Steembug Greets the Sun - A Collaborative Art Journey with @everlove

in #art8 years ago

Look at the little creatures embrace the dawn!!

Hand made creatures! The latest collaboration with @everlove!! Tell me m'dear, tell me straight. Do you really make these as hard as you can!! It was a toughie but with the aid of some plasticine modelling clay I got there!

So I thought, what can i do. Immediately it looked like a sunset or sunrise. So I needed a landscape. Boof. Over to PicSay pro and added some green rolling hills with a medium paint brush.

To make it more grassy I added a cross hatch filter to the green.

Then I popped the sun on another layer at 80% opacity. Being cheeky I drew a couple of eyes on the sun

Then I needed something for that sparse landscape. What could we have? Some nice bugs! I had just the thing. I whipped out my daughter's plasticine and made a lady bird. I really liked the little fellow.

Meet Steembug!

I quickly copied him in and then a smaller version mirrored

Aw it's mummy Steembug and baby Steembug!

The sun wasn't bright enough so I doubled up with Pixlr Express and added it on a multiply layer at 50%

Almost done! I wanted a bit of texture to it all do added a canvas texture on a layer at a reduced opacity

And that was me. Perhaps a final bit of speech. Sometimes I can't stop.

That's my collaboration! Hope you like!


Cheers lass, it was a stumper for sure!

I'm waiting for mine to dry so I can scan it. I don't want to be late handing my homework in again ;D

Cant wait to see it, I do like the painty ones!

Well I like to dabble.

@meesterboom I envy you how can you find balance to work and make such post and even make such a chocolate looking clay creature when I saw the legs I craved chocs?

I have never joined collaboration stuff .. am so behind haha

Lol, with the frantic busyness of my work right now it's becoming quite the lunchtime challenge to squeeze some things in I tell you!!! Thank you my dear! You should give it a bash!

@meesterboom I tried once with the ballinconscious thing and then the shard glass everlove gave but I always am busy with other things I never finished :( boo hoo
one day one day

Then I await the day eagerly!! :O)

@meesterboom you'll regret saying so ahhahaha
do you know that you have been used as a tag by @immarojas on her post tonight chico? You're a tag - you're an it my friend! hahaha

No way, seriously! A tag, a meesterboom tag? This I have to see!!

Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

What is not to like. Sweeet. Ladybirds are always a favorite.

Your sense of design is spot on. Appreciate you walking Steemit through the steps. These apps are the new tools....just a lark.

All the best to you and yours. Cheers.

As ever thank you @bleujay! It's always fun to collaborate with everlove on these things and I can keep the bug for other things!!!

Yes...please do. She is darling....

A bientot

That is super neat. I have 0 talents in these areas.

@meesterboom --- Nobody really did what was asked in the contest rules you donated the Steem to kindly last week, do you want me to return it to you my friend?

No dude, you tried. Keep it for that reason alone!!!

OK man. I will not touch it for awhile, I updated the post with my thoughts y-day and then msgd you here to be accountable on the subject also.

Thanks again.

Oh @meesterboom--you never cease to amaze me. There is always a surprise flowing through you. I love it that you made those little bugs. That makes this image all that much sweeter!!!! So glad you play this game with us!

I had to make something to mix it up a tad!!

Love joining it!

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