Haffanower: Forgot About the One's in the Fridge

in #art8 years ago (edited)

(~Confused? I am too. Start at episode one?)

I, @nonameslefttouse the writer himself, have been sitting here waiting for this "Haffanower" asshole for another half hour. I just don't get it. How hard is it to remember soy sauce?

"Bring soy sauce." It's not a very long list. Any idiot can figure this out. Surely it can't be too hard for the drunk meth'd out variety.

Oh shit, I forgot about the one's in the fridge! Why am I sitting here waiting for this guy, starving my chicken balls off, when what I need, I have?

Join me, will you, as we peer into my fridge...

Whoa ho ho ho! I don't remember that being in there...
I didn't even eat the mushrooms yet. This can't be happening. I need my fucking SOY SAUCE!!

Knock Knock

Who's there?

Imgur The Peace Keeper.

The peace keeper... who?

Imgur I'm here for my Peace.

Hey now buddy, I don't know who you are or what your thing is... but that isn't my thing alright? I think you have the wrong place.

Imgur Open the door!

Do you have the soy sauce?

Imgur Yes of course, we all have soy sauce, open the door.

~Will our hero, @nonameslefttouse the writer himself open the door? Will there be soy sauce at the end of the tunnel? Will the new visitor get his piece? (I hope not.)
Stay Tuned


[email protected]

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