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RE: [More Concept Art: Parents and Color Schemes!] + [Man, I Really Need to Think of a Name For This Comic]

in #art8 years ago

Your blog is very entertaining. The art is fantastic, though I must admit, I know next to nothing about the genre. I like how you break down your method and show progress, giving us an insight into your thought process. Keep your chin up and keep pushing. You're doing well here.


Thank you so much! :D

I've wanted to draw comics ever since I was in Jr. High. I had given up on it a while back, then had a sort of love-hate relationship with drawing. (Though... comics and the sort of anime art style I use, I think those are more "mediums" than they are "genres" LOL).

Anyway, I've been trying to fall in love with my art again. I feel like Steemit helps with that! I'll try not to ramble about it, but basically I feel... I hesitate to say "pressured", it's more like positive reinforcement. But I feel like I should post original stuff, and make sure it's good! If I had more time, I'd be posting better things, and more of them, but I have a few gigs to finish off before I can totally commit to it.

But if I was posting on another site, it would be almost all fanart... and I probably wouldn't describe it so much LOL!

This site is definitely something a recovering workaholic could get addicted to...! ᗒ▽ᗕ) LOL

Terminology was never my forte. Mediums, genres, types... it's all one big blur to me.

Steemit certainly brought out my drive to start being creative again. Before this I was hooked on video games in my spare time. Now, I don't have any spare time... because I'm always working on something. This does not feel like work though. More like a paid hobby. I know what you mean by pressure. I'm constantly trying to better myself with each post.

Don't be afraid to be flexible with what you're offering your following. We're allowed to be multifaceted individuals. If they learn to expect variety early enough then it won't be such a shock if you decide to change directions one day and do something else. I bounce around all over the place and people are now starting to accept it and even embrace the idea. You'll never run out of ideas if you give yourself plenty of freedom.

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