The Art Of Life! The Surrealist Of America, David Lynch......Negativity Is The Enemy Of Creativity!

in #art7 years ago (edited)

The Art Of Life , The Art Of War .....I am all into and so happy that I can find David Lynch's The Art of Life in the Filmkasino, Vienna for three days in a row. Dec.1/2/3 2017! 

"When you're doing a painting or whatever, sometimes the past conjures ideas. The past colours them." -David Lynch 

Blue Velvet is still one of my all time favourites! Can't wait to see this one......

One thing what I like most, being back in Europe......There is so much choice on "superbe" entertainment. I wonder if people do actually appreciate the countless exhibitions, festivals and all kind of cultural happenings or are they taking it for granted?

Life in Bali was awesome and I said it many times in my articles but nothing can compare to the endless options we have here in the so called West. I was "hungry and thirsty" for a different cultural activity in my life than I was used to back in SE-Asia and now I am nearly overwhelmed with such rich program offered in my hometown. I enjoy every minute so far. 

The Art Of Life 

A documentary on filmmaker David Lynch, plays like a slow, smoky afternoon in the artist’s Los Angeles studio. We watch as Lynch drags on a cigarette, choosing his words carefully. His unusual sentences seem to wander off rather than end, and he recounts quaint stories of running free in suburban cul-de-sacs until his father bellowed to the neighborhood that it was time for dinner.- Source 

Image Source

David Lynch: Philadelphia was kind of a poor man's New York City, so it was a weird town. It was kind of a mean town. One woman, who was my neighbour, *reeked* of urine and she was a complete racist. There was another woman, who was totally crazy. She was a neighbour. Lived down the street with her parents. And she would go around the backyard on her hands and knees and squawk like a chicken and say, "I'm a chicken! I'm a chicken!" And squawk and squawk and go around and around in this tall white grass in her backyard. She came up to me one day on the street and she said, "Oh, my nipples hurt!" And she was squeezing her-her breast and standing in front of me squeezing and shaking. "My nipples hurt!" - Quotes Source 

David Lynch Trailer

USA / DK 2016 | 88 Min | OmU R: Jon Nguyen, Rick Barnes, Olivia Neergaard-Holm Mit: David Lynch


Who is David Lynch?

Mini Bio: 

Born in precisely the kind of small-town American setting so familiar from his films, David Lynch spent his childhood being shunted from one state to another as his research scientist father kept getting relocated. He attended various art schools, married Peggy Lynch and then fathered future director Jennifer Lynch shortly after he turned 21. That experience, plus attending art school in a particularly violent and run-down area of Philadelphia, inspired Eraserhead (1977), a film that he began in the early 1970s (after a couple of shorts) and which he would work on obsessively for five years. The final film was initially judged to be almost unreleasable weird, but thanks to the efforts of distributor Ben Barenholtz, it secured a cult following and enabled Lynch to make his first mainstream film (in an unlikely alliance with Mel Brooks), though The Elephant Man(1980) was shot through with his unique sensibility. Its enormous critical and commercial success led to Dune (1984), a hugely expensive commercial disaster, but Lynch redeemed himself with the now classic Blue Velvet (1986), his most personal and original work since his debut. He subsequently won the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival with the dark, violent road movie Wild at Heart (1990), and achieved a huge cult following with his surreal TV series Twin Peaks (1990), which he adapted for the big screen, though his comedy series On the Air (1992) was less successful. He also draws comic strips and has devised multimedia stage events with regular composer Angelo Badalamenti. He had a much-publicized affair with Isabella Rossellini in the late 1980s.- Source

"While all of Lynch’s stories are fascinating and intriguing, they don’t entirely solidify or elucidate who he is or what motivates him. A lot is left to interpretation and must be read between the lines. Similarly, there are certainly times throughout where the absence of any outsider voices is glaring, even frustrating. For a figure as enigmatic as Lynch, hearing from his closest family, friends and collaborators could have offered unique, compelling insight. In this way, David Lynch: The Art Life may alienate some of its audience."- Source

That's it for today. 

Enjoy Your weekend with one of my most favourite songs by Bonobo 

Yours @mammasitta 

Don't forget : Be The Fire From Within!

Follow also my minnow profile @massivevibration to keep on spreading those MassiVe Vibes. 

Feel free to join my steemit chat channels at "mammasittas, austria, massivevibrations, baliohbali" to post your links. Join MAMMASITTA's Steemit Network and twitter account #steemitvibes



Hey good question, I would not say that I take it for granted, rather than becoming kind of deaf on one ear. Back in 2010, when I studied musicology, I was always pushing myself, to hurry up, to accomplish the work, to have more time to go to these exciting events. Making the decision made me always a bit sad. Later, when I found my home between science and finance - this one took its time - , I'm now at the same point again e.g. on December 12: I won't make it to go to the Bitcoin Meetup, cause I decided to go to an event about data capitalism, with its impact on innovation strategies, data monopolists and promising ways of re-distribution. But a college in spe will go there and inform me about it I LOVE LIVE STREAMS and youtubes. Regarding this art and sense quote, I like the German distinction "sinnlos" and "sinnfrei"

I always love weirdos 🤪🤪🤪
Maybe I am weird or even too extreme
I enjoy to write about lunatics
Sourround myself with initiators
I feel like an hermit in a jungle of entertainment.
I always like extreme stuff!
I am nearly chasing it.
Driven by hunger for “drama” but honesty.

Does this make sense or is it Sinnlos?

Art of Living!

Oh dear ! Your comment made me do “IT” say what was on my mind right now.

It makes sense to me......

I like YOU @sciencevienna!

hahahah, mamma, my first boyfriend was an artist, yes it makes sense to me, too ;) Luckily, no nipples hurt this time <3

You are funny! Better take care if those nipples 🙄


@sciencevienna 😘🤪🙀

I heard about him before a couple months. I really didn't know about him very well. Whatever i heard about him, As far as I remember He is a master of himself. My one of his favorite quote is what you write in your title:-

Negativity Is The Enemy Of Creativity!

If I talk that what this quote effect upon me then I would like to defenitely tell that this quote always change my mind when negativity take birth in my mind.

David Lynch is such a wonderful man who has cointains thousands of trait in himself.

I am so thankful to you. After reading this blog, I am so glad. It bring me to that moment when I read about him. It's really a awesome blog.

After a long time i am reading your blog. Again a big thanks. A big hug!!!

Your comment is such joy because sometimes I am not aware of people know the people who are important for me. He is defiantly one of those artists I admire.

So awesome.... :) :)

Always let the fire burn, do everything with passion and appreciate every little thing in life.

That sure bring Great moments!


This is great, I'm a big fan of David Lynch, no one does movies quite like him. Recently watched the latest Twin Peaks and it was great, a step back in time when it was all about t cinematography and not just special effects. I love his style. Thanks for sharing this @mammasitta.

You probably will not believe it but I never watched Twin Peaks.

I love everything he has made, Twin Peaks was a huge part of my teenage years and watching it recently brought me back to that utterly confused state ( in a very good way) as it made me question everything he brings onto the screen. as I know he takes a long time in doing his work and puts so much thought and effort into it. It took him 4 and a half years to do the latest one. His use of so many different sounds as well is so well thought out. If I'm watching something I want it to make me think outside the box, to really get my brain working which now days is not that easy to find. You should check it out.

For me it was BLUE VELVET

Frank: Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.
Dorothy: Mommy loves you.
Frank: Baby wants to ****. Get ready to ****. You ****er's ****er. You ****er. Don't you ****in' look at me!...Baby wants blue velvet...Don't ****in' look at me. Don't ****in' look at me. Don't you look at me. Daddy's coming. Daddy's coming home. Don't you ****in' look at me. Daddy's coming home...Don't you ****in' look at me. [blows out the candle] Now it's dark. Stay alive baby. Do it for Van Gogh.

I am also a huge David Lynch fan. The long expected continuation of Twin Peaks was indeed amazing! It had its lenghts, but every scene unique and a piece of art.

The owls are not what they seem!
Die Eulen sind nicht was sie scheinen!

Du wirst es kaum glauben aber ich habe mir Twin Peaks nie angeschaut. Ich kenne alle anderen Filme. Es wird mal Zeit......:) BTW : Join our discord channel #steemit-austria

David Lynch. A true genius. Enjoyed so much the revival of Twin Peaks :) I can't say that I understood everything, but it's just an excuse to think more about it and enjoy it even more and marvel at his creativity and humanity!

I just wrote it in another comment that I never watched twin peaks :) I know all of his other work though

I watched it recently and it was great, definitely left me with alot of questions but thats really the joy of it. So many things today that you watch serve everything up to you on a plate, with little thinking needed. I love David Lynch for his ability to leave me in wonder and utterly confused.

Agreed! :) I have read also Mark Frost's The Secret History of Twin peaks recently. It gives some clue, but leaves a lot in the air, where it actually belongs :)

I still remember how fascinated I was when I first saw "Blue Velvet" in the cinema. Ganz großes Kino!

Isabella Rossellini 💜💜💜

Another good post reminding us of how stifling negativism really is. Don't partake in it as it becomes ones own poison. Thanks for sharing this information with us.

It becomes ones poison! Wow! I really like how you explain what I had in mind. We better got that “anti poison” handy at any time.......

time to turn the things around with positivity !!!

WORD UP !!!!

Hello @mammasitta how are you ? after many days i comment on your post.
nicely written and informations about David Lynch, no doubt a great personality done a lot for people who have no home.
valuable quote that "negativity is the enemy of creativity". Thats really true if your thinking is negative than you spoil your all abilities and skills.
Thanks for sharing valuable stuff.

I am happy to see you here and consider my stuff valuable 🙏

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