Pink Blush

in #art7 years ago (edited)

pink blushthumb.jpg


It is peony season and I have a real crush on these pink blooms, I just can't get enough them! Who can resist their delicate ruffles and gorgeous pink shades?

June photos13.jpg

One of the Greek myths about the peony is that it was named after Paeon.

The peony is named after Paeon (also spelled Paean), a student of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine and healing. When Asclepius became jealous of his pupil, Zeus saved Paeon from the wrath of Asclepius by turning him into the peony flower
Source wikipedia

June photos14.jpg

For this drawing I used watercolours and black drawing ink. I applied the drawing ink using a dip pen. I used soft blues for the background colour, and light greens and blush pinks for the leaves.

June photos15.jpg

'Pink Blush' 2017

pink blushsml.jpg

Watercolours and drawing ink on paper.

If you liked this peony painting then you may like my post Pretty in pink.

Peonies are such a full flower, floppy with complex ruffling folds and deep channels. The deep colors between the petals are so mysterious, because the petals are mostly uniformly colored. If you pull one petal out, all that deep color disappears from that petal. So the light reflecting within those deep parts of the flower is captivating. It's got to be such a challenge to paint something that 3-dimensional, with so much contingent on the light.

I build up thin layers of colour, and the flow and curve of the brush strokes is important- plus the shape of the brush! I prefer peonies to roses, but I do find them more challenging to paint because of the quantity of petals.

I think I have to spend time getting to know the form and then interpret that into the flow of the lines and paint, if I tried to do an exact copy of the flower I think the energy would be lost and the final piece would look flat.

I like how you express your goals -- to interpret the form into the flow of the lines. You do that so well!

you have a crush on them blossoms?
that makes us two!
I love them - aphids, ants and all on them peonies!

Beautiful drawing flowers

You always surprise us @opheliafu, resteemed :)

Another fantastic interpretation. I like that you left the green foliage subdued with a tint of green to give emphasis to the bloom, while still providing contrast.

I wanted to create a stylised piece, I'm happy you noticed those details. 😃

That's what makes it special

Those are pretty too! I think you like flowers a lot :)
------ @cmgsteems I am an 8 year-old kid on Steemit! :)

You guessed right. I love flowers! 🌼❤🌼❤🌼

I am loving the pink.

Your flower series keep inspiring me..... I intend to do a flower series very soon too

P. S. Your different gradiation of green and pink are so cool

Thanks, it's a softer palette than i normally use, but i wanted it to be delicate colour against the black in.

Noted... This would be useful when I practice my own series....

Your art is beautiful! We will follow you! :)
Do you mainly draw flowers or do you like to draw other things as well?

I draw lots of different things, people, buildings, landscapes. I don't draw horses.

Hehe, not horses 😉.
Look forward to see your art! ☺️

followed you and upvoted you friend.Hope you like my article on art category too.

Thank you for the upvote and follow!


I used to have a pair of those glasses!!

OMG really?? I´m ur fan !!

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