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RE: How To Draw A Nose

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Well welcome to free, autonomous, immutable time stamp of the STEEM blockchain. You no longer have to play the game the lawyers of the world rigged to have us spend our time "prosecuting" people and end up only filling their pockets with our hard work and wealth. Free at last, free at last. Free stands for freedom.

When people use the word "stolen" what does that really imply? Really what I think you are trying to imply is theft, which is a person non-consequentially takes something of tangible value away from you. When you digitize something and publishing it to the internet that is your consent, and also the act of sharing it to anyone else on the internet. When I copy your shared one's and zero's it does not take anything away from you. What do you think you are using when you digitize things? You are using creative works of others to do it. You see how very quickly the world would be if everyone thought their creative work was unique, never done before and no element containing something shared from someone else.

I'm a creative person and it took me a long time to see this sad belief in the IP system was actually designed to keep control over my creativity. The moment I realized the true value in the things I create is ME, was the moment I became free and truly loved what everyone creates. We are each special (although most avoid that fact) in our own way and contribute something to this world community.


This is a great way to word this, I never thought about it in this way. Great way to put it, Maybe I shouldn't worry as much. That is why I don't watermark my stuff.

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