Building the Sixth Sense - Intuition

in #art7 years ago

The more chaotic the outer world is, the more essential it becomes to develop a centered inner health and strength to return to over and over again.

Chinnamasta front sf.jpeg

This last week has been an intense one in my life with work days ending in the A.M.s. And adding to the load of life to carry I’ve found myself having strong feelings about the jarring happenings in the world right now.

After the 1st super late night I had a little tap from inside my head reminding me that the only way to thrive within this is to shake myself out of automatic mode and turn to my ever present inner peace. I’ve built this consistently and it’s there for me when I need it.

I can tap into the sweet consciousness that transcends the outer happenings around me and wow, what a difference! Not only am I happier, but I’m much more effective and efficient with my work, my humor flows, I don’t tire as easily and even if I am exhausted, I can tune inwards to replenish and focus my energy.

CHinnamasta drawing.JPG
our process begins with a drawing using very specific proportions and geometries

The Chinnamasta Yantra builds this very capacity - the intuition that reminded me as well as this well of consciousness. My example is just one of so many ways that knowing how to tune into the ever-present timeless part of ourselves is extremely helpful in nearly all aspects of everyday life. Developing this builds an inner resilience that is invaluable.

The Yantra of the Tantric Goddess Chinnamasta diminishes the stimulus of the five senses and heightens the sixth sense - intuition. When you have intuition, you have your own compass, guide and protector. She ceases the activities of the mind destroying ignorance and distraction opening higher consciousness. Along with this comes the power of will and vision.

Chinnamasta wet clay.JPG
*Next we cut it out in wet clay. It will be bisque-fired, glazed and fired once more before it's ready to be put together.

If you’re new to Yantras, a brief overview is that Yantras are a type of Mandala and are a physical diagram or transcript of a particular energy.

I like how Sarah Tomlinson, a wonderful and influential Yantra artist, describes Yantras:

“This is a visual form of meditation where the symbol itself provokes a healing response. It is a remedy, it is also a doorway into the cosmos. Whichever area of life you feel stuck, or stagnant in, or if there is a place where clarity is obscured in some way then yes… there is a Yantra to bring light to the situation.”

The powerful and rich geometries of Yantras offer beneficial uplifting, restoration, cleansing, focus, heart-opening and sweetness for anyone who is in their presence. The ancient and sacred geometry carries a resonance that can have very restorative effects on our well-being and are touchstones for wholeness.

Although Yantras come from the tradition of Tantra out of Northern India around 2000 BCE, their power and impact transcend any religious or spiritual tradition. It’s kind of like meditation - the practice is equally powerful to those who aren’t Buddhist.

I hope you enjoy this Yantra. It’s simplicity and palette make it one of my favorites. I made it in collaboration with Rob Streff over the past 2 months. It is a 10-1/8” square made of handmade ceramic mosaic. Here it has been thinnest and grouted onto tileboard and is ready for framing.

Other posts showing Yantras I've made:



As always, a beautiful piece, both the written and ceramic. In the first photo I was instantly drawn in, it has a 3D quality.

Thank you for your uplifting words. I am just getting into meditation, it's difficult for me as my mind rarely shuts up but I am sticking with it.

You are an inspiration my talented friend. Have a great day :D

Hello there @handsolo! Thanks for your kind words, so glad you like this piece. It's one that has really grown on me in a deep way in the 3 or so months we've worked on it. Meditation is such a good thing - kudos to you for taking on this practice! It will give back in spades and don't expect your mind to be quiet, that's not an indication of whether it's working or how well you're doing. It will rarely shut up on command, it's just a matter of taking our attention away from it over and over returning to our mantra or breath (or whatever method you're using). Pretty soon you notice that it temporarily quieted down. I've read in the Bagva Gita "controlling the mind is like controlling the wind", but where we put our attention makes all the difference! How are you doing? I have been just looking at my feed rather than checking my fav bloggers which means I miss so much and haven't specifically visited yours but will do it !

Hello there! I appreciate the tips. I haven't been very active on here recently; still being 'in recovery' means not much going on in my life worth writing about. I had an MRI on my shoulder the other day as it seems my elbow tendonitis has helped my rotator cuff injury to flare up again, it's an old injury. I get the results in a week. All is well though, just resting, meditating and healing. Look after you @natureofbeing :D

heal well @handsolo, so sorry you are still out of commission...I understand well the shoulder injury - ouch. Take good care of yourself!

Thank you my friend, much care is being taken :D

This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I feel inspired.

so glad to hear it !

Wow, a bunch of us are going through this right now, I am in awe, peace to you sister <3

And peace and big love to you sweet woman!

Awesome work @natureofbeing

Any chance we can see or get the technique on how the thinset and grout is applied?

thanks @streetstyle! I've never considered sharing the "setting" part since it's such readily available information, there must be 1000 youtube videos out there. However, if it's of interest I"m happy to do this. Next time I set a piece in the coming months I'll document the process to share.

Thanks and can't wait to see some more of the magic behind creating your art @natureofbeing

Hi @natureofbeing
When I came across this post, it reminded me that I wanted to get a Yantras tattoo.
Do you think I will feel the energy?
I am looking forward to it. Thanks for the reminder.

You will certainly feel the will be with you all the time! At the beginning I imagine it will be especially noticeable but you may get used to it and be less aware of it, but that doesn't mean that it's any less powerful.

Having intuation and critical thinking is precious in this world its clear our vision and gives us enough energy. When we dive right into art we find ourselves and our crearivity. Also its absolutely broaden our horizons and consciousness. Bless up @natureofbeing

What you say here is so true @mostafa1, thanks for the beautiful observation!

Have never heard of Yantra before but it sounds fascinating.

they are pretty amazing, glad you now know a little something about Yantras, thanks for your comment and support!

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. cheers!

I agree that the quiet eternal place in us is a beautiful and rich place to create from as well as to use as a touchstone for life.

thanks for your comment and support @allabout!

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