Progress update on ''Lady in White'', photos & thoughts - original artwork by @mayasky

in #art7 years ago

Today I thought I would share a painting that for now I have chosen to call ''Lady in white''. I know, it's a pretty bad name, but truth be told, its one of those things I am really bad with. Giving names to my paintings, that is. Actually, if anyone looks at this painting and gets an association or a potential title pops into your minds, please let me know! ;)

I wrote a post about this painting a couple of months back, here's the link;

After that I had another session, but didn't much care for the way it turned out so I've left it since then..

Today I am showing it hoping for some feedback, good or bad, to get me back on the painting horse hopefully arriving at a decent end result not too far from now.

Here it is;


And here it is next to how I left it last time;

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So, here are my thoughts so far;

What I think needs clear improvment is the hands, the hair and the pond. I was thinking of putting goldfish in the pond.. Do you think it could be cool? I think so... hehe... When it comes to the hands, I need to work on the drawing and the form making them blend in more and not look so cut out. The hair I think is too bright now and has ended up looking too flat and a bit boring.

A part from that I am still doubting the background.. One thing I am considering is glazing the whole thing down, making it a bit darker to push it backwords a bit more...

Some close ups





So there you have it! :)

What do you think? Any ideas where to take it, what to change or what to let be?

Any thoughts are welcome!

Hope you're all having a wonderful and creative day! :)


@mayasky great work loved it keep on steeming

Thank you so much @jimjam1210! :D

Nice and fresh painting. Lovely face! I think background value should be darker to make the character pop out a little bit more. :)

Thank you very much for your comment and compliment @liberate! :) Background value noted! ;)

It reminds me of the amazonian tale of "Naia" who falls in love with the moon's reflection on the amazon river and falls and dies. The moon transforms her into a "victoria regia" waterlily that always blooms at night

Thank you for your inspiring comment @siloe!! That story should be painted for sure! ( It probably has already thou, don't you think?) Non the less.... Maybe the title of this painting will be ''Naia'', if not, a painting will be made in the future.. I can feel it.. :)

That is awesome! I thought about painting it back in college but never got to it. I would love to see you tackle that story. (this story deserves talent like yours :-) Naia would be a great title for this one.

Hi, I came across your post and your painting caught my eye. After reading the post and following your cues and noticing the things you wished to fix, I found myself halfway agreeing with you and halfway still wondering why the girl was there, why did she look sad? Then it hit me, white dress, maybe her wedding and she's having second thoughts. So then the question remains, why is the girl there, as she is depicted in the painting? And I thought, probably to reflect... Anyways, just sharing what your painting made me think. Thanks for sharing.

I guess I should've followed the link to the original before posting initially... still curious about expression and reflection though.

Hey @livetransmission! :) I'm glad my painting caught your eye and that you took the time to comment! :) Thank you. :) You know what, when you said it I realized that this painting is a lot about reflecting.. Interesting... I like your train of thought about it being her wedding also ... Good stuffs... Thanks again for sharing your thoughts! :)

First one was brighter and didn't bring so much sorrow after adding more dark and grey tones. This painting is strong.

I feel like i will start learning how to paint after checking few more talented artists like you lol.

Your work is beautiful! Followed and upvoted!

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