The last fish - illustration

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Here it is at last; the final illustration for verbal-d's novel "They Didn't See it Beneath Them".

The Megalodon shark from the previous chapters is finally getting owned by the great mythical beast Leviathan. I have to say this was a lot of fun to draw. I don't know how many hours it took - there is total of 22 saves, each taking sometwhere between 15 mins to 2 hours. I have been making these drawings in Windows Paint which is somewhat crude environment but it works for my purposes to create this particular style of drawing.

Big thanks to @verbal-d for this collaboration, it has been an awesome project. I will go more about the whole journey in another post with compilation of all the drawings soon, but meanwhile; Here is the monster:


and as accustomed, here is an animated gif of the drawing which is always fun to look at afterwards. The work evolves somewhat during the process, it as we talk over ideas and try out different things to see what works.

I hope you guys enjoy



I will miss our discussions on mapping each illustration out bro, you did one heck of a job! Such a successful steemit collaboration I will cherish for a long time, thanks again bro, that gif is fresh and I look forward to the big compilation post!

Yeah me too, that was a great project. It's going to be so awesome see the story and writings together

Enjoyed alot reading got many things to know oh my god it's 👌👌👌👌

monster depictions that are full of terrible meanings with black and white

not only that, with the coloring effect that makes the picture becomes scary atmosphere i like it .

That animated gif is magical..

Yeah, for me it's nice but also a little weird to watch. Thank you for the resteem :)

No problem! your work is always fantastic and consistent. Sometimes I’m surprised when I watch my recorded drawings.

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