Vagabonds - interactive Paintings S2 - Semi-Final 1: Eloise vs. Monica

in #art6 years ago

The Vagabonds is an interactive game, here on steemit, based on my original paintings. In the first phase, I presented 8 unique characters, and in that phase you determined each character's unique Name, their positive as well as their negative trait and their unique weapon/artifact/superpower.

Now, in this second phase, we're pitching these 8 fictional Vagabonds in fictional one-on-one contests/games/battles, ... also chosen by you! The dices randomly choose a new game for every match - the suggestions that were made were great, so thanks for that! The outcome of every fictional contest is also interactive: I present the characters and the contest, and you can comment on how you see this particular contest turn out, and who wins in your scenario. A winner will be chosen and will move on, and as we are already playing the first Semi-Final, today's winner will be our first finalist, competing to become the Grand Vagabond Winner!

But before we move on to the first Semi-Final, the last Quarter-Final must be resolved!

It was Caern, the Formidable but Lazy Octogenarian with his Dagger of Truth:

versus Droopy, the Unstoppable but Apologetic Vampire with the Gauntlets of Fractured Eons:

In a do or die race to reach the last place on the last rescue boat of the Titanic!

  • Three absolutely titanic entries were made, by @fraenk, @edward.maesen and @junsusukhairi. I'm sorry, @sudong, I'm really looking for some creative, inspired stories on how these matches are played, the characters using their weapons, the location, ... It doesn't have to be long, but it at least has to be built up around the information you're getting. Anyhoo, it is what it is.

  • In @fraenk's story, Lazy Caern, after consulting his Dagger of Truth realized he would not make it to the lifeboats - so he advised his fellow Vagabond Droopy how and where to take the last life-saving place. This eventually resulted in Droopy's starting of global warming.

  • @edward.maesen's story is a true homage (that's French by the way) to the brilliant TV-series Twin Peaks, rife with dwarfs in red suits, mirrors, complete with garmonbozia. In it Caern travels trough time, space and dreams and wakes up with the Torch of Bragging Rights, an artifact, stolen by @steemkitten, that somehow has come to lead it's own life in this very misty world!

  • @junsusukhairi's entry is an epic and crazy battle, mostly between Caern and Droopy but with special guest-appearances by Monica and Pattimura. The fight goes on and on and is eventually won by Droopy.

  • So, who wins? The previous Quarter-Final had dimensional glitches, Mandela-effects, crazy plot-twists, and even though I'm all for it, we may need to cut down a bit on the chaos. So who wins? Well, you all do again! @fraenk's entry wins: Droopy advances as the last Vagabond to the Semi's. But Caern forgot to pass on his Torch of Bragging Rights (as per @edward.maesen's story), so unless some epic twist is concocted in the Semi's (or Final), the Torch of Bragging Rights still sits in the wreck of the Titanic, 2.4 miles, 3.75 kilometers, 12600 feet deep in the Northern Atlantic. Thanks for that titanicfacts-site, @fraenk! And oh, per @junsusukhairi's story, Monica was blinded by his

poisonous spit spray into [her] eyes!

That may be an important disadvantage for Monica because here are the entrants to the first Semi-Final:

Eloise the Everlasting but Vain Vampire-Hunter, whose Beauty leaves Guys Mesmerized:

Versus Monica, the Neighbourly but Predictive Duchess with her Magical Sceptre of the Dunes who also has been Blinded by Poisonous Spit Spray to her Eyes:

In a Match to see who can Swallow the most Swords! Thanks @edward.maesen for this suggestion!

So picture this: Everlasting but Vain Vampire Hunter Eloise and Neighbourly but Predictive Duchess Monica have to fight out who's the best as Swallowing the most Swords. Monica has a magical Sceptre, Eloise's beauty can mesmerize guys - yeah, that worked on Zilong, but will it work on Monica, whose been blinded by poisonous spit?! How will this go, how will this end? Who has the better weapon in this match? Who has the advantage, who the disadvantage? Anything is possible! And has that Torch of Bragging Rights been found already?!

Make a comment on how this contest would/could be victorious for one and a terrible defeat for the other. Try to take in account all aspects of the characters - positive and negative traits, and their superpowers. It may be short, it may be extensive, but it should be original.

One entry will win - and it will very likely be the awesomest, best written, clever story. I'm not sure, in case of a tie, number of votes may matter, or the dice will do their thing. But this is where you can shine! The winning Vagabond will be the first to advance to the Final where she will meet another Vagabond in a Final challenge.

Second Semi-Final coming up in roundabout 48 hours, have fun!


For tonight's story I will continue the story of yesterday's edition between @Dropy VS @caern. This is the connection. @Droppy Swordsman finally met with @monica and @pattimura, there was a fight between swordsman two on one. Finally, the two swordsman lost and became blind, they were only paralyzed by the swordsman @ Droopy just by using his poisonous spit spray into their eyes. Two days have passed from the tragic battle between @Droopy VS @Monica and @Pattimura. These two losing and blind warriors, the Swordsman @Monica and the swordsman @pattimura, fell from the Titanic and were swept away by the coldness of the North Pole. Finally, the figure of @monica warrior who almost lost his life and out of breath was found on the seashore of Chinese island by a physician named @ zilong. Who does not know the name @ zilong, who is not only famous as a drug demon, but also as an extraordinary magic in the mainland of China island. He painstakingly and trained to treat the figure of @monica who had been unconscious for 1 Sunday at home treatment. When the @monica girl awoke herself, Besides this shock, surprise and joy, again came doubt and disbelief. Moreover, the physician @zilong who know very well that has never had a blind patient who was badly injured.
"Young girl, can the physician @zilong know your honorable name?".
My name is @monica debgan whose voice is still shaking. "
"Hemm, like never heard of this name ......... .."
"Of course not, what does it mean the name of a patient ill blind?" @zilong physician smile innocently.
@zilong doctors proved his versatility about the science of medicine so @monica healed completely but his eyes Still blind.
"Doctor @ zilong, if you do not mind can a blind person become your disciple ?. Why do you want to take me on @monica? Explain to me that I can think about it? "
"I want to help my family on a Titanic ship that is hosted by the pirate chief @eloise".
"Well, I will make a blind student like you to be the greatest warrior in the world, take this magic wand for the substitute of your blind eyes"
Two months have passed and finally @monica has managed to master all the stances given by the @zilong physician with his new magic wand. Now it's time to say good-bye to the teacher of the @zilong physician to return to the Titanic at the north pole to help his family being held captive by the pirate leader @eloise. Her journey begins. Upon arriving @monica on board the Titanic, he was greeted by the pirate's men. He was intercepted and there was a great fight there. With his magic wand, @monica succeeds in crushing all the pirate's men without remaining until his energy is drained away. Now he has to face one-on-one with the strongest and most powerful pirate leader, who is @eloise the Everlasting but Vain Vampire-Hunter, whose Beauty leaves Guys Mesmerized. Fierce battle begins, attack after attack chairman @Everlasting but Vain Vampire-Hunter, whose Beauty leaves Guys Mesmerized makes him very overwhelmed. Finally @Monica, the Neighbourly but Predictive Duchess with her Magical Scramble of the Dunes who has been Blinded by Poisonous Spit Spray to her Eyes takes out his magical stance using his magic wand that is the magic light of doomed death towards @eloise, finally the body @eloise freezes slowly and become a statue. What a triumphant @monica can not be expected, a blind man overcoming a mighty pirate. He @monica immediately ran with his magic wand heading into a prison room and freed his entire family. He is very happy because he managed to beat @eloise and save the family in his love. Finally he can reunite with his family on a Titanic ship.

To be honest, I had to read this a couple of times as well :D

Google-translate still has much to learn, bus as I'm reading, I'm seeing a story, even a backstory, plot, intrigue and very probably a lot of hard work put into it. And you were really close to get this in in time! I was already writing my conclusion to this match!

The winner's decided right here, you heard it first! Who's currently carrying the torch of bragging rights? It should be right here! :)


I'm late to follow this game should this story I have sent 5 hours ago but I was exposed to the bandwidth for 5 hours, and forgive me also mr @marty-art for the difficult language in this story that is difficult to understand by you.

Hey, no need for the apologies - I know the translation makes it difficult and weird, but it isn't an issue! I realize what effort you put into this! And congrats, with your effort, you won the bragging rights to the story this time!

I don't understand why you have bandwith-issues though.

Two or three weeks ago I read a post explaining the steemit bandwidth functionality, but unfortunately I don't remember exactly what it recommended to prevent running into these kind of issues. I think it had something to do with voting power in relation to the number of comments and posts you make. If I can find it again I will post a reference later.

EDIT: I couldn't find the exact post I had read before, but these ones address the issue also:

Kudos to you man! Nice to see you're adding some spice to the stew now ;)

terima kasih! Well done!

Titanically magically epic!

You deserve to be handed the torch of bragging rights, but one of the vagabonds has it in her possession currently...

Ok... we're in the semifinals already. I will not intend to compete with @edward.maesen's factually accurate account of the match... but I'll want to expand on the story from another perspective.

My story starts in the past, just after the QF1 match had concluded:

The lights in the Arena turned off. A frantic fencing-match involving more tricks and weapons than any one person could ever think of alone had concluded.

Shelly still sat there, in the dark, deeply focused on scribbling nonsensical ingredient after ingredient in wonderful Heavy Metal Logo Style. It was hard to keep up barely seeing anything, but she was determined to get the complete secret recipe of...

Eloise was still here, too. She had, at her own will, turned herself into a spam-bot to deliver the infinite flood of sometimes seemingly meaningful but mostly just confusing messages that captured Shelly and which lead to her victory in this most glorious of fencing battles Niflheim had ever witnessed.

But you could say Eloise didn't fully think this through...

Her spam-bot-embodiment was solar-powered and had very limited battery backup. The arena was dark and silent. All you could here was the scratchy noise of Shelly taking hectic notes in impressive calligraphy.


A red led started flashing in the dark. Eloise's battery was about to die. The flood of messages abruptly ended mid sentence.

Shelly shook her head... she looked at her notebook... nothing made any sense after all! She smiled, grabbed Monica's Eloise's spiral stitched bullet bra and made an appointment with her tailor to get a new corset that would disguise her idiopathic scoliosis.

Maybe she still had a chance to emerge as the final victorious Vagabond, nobody would notice...

If I'm reading this right (and I should be, after three times), I think I get what you're getting at. Which is really taking things (which you already brought to the next level), to the nexter level. Maybe you can take it to the nextest level in the finals? :D

But then I presume it should be:

She smiled, grabbed Monica's Eloise's spiral stitched bullet bra.


There's still room for a nextestest level... I guess there always is :P

And you... you got that right... my bad, it gets confusing at times, luckily you fixed it!

Yeah, that's why I had to read it a couple of times, but no worries, it sure is confusing!

Too bad it's Monica through to the final and not Eloise Shelly [shush!].

Vampire Hunter vs Vampire also isn't making it to the final, which was an option I'd have liked to see. But it's the Vagabonds, so bring on that nextesxtxttest level! :D

Game or no game, a Vampire Hunter is always on the lookout! (as soon will be revealed...)

Ah nice to pick up the parallel story line! :)

more depth for more confusion :D

Yeah... nice... just now that I've won, the bragging rights happen to be on the bottom of the ocean... thanks @edward.maesen... well played sir!

Gosh... how can we possibly ever fix this conundrum?!

Despair not. The gods willing, the torch will end up in the hands of its rightful owner.

Yes, it can be a cruel game, but I'm giving every opportunity and leeway to fix it...

Hey, wait, that smells a bit like life!

Hold your horses! Whoever said the Torch of Bragging Rights is at the bottom of the ocean?
It will soon be revealed where it is...

heh... awesome comeback!


Good luck Eloise and Monica :)

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