Art: Vote Squid (Badge Version)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Art: Vote Squid (Badge Version)


Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no man look up at the sky with hope! And let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake... the Kraken!

jk, awesome artwork

That was a funny poem, did you get that from somewhere or did you write it yourself? Thank you for your kind support!

Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Each year thousands of vote squids go un voted only you can help save vote squid please vote for vote squid today!

OKC = funny f word. Sorry was I not aloud to refference a bad word? I think we are adults here. Steemit will always be here when you have the time homie! good luck with everything!

I'm not trying to censor you, who's trying to censor you? This is Steemit so you can literally get away with anything!

Take care guy!!!

hahaha it was just a joke, i didn't want to type the word fuck. well shit, i mean crap. smh. lol

I save those words up for when I'm driving in psycho traffic... things like that!

Yes you can haz mai upvote...

Every good! I thanx yuo for finest qvality uppest vote EVAR!

So funny, I might have to hit you up and make a animated banner :)

:( that made me sad and feel bad for him or her lol Hope the moving is going well!

Me too!! His characters have such wonderfully emotional faces.

That squid is pretty manipulative ha ha. We didn't know for sure we'd get the place until Friday afternoon, so it's been a frantic move. Should be set up to work in the new office by late wednesday!

Haha that's awesome. I want that picture to spam to everyone that spams my posts with comments :/

Please feel free to use it anywheres. As you know, just right click the image and you can get the image location and paste it.

Steemit addiction? ;) Vote squid is so, so sad! It is more like beggar squid.

I know, that's kind of messed up of me.

Maybe vote squid's special attack is his sad face? Like when I feed my dog, he acts sad afterwards in order to gain sympathy/more food. What a rascal!

you're the banana king!!

have you watched Charlie the unicorn videos?, or am i wasting my time quoting their phrases?D:
did you say goodbye to the horses? did you turn off the oven?

I remember that unicorn guy, but not very well. I do not think that the horses will understand that I'm leaving. I consider my visit with them on Saturday to be my final goodbye.

I was planning to leave the oven on!

hahahaha I didn't expect that answer about the oven xDDD however, I hope everything goes well with the moving and don't forget anything important like your deodorant or something :P

I'm going to place deodorant in the oven before I leave the house.

That sounds explody o.o

You're amazing ❤

Thank you @wandrnrose7, we should catch up sometime!

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