To Tattoo Or Not To Tattoo? Visiting The Convention In Hamburg [Part2]

in #art7 years ago (edited)

In "The Descent of Man", Charles Darwin observed that there is no country, from the polar regions in the north to New Zealand in the south, in which the inhabitants don’t practice tattooing. 

"The current renaissance re-visits a tradition, fostered in various cultural environments over centuries."

The coining of the word tattoo is generally credited to Captain Cook and his crew, in his famed 1769 voyage to Tahiti, Hawaii and New Zealand  Story goes that the onomatopoeic Tahitian word, 'ta-taw,' meaning ‘to mark,’ was thought to mimic the sound made by the traditional tools used in creating Polynesian inked body art.- Source 

Classic Ink - Etching by John Savage of Prince Giolo c.1692

I found a series of interesting articles by the authors, Henrik Petersen & Klaus Roth from 2016, where I got the idea for my today's subject line. I suggest you read all 4 parts if you wish to take a glance at the history of Tattoo's. 

Image Source

Tatoo Or Not To Tatoo, is the question......

A couple of days ago, I wrote the first part about my 4 days long weekend adventure from Vienna to Hamburg. No One is Illegal!? My Visit in Hamburg, St.Pauli [Part1] I had no idea that there was also a tatoo convention scheduled the day after our arrival. How exciting! 

I have tattoo's since 1993, shortly before my daughter was born to mark a "new beginning". My second one was completed after my father's death on my birthdate 2002. It was the "painful" one to remember. (One of my previous articles). 

My birthday is coming up soon, in just a few days and I still have the same question than last year. "Botox or Tatoo?" Guess what:) 

My focus today is to show a few of my impressions from my last weeks very "colourfully inked" trip to Hamburg, enjoying awesome times with even more awesome friends, coming together from around the globe, including Indonesia.


My friend Pitzi and her partner Albar Tikam run the successful and famous Suku Suku Tatau Studio in Bali. She was the one who suggested to join the largest cultural Indonesian gathering, "Kulturfest in Hamburg", to support our Indonesian "Homeboyz", the Balinese Rockband called "Superman is dead".

JRX on drums


Pasar Hamburg was well worth our long trip. I finally got to eat some Nasi Campur, mixed with the beloved taste of real good sambal, the famous, red hot chilli sauce.

The Artists & Art at the convention

Superman is Dead manager 

Visit at Jungblut and Tschiggy's Bubblegum Tatoo Studios with Tschiggy, Micha and Pitzi

Bubblegum Art Tattoo: Beckstrasse 7 Hamburg / Karoviertel 20357 

Jungblut Studio

Micha! The sailor man :) 

I am proud of my souvenir, the fabulous new earrings : 

More about our stroll through town and the harbour will be continued in part3 ......

and about this artist who's work I really admire.


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JRX is definately a role model of tattoed person with good attitude. while tattoo still consider a crime and tattoed person consider criminal. but now more and more youngsters and tottoed here.

but I don't dare to have one. just like to see a person with tattoo. 😂😂😂

So many silly opinions and prejudice ideas in many "conservative" societies, ruled by governments who prefer sheeps than wolves.

We should find out more about the background.
It's art! It's expression and maybe it became a statement for anarchists or people who think differently than the masses.
Just human beings and their passion or tradition.

I was called "dirty" by my Balinese partner. That's why he is my Ex among other reasons. Hahaha , He is a Lawyer now.....funny! He also has Tattoos

I love freedom to do what I feel I wish to do.

JRX is a good example to fight governments bad, very bad decisions. I admire all people who have the courage to stand up and speak out before it's too late.

what? ? did he called that? I am sorry to hear that ibu. for me one's appeareance is just a glance image, but what matter most is their personality.

yes, and he is still fighting to stop the Benoa gulf reclamation. a very good role model for sure.

Hahahah no worries. He was just mad for many other reasons I guess.

How is the situation in Benoa? It's so sad!

things are not moving, when politician in power are closer to money than to its people, it will be a hard fight. no progress on the surface yet, Lets see and hope they realize that dong the reclamation will give no good to our own people

It seems Jakarta and other rich investors are planning to damage Bali and it's culture. They will suck out the land and build more and more until it "drowns". Then they will go to the next island until it drowns and so on and on and on. It's sad and JRX is doing the right thing to scream loud. Unfortunatly only money talks. Look at those Co-Trump projects! What a shame!

BTW, it hurts but the pain inside goes outside 🙈💓 and disappears.

Great post ! Thank you for sharing ! I love your tats btw .. I know your Bday is near ... but I PLEAD on bent knees ! Enhance that wonderful body with another tat, but botox, please don't desecrate that vessel with that stuff, you are to beautiful to change ANYTHING, Don't you DARE think of changin that beautiful nose or lips or HELL ANYthing about you !, But a Hummingbird Tat would be awesome, lol /bow /hugs
So glad to be back and I want to thank you for this past year of our friendship, it means the world to me. And it is a wonderful life for me to see AND hear the world through your eyes (And ears).
In celebration of our 1st year of friendship I wish you a great life, great love and friendships and as always ... big hugs !!!!! MUCH Respect for one of the COOLEST women I have EVER known ... Much Love Hon ! JTS

Read More, Reason More ... JTS

Wow! So good to see you back on steemit and life. Make sure you don't loose your internet connection again.
I catch some sleep now. It's 2.30 am agrrrrrr....
Botox was a joke!

/smile sleep dear

JRX is definately a role model of tattoed person with good attitude. while tattoo still consider a crime and tattoed person consider criminal. but now more and more youngsters and tottoed here.

but I don't dare to have one. just like to see a person with tattoo. 😂😂😂

Where are you from ? Indonesia? Why tattoos stand for criminals ? Maybe better read about history of tattoos. I would call them more "free spirits" and nowadays it became too much of a so called "trend". Tattoos can go awefully wrong indeed !

Da sind echt ein paar sehr coole Tattoos dabei ! Ich würde mir zwar nie eines stechen lassen, finde aber diese Art der Kunst sehr bemerkenswert :-)

Ja ja ja ich bin etwas old school hahaha! Please hurt meeeee 😜
Spaß bei Seite war ein tolles Weekend in Hamburg

Allein wenn ich an eine Nadel denke wird mir schon ganz anders 😅
Hamburg ist immer wieder toll. Meine absolute Lieblingstadt. Wäre nur nicht das Wetter immer so schlecht dort oben😀

Ich war super überrascht, wie toll die Leute sind und einfach alles. Wir hatten Glück mit Wetter, viel Sonne! Bisschen Regen dazwischen.

Übrigens das Stechen muss ja weh tun Hahhaa! Dann tut sonst nix mehr weh. Wird alles ganz toll ausbalanciert. No more pain inside 😜

Die Menschen machen diese Stadt so einzigartig. Ein ganz anderes Gefühl dort durch die Straßen zu gehen verglichen mit Wien. Man wird an der Kassa freundlich bedient und die Menschen strahlen einfach gute vibes aus.
Ich möchte Wien ja nicht schlecht reden aber von den Hamburgern könnten man sich da schon ne Scheibe abschneiden 😃
Ach auf den Schmerz verzichte ich dankend 😂

Amazing @mammasitta
I like it .

Terimakasie !!! Tatau baik 🐲

U'r welcome @mammasitta
😊 I never get bored with the article

@mammasitta - oh my goodness, my husband'll kill me if I tattooed. Love you work & wish for a beautiful tattoo Ma'm.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

hahaha .....I wonder why :)
Would you like one?

great post..
I don't have any experience about tattoo , i would love have one in future.
Lovely photos

there is always the right time to mark a special event maybe and then you might be ready shouldn't be a trend. its a very personal act to tattoo.

I like tatoo but i have not any tatoo my own body

Thanks for your feedback 💫 I wonder why you don't. Society, family or just the fear of pain?

It's like ......I like The Rolling Stones but I feel
no need to see their concert.
They played that same day in Hamburg. I didn't go because I don't support those kind of ticket prices anymore and for sure not the money artists ask for. I worked for many years in the industry and it became the worse "monopoly" in the hands of the "big" guys business.

Societies are afraid of changes and when anyone tries to break their so called traditions and culture norms, they declare it the ugly, against the man kind. People do not see this as an art, they see it being associated with crime. Their minds have become totally corrupted.

amigo #resteemia at your service

very interesting article & i made a tattoo of dragon @mammasitta

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

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