Day 2 painting a portrait - Introducing colors!

in #art7 years ago

Hello and good day to you all!

Today I finally had some time to continue on my portrait painting that I started a few days ago!


Portrait after todays session of laying in first layer of color compared to how it looked with just underpainting.
If you want to read the previous post about the first phase of underpainting, here's a link;

This portrait is turning out to be a lot of fun and I definitly think working with other mediums during the past year has helped me develpe in aspects of my oil paintings as well.

Today as last time I took a lot of photos documenting my process of how I went about things.
Here they are with some descriptions and thoughts of what was going on in my head as I was painting.


Ok, so before I start with the process photos I wanted to introduce you to, my palette!
She is not looking too fresh these days as I am the worst at letting old paint dry up and pretty much never clean her, but hey, she works!

Here you have my pre mixed skintones that I made from; Golden ochre, Ivory black, Titanium white, Paynes Grey and Brilliant red.

I mix them from dark to light and also have some additional mixes to the right of the palett for the eyes.

So let's go;


The first thing I do is ude mixture nr.9 from the top to drybrush a thin layer over more or less the whole face and neck. This I do to get a midtone value to relate my other values to and to have a foundation to build form from.


After that I go in with a thin brush and fish out some of the darker areas. I am not painting with my darkest value yet, but using the second darkest for now. This just gives me the oppertunity to go darker if needed.


Next step is adding in some half tones. For now I keep them quite flat. My models skin has a pinkish tone with cool halftones and shadows. She has a lot of urple in her skin as well as blues.
Because my underpainting was a bit too warm the colors that I put on her face at this point might seem too cold or almost like a mask, don't worry, it will get better!


I keep on adding the cooler purple in her shadow shapes and also start softening the edges of my half tones to get more of a sense of form. This stage is often reffered to as The ugly stage. It's before things click and everything just looks a bit patchy and dirty, luckily, it will pass..


At this point I have started to introduce some pinkier fleshtones to bring more color and warmth to her face. Especially in the cheeks and nose.


I now start working more with the features. I put in the lips, the eyebrows and model the form on her nose a bit more. I also continue to soften the halftones and connect them more to the form. In the process of doing this I am also introducing more light to strengthen the form. The forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks all have been painted with some of the lighter values on my palette.


I am still painting quite thinly and will keep on doing so throughout this initial layer of color. I am starting to get more a feel for how the values work together at this point and see that some shadows can be darkened. You might think that she looks very pale and that I don't have a lot of wiggle room when it comes to adding lighter values, but I still can push the light quite a bit. When I made my flesh tone mixtures I added a generous bit of color to my lighter values.


The last thing I do is add in the eyes. And I know, they do NOT look right yet, hehe. But hopefully they will soon! I could have kept going for hours more on this painting today, but the sun went down and with it my light, so hopefully I will be able to continue this one tomorrow!

What do you think of the painting so far?

I am having a lot of fun and can't wait to paint some more! :)

Hope you are all having an amazing and creative day!



Great Job. I really like your process. You paint in a way that you could almost call it done in your initial sketching phase. I have really been drawn into works that look "less finished" lately. This could definitely be called done after you tweak that eye. It probably isn't off but a fraction of a millimeter. I'm looking forward to seeing this progress.

Thank you so much for your compliments and comment @art-mess! :) I've been drawn to that type of paintings as well lately and thought I would try to leave my painting before I add on too much polish and backgrounds. First priority is tackeling that eye though, thanks again, appreciate it! :)

You are such master in portrait work, can't explain in correct words how much i enjoy in all stages of your work. Under painting is that much beautiful that it can be left like that and everything will be ok :) Thank you for sharing process with us, one day when I get back to oil painting this will be my top tutorial @mayasky.

Aww, thank you so much @jungwatercolor! :) Your comments always makes me so happy! And I will be so honored and glad if you will use my tutorials as guides when you get back into oil paintings! <3

I was just telling to my boyfriend today about this tutorial of yours :) I find it great since i think i never had proper classes and haven't been explained in basic oil under painting...when I do it it's chaotic and it takes lot of time later to finish it, just because of bad under painting process. SO, thank you again @mayasky :)

Amazing!!! :)

Thank you so much! :D

Trust me, this is awesome . lovely painting

Thank you so much @mjphotograph! :D

I love watching the different stages :)

Thank you @tygertyger! I love watching the different stages of other people's work as well! :)

I'm really liking this painting already and i can't wait to see where you take it next. Happy painting @mayasky!

Thank you very much @adamfryda-art! :)

Very interesting portrait, well done.

Thank you so much @kathleenscarboro! :)

Really good! Helps a lot! I will try to improve my oil technique this spring :D

Wow, this is so good... :) loving every bit of it and waiting for more!

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