This Title Doesn't Say Anything About The Hardfork Tomorrow and That's Because I Saw Too Many Titles Mentioning the Hardfork Tomorrow

in #art5 years ago

Even this opening line along with the rest of the post isn't about the hardfork tomorrow.

This post is about...

NoNamesLeftToUse - Reginald.png

As you can see,

Reginald came prepared.

Tomorrow is a big day for Reginald. As his god or, creator, I must say, I'm quite proud of him.

He even wore that snazzy sweater his mother bought for him back in the 90's!

She's been hounding his ass about that sweater for nearly two decades and finally I don't have to listen to that shit anymore.

What's the occasion?

You ask...

Oh, nothing too special. Unless you're of the species and partake in the traditions of those like Reginald!

Tomorrow, Reginald will get to experience his first day as an adult. First he'll eat a big meal, then the elders start doing that chant thing that sounds demented but still has a purpose in this day and age for some strange reason. Then they take the fork he used to finish his final meal as an immature little brat...

Jam it up his ass and call him a man!

I can't wait to see the big show!

I love this time of year!

Have a nice day!

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Yup. A short post."
"Reginald took all day to create and I have no idea what tomorrow will bring."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


I dunno, these would do as a fork no bother!

Those are for opening cans over at the can opening factory. It's the only job left for a highschool dropout like Reginald that hasn't been taken over by bots.

Since you like those teeth so much, enjoy this behind the scenes making of Reginald stuff:

That's the actual, official, Reginald tooth layer.

Splendid. They are in good shape for his line of work. I got a chip after my first tooth-opened bottle - knew I should have bought cans instead.

I use a lighter to open bottles. I got a chip from a boot to the face though....

Have we met Reginald before? Or maybe he’s just new to me. I hope he enjoys his big day 😳

Posted using Partiko iOS

Nobody in this dimension has seen Reginald before today.

Glad to see you back, or maybe because I was away, it's good that I'm back...

Which dimension are you referring to? The Earth overlaps with multiple dimensions.

I needed that week off. In this dimension, I was getting tired.

I'm referring to my current dimension. I'm sure that will all change once I wake up again, at some point, after sleeping.

Two teeth and a fork jammed up your ass can be a rude awakening for manhood. Vaseline probably wouldn't make it much better.

It's tradition to use a dry one. I don't know who made these rules...

I obviously do not read enough about what is going on in the crypto and steemit world - let me shock everybody by saying I know nothing about this whole hardfork - just not interesting enough to keep my attention - I know I know maybe not a good thing but at least I admit it - I am sure there are many more....Ignorance is bliss

Things are changing here all the time. There's also a metric shit-ton of misinformation out there which for some strange reason spreads faster than the facts and ideas coming from actual sources. That happens a lot as well. A hardfork is an update to the software, basically. A few changes. Most of it will go unnoticed in time and simply be part of the background noise, like everything else, eventually. There might be some drama and a few bugs coming up in a few hours. That will all get sorted out eventually as well.

Thanks - I think some people just love moaning and creating drama

Hardfork? What hardfork? This post is about Reginald.

Reginald's fork is very hard, if you know what I mean.

Posted using Partiko Android

I do know what you mean, and that's a good sign, because they can't perform the ritual safely without a good hard fork.

Fork safely, Reginald!

Posted using Partiko Android

your title ^^

but I get it, you dont give a fuck ;)

Jan ape.gif

I care enough to help provide this platform with stuff people might enjoy. These folks will need something to vote for, if they want to make money.

Good guy. Thanks for your service.

If you might spare a few of your upcoming free downvotes fighting abuse and also get paid for it consider joining @steemflagrewards and @flagtrail for neutralizing bully flags: @freezepeach ;)


I'll consider it but I usually use my downvotes to catch little art fraudsters and plagiarists.

perfect, just start tagging @steemflagrewards at these posts :)

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