Continuous Line Drawing 2 - experiment using oil pastels - original artsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago

I wanted to experiment with my new oil pastels today.

My husband has been such a wonderful supporter of my rediscovered love of art that he came home with new art supplies knowing that I am experimenting and finding my voice/expression on paper.

Here's what I came up with

Continuous Line Drawing 2 with oil pastels by Meredith Loughran

If you saw my very first attempt at continuous line draw yesterday, I used a ball-point pen and scribbled in my sketch pad.

I tried a different approach

This time I took my time to make the swirls, loops and lines. It was fascinating to see how well the black oil pastel showed up on black construction paper.

Continuous Line Draw 2 by Meredith Loughran, art, sketch, doodling

What I did not know about oil pastels is that they are like a very soft crayon. I always had the impression that it was more like chaulk.

I didn't do any blending to begin with. I was kind of slapping down colors and filling in the picture. You can see how choppy the colors seem to be.

Then I started blending and coercing the colors on the page using my finger and a cotton swab. Here's a little bit of time-lapse

Oil Pastels are really cool!

If you watched the video you can see what I mean by "coercing" the color. Instead of the zig-zags of coloring, my finger allowed the color to literally shift, blend and swirl to my heart's desire. And with tiny chunks of the pastel, I smudged it on contrasting colors to make it look like a meteor shower or give it a sense of movement.

Smudging made for a perfect diminishing tail. It was really neat!

I hope you have enjoyed sharing my process with me.
It is truly a joy to discover new mediums to experiment with.

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The continuous line thing is really fascinating and the pastels just make it rawk!

It is a real pleasure to visit your post, always surprise with something interesting, now with this work, congratulations my great friend @ mercij99, thanks for sharing.
Greetings to your family

Thank you @jlufer. I will always try to push the envelop and do something new - or learn something new. It's all about the journey. :)

Very nice blending...;-)

It is, like me, a work in progress. LOL
I can definitely have some fun with the oil pastels now that I have a basic understanding of how it works/moves.

'rediscovered love of art' - I think you always were an artist

Perhaps. I've always manipulated words but had a 30 year hiatus from any kind of drawing and coloring. It is a joy!

It's fantastic :)

Thank you @jesuke!
I need to check out your blog and see what you've been working on.
Have you ever drawn anything from Full Metal Alchemist? It's one of my favorite animes. LOL

I LOVE oil pastels....I remember using them years ago and liked blending the colors - I did a still life with them. I wonder if I have that somewhere in the dungeon errr basement. If I do, I'll snap a pic for you. It would be an antique

Hey woman, I think we're in the category of SteemAncients. LOL I can't wait until tomorrow to play with them some more - maybe on white paper or newspaper. It was really cool to see how the light colors can sit on top of the dark ones and how I could manipulate it but rubbing it...which sounds filthy right now (ROFL) but it's getting late and I'm a little punchy. ha!

I like to refer to myself as a delicate antique. Ancient is a word for when you're dead and they find your grave and body parts and wonder what era you're from. True story :) Just don't want you to rob yourself of a few more years of fun with oil pastels. Maybe next year you can move on to grave stone rubbings, now THERE's some kind of fuuuuuuun.!

SNORT - I have a feeling you're as delicate as I am. LOL

I've done the gravestone rubbings! I was perhaps 12 years old and spent a couple of weeks with my aunt on her farm in Vermont. Funny story - it was a bright beautiful day and we were looking for the oldest tombstones to get some rubbings and suddenly this low-lying fog rolled in. She looked at me with huge eyes and was like RUUUUNNNNN!
Oh my gosh, we ran like our backside was on fire! ROFL

lol.....all I could picture was the lady running from the Ikea store yelling, START THE CAR!!! I don't know...I think Im punch tired too.
I'm so way behind you with the headstone must be precocious!
And I wondered if you needed a tissue for your SNORT ....or was that a cat hair ball? Wasn't sure.

It must have been that damned whistling booger...with a side of hair ball. I'll take the tissue. LOL

I can't reply to your booger hair ball....bc there is no room are too funny.....I'm going to bed now....and I better not have dreams of running in a graveyard.

Your always into something new and do it so well :)

OMG This is awesome!

Thank you @rigaronib. It really is a fun thing to work with. I'm already thinking of the next project.

I keep telling myself to try pastels, but I haven't made myself do it yet. Haha

good work miss @merej99. your art really amazing :)

Like always, this looks amazing!
I would buy something like your piece and hang it above my couch!
I have never worked with oil pastels or crayons for that matter but seeing you do it makes me want to buy and try that out as well.

Hubby had gotten me a starter art set with pastels, acrylics, watercolors and stuff. Curiosity got the best of me and now I think I'm hooked. I can't wait to see how they work on different types of paper now.

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