Watercolor illustrations made by my great-grandfather

in #art6 years ago


As you already know, my great-grandfather was a man of many trades.

Throughout his childhood, he was particularly fond of classical literature and had read hundreds of books by the likes of Victor Hugo (Les Misérables), Emile Zola (Nana), Alexandre Dumas (The man in the Iron Mask), Jules Verne (Around the world in 80 Days) and so on...

When he reached retirement age, while devoting much of his time to the art of painting, he had the idea to illustrate a book he adored and had read at least a hundred times: "The Three Tales" (Les Trois Contes) by Gustave Flaubert.

The small book found in my mom's collection

Les Trois Contes - The Three Tales

Georges Sand (a famous French writer) had said to Flaubert: "You bring more sadness to the people who read you."
Was this the phrase, which my great-grandfather knew, that made him give a more joyful note to these "Three Tales"? It's quite probable.

Here are some of the illustrations I found inside the book:

A simple heart

This is the story of a poor, devoted country girl. She loves the people she works for, but also an old man she cares for, a nephew and her parrot.

The maid washing

The servant arriving at the house with a parrot


This illustration represents the part of the story where the boat returns to the port and the sailors throw fish into baskets which women carried on their heads.


Loulou the parrot was green with pink wing tips. He liked to tear off his feathers, and repeat many words which he learnt from his mistress.


This book took Gustave Flaubert nearly 30 years to write - he died only 3 years after its publication in 1877.

The Legend of St Julien l'Hospitalier

This story takes place in medieval times. Julien had a passion for hunting. During one of his outings, a deer tells him that one day he will kill his father and his mother. He tries, in vain, to flee this prediction. Realizing his crime he becomes a beggar and lives the rest of his life in poverty.


A castle in the middle of the woods with four towers and pointed roofs

St Julien l'Hospitalier in an army of adventurers

St Julien l'Hospitalier begging


This is the story of Herod Antipas who, in ancient times, wanted to marry one of his nieces but Laocanann is opposed to this incestuous relationship.

The watercolor seen here is an illustration of the Great feast of the Chiefs.

If you look closely, you will notice a Roman regurgitating his meal and another being served wine by a slave.

Funny little detail difficult to notice: on the jug is written the word Montagny, a village not far from my great-grandfather's, famous for its wine (but has nothing to do with the story of Herodias ... a priori! )

A slave

Head of Laocanann served on a plate

These paintings, have all been meticulously executed within the very few white spaces left in the book.

His attention to detail helps us immerse into the atmosphere of the story and bring life to its numerous characters.
The use of bright colors provide a touch of cheerfulness to these three tales which earned Flaubert a shower of praise upon its release.

I hope you enjoyed today's illustrations and a brief overview of one of Gustave Flaubert's masterpiece.


All paintings were made by my great-grandfather, Robert -
seen here with my aunt and mom.

noir 1959.jpg

Don't hesitate to leave comments, ask questions, and share your ideas - I love to hear from all of you.

To view some of my previous posts, click on the links below:

The Hundred year old Egg

The treasures left behind by my great-grandfather #8

Borneo - portrait photography

The treasures left behind by my great-grandfather #7

“Learning is not a race for information, it is a walk of discovery” - Jane Healy

osm0sis sndbox.gif


Totally stunning fabulous amazing talents!!! (All these words are not enough to express my compliment!)
You must be very very proud of him! I mean, what a legend!

I am very proud to be sharing some of these with you that's for sure. And your compliments make it all worthwhile. Thank you dear :)

Oh my God what beautiful paintings/designs once again!
And I love the pictures/books !!!!
Zola (J'adore Nana!!!), Hugo, Verne, Dumas, Sand and Flaubert... mon Dieu... I keep forgetting what an awesome country France is... besides the wine, the cheese, the sceneries and - let's face it- PARIS .... the artists and the writers .... wow.... All of them favorites...
I love love LOVE this post !!! Take all my money :D <3

aaAAAaAAAAAhahaha! Thank you Loop. Your enthusiasm is well appreciated 😊
A quand notre meetup a Paris?

eeeh mais dis-moi toi!!!
:D :D

Oui.. faut que je m'organise et je te dis

Ce livre est vraiment mis en valeur par les illustrations.
J'imagine ton arrière grand-père dessinant et peignant avec délicatesse ces miniatures et je réalise qu'il avait vraiment du talent. Merci de l'honorer de la sorte.

Merci a toi de me les faire découvrir et de ce fait, permettre a tous ceux ici de les voir.
J'espère qu'on en trouvera d'autres...

Beautiful post, beautiful illustrations, what more does Steemit need :)

Thank you for sharing this with us!

Steemit needs a LOT more! Everyone should go dig in their attics and find/share some of their ancestor's treasures. I love this kind of stuff!
Thank you :)

I have only skeletons and spiders to share :(

Skeletons in your closet? Do tell...
Don't share the spiders though.
Keep those locked away please.
And seal the door shut.

Again, you are so lucky to have this connection to your ancestors and all the authors and books you listed, it's like you were just looking at my own bookshelf and listing the contents, even George Sand who was one of the female authors I read and re-read to death when I was a teen, like Virginia Woolf and Isak Dineson and Edith Wharton et al.
I love illustrations and the colours are so wonderful and full of joy!

Thank you for coming by @donnadavisart. Happy to see you are a big fan of the classics as well.
His paintings sure were packed with colours that's for sure!

Oh, how I love this! Were some pages left blank in the books? Almost as if they were made for your grandpapa's paintings.

PS. Your formatting is SO on point! xx

Yes, there were a few white pages here and there... not many left now though!
Thanks for noticing the formatting. That s*** is my nemesis!!

Il avait de belles inspirations ton arrière-grand-père, cela me fait me rappeler un livre de dessins que j'ai quelque part et qui doit dater des années 1900, il faut que je le retrouve, je ne connaissais pas ces trois contes de Flaubert, on en apprend tous les jours un peu plus en lisant les blogs c'est super @osmosis

Merci beaucoup Marie, ca me fait très plaisir.
Si tu retrouve ce fameux livre, j'adorerais voir les dessins :)

Je vais faire des fouilles ^^ Excellente journée @osmosis

Thank you for sharing this! When I was little, I especially loved books with illustrations, they helped me to imagine the characters, to see the fairy world. At first I read the text, and then looked at the picture in detail, so I liked the illustrations with a lot of details. When I look at your photos, I think I would love this book!!!

Thank you for your thoughtful comment @naditinkoff. He really did make the stories in this book much more interesting to read. And I must agree with you, illustrations do help in creating an image of the characters - young or old.

That sounds like a beautiful way to live! I haven't read your other posts about your great grandfather but from this one I can tell he lived a very good life. Just imagine being so passionate about your art and the things that you like, that you decide to make it better just for you, just to exalt the pieces ❤

So true @purplevision. It has been a real privilege to share them with all of you.
Thank you for stopping by :)

Wow! The paintings are beautiful 😍
Your grandfather was really amazing!

Thank you @vaelriey :)

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