Cryptopaintings: an experimental and interactive game, April 11, day 2

in #art6 years ago

Day 2 of the experimental and interactive game, in which I'm trying to compare some of my paintings to cryptocoins, and in which you can manipulate their value, by upvoting or commenting. You can find the introduction here.

I admit, it was a very confusing start! Thanks to everybody who commented and made suggestions! If it stays as confusing, I'm shelving this experiment, but for now let's see what happened.

1. DRP, 40x60cm, starting value $ 500:

First of all, the cryptocoin DRP was linked to, went up by 1.75%. That put DRP at $ 508.75.
A random trigger went off, making Hungary accept DRP, which made its value come down by 16.5%, putting it at $ 424.81.
Another random trigger went off, bringing All paintings down by 4.46%, thus

stabilizing DRP at $ 405.87

2. ILS, 30x40cm, starting value $ 250:

The cryptocoin ILS was linked to went up by 3.28%, which put ILS at $ 258.2
ILS got upvotes and mentions by @edward.maesen and @okkiedot, which brought the price down, but most of all @okkiedot's proposal to hang ILS in his living room, brought the price down by 33%, bringing it to $ 172.93.
The random trigger, bringing All paintings down by 4.46%, finally brought

ILS to stabilize at $ 165.22

@okkiedot, if you want ILS at this price, mail me at [email protected], ok?

3. NIFLHEIM, 24x30cm, starting value $ 195:

The cryptocoin linked to NIFLHEIM actually went up by 11.11% (I kid you guys not, here's the (blurred) screenshot):

bringing the price to $ 216.66

@fraenk, @edward.maesen and @roelvi brought it down a notch, and the Random Trigger, stating that Mongolia now accepts NIFLHEIM brought it down by another 1.48% to $ 213.36
The final Random Trigger bringing all paintings down by 4.46% made

NIFLHEIM stabilize at $ 203.85

4. AAA, 13x18cm, starting value $ 95:

Finally, AAA: the cryptocoin linked to AAA went down slightly, by 0.87%, bringing AAA to $ 94.18.
A vote from @niko3d brought it down ever so slightly more, and finally, the Random Trigger bringing all paintings down by 4.46%

stabilized AAA at $ 89.98

I haven't taken into account the upvotes yet, but as they are ever so small, they practically have no influence on the price as it is. To be precise, these are the biggest 'shareholders':

@okkiedot: $0.07 in ILS
@fraenk: $0.057 in NIFLHEIM
@edward.maesen: $0.026 in ILS
@mikkolyytinen: $0.026 in ALL 4 paintings
@roelvi: $0.013 in NIFLHEIM
@zneeke: $0.012 in ALL 4 paintings
@niko3d: $0.011 in AAA
@deemarshall: $0.011 in ALL 4 paintings
@remlaps1: $0.01 in ALL 4 paintings
other players have below $0.01 shares:, @sanjoy22, @hazel420, @pinoy, @lisa.palmer, @sallyswitchblade, @zhuravlyovpyotrd (!), @selevyuli, @gregan

And with that, I conclude today's update on the Cryptopaintings game! The game continues - for now with these simplified rules:

An upvote on the post gets you a little share in all 4 (three?) paintings, however small that share is.
An upvote and a comment on a particular painting brings that painting's price down, and concentrates your shares on that painting.
A random word in a comment can trigger a rise in price or a drop in price for one or all paintings.

I will think about the rules, and how this game can be kept interactive and fun; I may or may not continue it though, as I have been putting a surprising amount of time in this little post!

See you tomorrow, your comments and feedback are very much appreciated, have fun!


Putting the dicktionary on the table with random crypto influencer words like Hodl Sodl Lambo Moon, you get me?! 😁 Just trying to trigger something 😁 And I still think ILS is the best one of them 😊

Putting the dicktionary on the table

eww... noo... put that away :P

It didn't trigger any event but it triggered you 😁 what else to put on the table? 😂

Hehehe, sorry , didn't trigger anything there! :) Hodl Sodl Lambo Moon, I really should've thought about that :D
But it does bring ILS down a bit, good move!

Love it :D the new simplified rules sound good. Gotta push for my pick AAA again. The random triggers are interesting :D I need more sp :-o

Yeah, it got a bit complicated! I'm still looking for a balance somewhere, to see whether this is going to work!

I don't have much time so I'll just hop on the market in a short break between stupid meetings and buy all the NIFLHEIM that's available on the MARTY-ARTXCHANGE (MtARX?! - dude... i hope your hotwallets don't get hacked!)

Allright, cool!
Random Trigger! "BUY" --> Sierra Leone now accepts DRP in the Xchanges, DRP goes down by 7.44%!

Although I still appreciate your upvotes and comments for this game-post, they will not be of consequence to the crypto-game, as I have finished the next episode! You can find the new episode right here!

I will, for once, upvote my own comment for visibility (I'm not upvoting my own post, as to not interfere with the game, so I think it's only fair I get to upvote this comment :)


Selamat dan sukses selalu buatmu Mr @marty-art atas hari ke-2 dari permainan eksperimental dan interaktif, aku hanya bisa mendukung dan menyemangatimu karena aku masih bingung dengan permainan ini karena keterbatasan bahasaku. Tetapi saya hanya bisa mencoba membandingkan beberapa lukisan anda dengan cryptocoin, dari 4 gambar di atas saya sangat suka dengan gambar no 2. ILS ( seandainya aku memiliki gambar ini secara nyata, ini adalah lukisan kebanggaan ku ), di dalam gambar saya bisa melihat sosok yang sangat tangguh dan berwibawa sepertinya dia komandan perang bagi pasukannya yang sangat di hormati rakyatnya. Dia tidak pernah gentar atau takut menghadapi beribu musuhnya. Dia adalah pembawa kemenangan untuk kerajaan cryptocoin.

Congratulations and success always make you Mr. @ marty-art for the 2nd day of the experimental and interactive game, I can only support and encourage you because I'm still confused with this game because of the limitations of my language. But I can only try to compare some of your paintings with cryptocoin, from the 4 pictures above I really like the picture no 2. ILS (if I have this image in real, this is my pride paint), in the picture I can see the figure very tough and authoritative it seems he is a war commander for his troops who are deeply respected by his people. He was never afraid or afraid of his thousands of enemies. He is the victorious carrier for the cryptocoin kingdom.

He is a she 😁 Miss Livingstone is not amused as you can tell from her looks.

Hehehehe maafkan aku Mr @okkiedot tentang komentar saya yang lucu, saya tau bahwa dia adalah seorang wanita tetapi di tempat ku di Aceh di negara Indonesia dalam sejarah menyebutkan bahwa Cut nyak dien, Cut Mutia dan Cut Malahayati adalah komandan laskar perang saat melawan penjajahan Belanda. Mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang menjadi komandan pemimpin perang Aceh melawan penjajahan Belanda. Kharisma mereka bagaikan seorang lelaki yang gagah dan tangguh yang berjuang sampai titik darah terakhir. Nama mereka harum sampai sekarang dan tercatat sebagai Pahlawan dari Indonesia yang mengharumkan nama bangsa dan nusa.

Hehehehe forgive me Mr @okkiedot about my funny comments, I know that he is a woman but in my place in Aceh in Indonesia state in history mentioned that Cut nyak dien, Cut Mutia and Cut Malahayati is the commander of war army against Dutch colonialism. They are the women who became commander of Aceh war leaders against Dutch colonialism. Their charisma is like a gallant and tough man who fought to the very end. Their name is fragrant until now and recorded as a Hero from Indonesia that the name of the nation and the nusa.

Thanks for the explanation and the history class 😊

Terimakasih juga buatmu Mr @okkiedot, senang bisa mengenalmu disini, perkenalkan nama saya @junsusukhairi dari Indonesia tepatnya di provinsi Aceh. Saya sangat menghargai komentarmu untukku, sukses selalu buatmu !!!

Thanks also for you Mr @okkiedot, happy to know you here, introduce my name @ junsusukhairi from Indonesia precisely in Aceh province. I really appreciate your comment for me, success always for you !!!

nice game
Well you are a wonderful person

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