding my head on a brick wall.

22 x 30 inches, 300lb cold press cotton paper, watercolor and gouache.

I'll spend the rest of the weekend working on the details of my apple tree. I love details, it's so soothing!

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My drear friend, it's looks good :P Yeah it's not yet finished, but it looks great! Hope to see the final version of the artwork soon! I know you are busy with your new journey under few different topic in STEEMIT!


Yeah not finished yet. I don't think many people understand WIP means work in progress...I try and not think about the final product when doing large pieces, I start procrastinating. The articles are about issues I've been interested in for years but never dug very deep when researching. I am learning a lot, thank you @theguruasia for stopping by <3

Wow..such a wonderful and interesting paiting by @reddust mam...
Girl + horse + apple
Such a amazing comnination for drawing...
Execellent work mam..

Yeah, life on the farm is kinda laid back, I am just a country girl at heart @dini1, thank you

Hey there - I used to be an avid follower of your posts - but somewhere between survival mode and whatever else we are faced with in the process - I completely misplaced you LOL.

So I searched you today with the hope that you are still active AND YOU ARE!!

Anyway; I really can not wait to see the final piece! It is super beautiful already! Strange I always wanted to paint - but never could as a child grew older and taught myself how to draw, but that is about as far as I got, and the thing I love drawing the most is trees, I think there is just something life giving in drawing them; Sowing the idea into existence and then watching it grow with every meticulously placed line - growing a tree on canvass.


@breezin, that's okay, I've kind of been in hiding as well when it comes to be social. I do that in the winter time. Spring is here and you can see my comments will pick up as I get my vitimin D on gardening ...

It's someting I don't fight anymore, I am not a social peson, especially in the winter time, I will be on steemit no matter what happens and I will be visiting you more often now that spring is here.

You should draw more trees if they make you happy, they make someone else happy too, a win-win

That is so very true! Well looking forward to spring then!

I tried watercolour one time as an experiment and I failed miserably))
It really is not that easy to gradually add tones. Especially when you work with lots of small objects.

Watercolor takes a lot of practice and I am still learning new techniques. I like watching you tube watercolor masters. Believe it or not-I have learned a lot just watch youtube ...hahaha

You notice I had the subtle tones and shades before I do outlining and detail work...it's a trick!

Even with subtle tones, it's still quite tricky, needs lots of experience lol.
If I tried to do it, that tree would probably look like a swamp with the happy family of frogs :d

the horse looks so real to me..the colours are so natural and they have given the life to the horse..the first that caught my eyes was the horse..and it is so nice to hear about your plan regarding the day allocations..then we get the chance to enjoy your talents without missing them :) keep it up

My horse Pixie was that exact color, I am glad the color looks real, it's taken from memories that are over 40 years old now...OMG, I am so old....hahaha

I produced the best when I am organized, a lot of artist are not this way....lololololollol

Oh my gosh, the WIP is stunning! A friend of mine said a horse is probably the hardest thing to draw and get right. I can see the muscles and beautiful coat. And the detail of the apple tree is STUNNING.

WIP it good....hahaha, yeah @merej99, I have been drawing horses for over 50 years now, I can draw one with my eyes shut. I haven't painted many horses though, still learning! That apple tree is going to kick ass...nice to see you sistar<3

The journey is long but the finish is great that's what i have in mind,
And actually what inspired you to do this drawing ?
Because behind every drawing there is a bigger meaning,
At least i thing so.

I had a horrible childhood, I was sexually and physically abused by my stepfather and neglected by my mother. I found friendship with the animals I lived with and nature. They gave me insight into what is good in this world. That is what I choose to remember, what is good...

This painting is a good memory from my childhood @steemitwarrior

It's so sad that you had to go through that, that's just horrible.
It's really great that you found happiness in nature.

I wonder if there are real personality differences between artists that find details soothing or that work more free-form without the layering and fine details. I can't imagine working on every one of those apples, but I'm not an artist in either category, lol. Your color choices in the grass, especially, seem so great. I'm always surprised how much yellow I see in grass when I'm flying out of Oregon's Willamette Valley. Will you be doing any more with the sky?

In general there are personalities that find detail soothing, look at coders, their life is all about detail...I am like a coder that writes our their code manually...hahaha The yellow will disapear and be replaced with greens and straw yellow. When I mix colors on paper I start with the lightest, yellow and blue make green. So the grass starts out yellow and I had different shades of blue for testure and definition.

I am leaving the sky alone, I am tempted to add clouds but that would make everything too busy with all the other details.

This is an awesome photography. Its really amazing photo and also creative art. I really impressed your photography art. @reddust Thanks for share

I took the pictures with my ipad camera....hahaha

Thank you @moniristi

Very nice. Your style somehow reminds me of the old medieval enlightened manuscripts that monks in Europe used to create.

My style for this painting is, oh what do you call it, FOLK ART....that's it...I am painting very simplistic but with lots of detail. Thank you @bahamutzero

You're welcome! I tried painting like this many years ago and was not very successful. To the passer by, it looks easy but on closer inspection, the blending and colour representation is actually very real.

Color is my favorite thing about painting. I love taking primary colors and finding subtle shades and tones....thank you....

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