Artusiasm Show! Back to Reality Theme.

in #art6 years ago

RSVP - Frogmentation.jpg

I'm in a show! First one in quite a while. It's a group show with the theme 'back to reality', focusing on nature, landscapes, animals, and unadulterated life.

I don't have too many pieces in my collection that aren't cheeky or otherwise representative of altered reality. Or at least of satirical reality. I have this piece here called Frogmentation. And I have three others in the show. The opening is on Friday, but the show is on for a couple weeks.

Here's a facebook event page one of the other artists made for the event:

It's a group show, so I think there might be as many as 30 of us. The amazing thing about Artusiasm group shows, or at least, one thing that strikes me in a wonderful way - is that it's without question, the most multicultural gallery that I've ever been involved with. It also seems to be denser by quality.

There are other galleries in the city that do big group shows, but end up with a real mix of quality rather than culture. Some really amazing artwork, and some... not as great. And not really that much effort seems to go into curating.

I have never not been impressed with Artusiasm's hard work and professionalism when it comes to curation. And they do it all with warm hearts and smiles on their faces. This is a place where people really respect art, and take it seriously, but they don't take themselves too seriously, which is really the best compliment I know I personally would hope for.

As a bonus, I've never heard anyone complain about damaged work here. Unlike a few other places I've shown.

I'm really looking forward to the opening on Friday.

[email protected] for purchase inquiries and commissions.
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That a beautiful piece, I sent u a message on facebook hope to pick it up this week, keep up the good work have been really busy so have not been visiting your blog for a while hope the show goes great for you

Thank you so much! And yes, I have been very busy too. I'll check my messages soon as I get home from work tonight. :) :)

Photo Challange Bloms & Blossom of 8th-13th July. Participants’ Between (55)-(70) Reputation 1st Prize 5 SBD

In Spring, New Blooms and Blossoms start to appear

However, when shot in Black and White, you start to see the textures in the petals and it's this feature what this challenge is all about.

VOTING Counted after 1 Hour Post.
Partipiants Must be Between (55) to (70) Reputations

So, strictly Black and White and get in close to reveal the textural beauty of Spring!

Click Here to Participate

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

First off, I love that the name is 'Frogmentation'. I really like the contrasting light and dark here. This could've so easily been just a stained-glass stylizing, but something about the color and shape choice keeps it very interesting.

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