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RE: Trying to Grow Past Hating Change

in #art7 years ago

Generally speaking, change doesn't bother me (it was a constant when I was a child) but every once in a while a change in routine with bother me A LOT!

I love the art you created to help with this particular challenge <3


There were a few big changes when I was a kid—my dad getting sick and then dying, and moving from Cali to Oregon—but mostly we had regular, predictable routines for much of my childhood. I am absolutely a creature of habit—I eat the same kinds of foods all the time, I walk the same way back from the bus stop to my apartment, I listen to the same upbeat playlist when washing the dishes, and so on—and having any of these routines disrupted will upset me for at least the rest of the day.

That said, I have some flexibility in activities at home. Most of my time is spent reading or writing, but sometimes I knit or draw instead. I got the idea for this piece last summer, but didn't sit down and create it for months! I do rather like it—maybe I'll put it on the wall! :)

The disruptions that really throw me through a loop are the ones that happen in the morning. I am not a morning person by nature but I can get through them with a routine.

I'm the oldest of 6 kids and we moved a lot, so it was always a new member of the family, new home, different economic situation, etc. etc.

Once we moved to Oregon, we were pretty poor, and ended up moving every year for a couple of years, but I guess that didn't occur to me as a big change. I wonder how I can tolerate moving every few years... Huh, I'll have to think more about that.

Ours were always pretty big moves that at least involved a school change. I think it gets to be so ingraned we view it as normal, because it is to us. But it is disruptive.

I only ever had the one school change, luckily—it would have been really hard on me to do more than once!

I had 3 elementary schools, was homeschooled for a couple years, and then was in the same district for middle & high school :).

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