✘☠✘My art through the years: Kera Niiyomi✘☠✘ (1/5)

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hello mortals! I know it's been a while since I mentioned this but hey! I finally could make it completely and here I am, Malu-sama, reporting once more to show you something new.

(Tumblr collage 'cause that's what's fashionable right? ... Right? :'v)

Without any more preambles, I welcome you to this new section called "My art through the years", this time, protagonized by one of my oc's: Kera Niiyomi, the first oc that I created in my entire life.

Why am I doing this?

The purpose of this section is not to boast about my "improvements" in the drawing but teach those beginners (if I don't fit in that category) or aspiring cartoonist that perseverance is the key to success and that I DIDN'T born knowing how to draw like I do right now but, as many, I went through a process of fails, progress and more fails that took me to where I am right now (But it's not the big deal, eh).

This section will be composed of 5 phases where I'll show the main 5 characters of one of my stories and the abrupt (or not that abrupt) changes that they have had not just in their appearance but in their personality through my little experience as an artist.

No more to say, we start this first phase.

(Hold tight your wigs, 'cause this is gonna get rough, Kera already knows that we're talking 'bout her and that bothers her but makes her feel nice at the same time).

(I highly recommend to listen to the music posted here to get familiarized with the character, if you don't want to, it's ok :'I)

Kera Niiyomi, Who is she?


15 years old. Kera Niiyomi is a moody and rebellious girl that doesn't have the minimus interest in interpersonal relations and that could kick your ass if you provoke her enough.

In short, is that type of classmate that you wouldn't speak to 'cause you'd be too afraid that she could punch you.

✘☠✘First Generation✘☠✘


Friendly Kera?

The very first form of my drawing style for Kera only showed my little experience in drawing, they were characterized by being quite rustic, simple and a little dirty thanks to the pencil that I used, 'course I also had my "good" moments where I really tried hard to make it look good. However, I must say that my art was pretty deformed back then. The first version of Kera was characterized for being rude, but with a good heart (Her essence is still the same, the thing is that now she is 100 times more bitter and 100 times more evil). Fanatic of the sweets, she showed herself as a girl determined to be friends with the very first version of Ayari and worry about him a lot, giving the impression that she liked him in a romantic way (she seemed like a pawn inside the typical love triangle in an ordinary shonen).


(First apparition of Kera in a comic)IMG_2833.JPG ("Well done" drawing)


(Kera in, probably, her worst moment)

(The first Kera that I drew)


(Kera asking someone to be friends??)IMG_2835.JPG (Smiley Kera)

✘☠✘Second Generation✘☠✘


Friendly Kera 2.0

For most of 2014 I devoted myself completely to the creation of a new and improved comic, a more "professional" version of the story I had thought about from the beginning and, despite there were no traces of knowledge in anatomy and the fact that the story didn't seem to go anywhere again, I had to congratulate myself for my growing progress. For this version, everything was "structured" and "fixed" about the appearance of the characters, so to speak. However, that didn't guaranteed that the Kera from the "Reboot" were a more consistent and less changeable character (all the characters in the story were victims of my changing mind as a preadolescent). She was characterized by being animated, immature and capricious. Still determined to be Ayari's friend but in a more calmed way, she gave the image of a girl that gets interested for a boy for his friendship and then realize that she likes him (Cliché? Where?). It was like this until the end of 2015, everything got restarted again and for the very first time the first vestiges of the now day Kera started to show up. My drawing style was characterized by being a little subtle but round, the bodies of that time were quite disproportionate.


(First apparition of Kera in the second comic)



(Fragments of the comic - Kera in 2015)

(Kera being affectionate with Ayari?)

(Kera being weirdly jovial) IMG_2842.JPG (Kera on the second comic volume)

(Kera, beginnings of 2015)

(Kera, end of 2015) IMG_2828.JPG (Kera apparition in the third attempt of the comic)


✘☠✘Third Generation✘☠✘


What happened with Kera?

My drawing style of that time was quite static and round, although I began to understand proportions a bit more, to be honest; I even begun to add more details and make more elaborated drawings thanks to the fact that I started to "remark" with the mechanical pencil, causing the lines to be less rustic but finer and more precise. I don't know if it's appropriate to put it this ways 'cause I don't remember exactly, but, to say something, 2016 was some sort of a "silent year" for me cause, If I remember correctly, I didn't draw almost anything, or at least not Kera. I started a new dynamic to draw, which took me a little away from her, so her development as a character was a little forgotten and I just drew her a couple times, causing her to stay as a stuck character. Never the less, that didn't stop me from deciding that her character wouldn't be the same as before and that she would change drastically for the sake of the story.


(Compilation of the only drawings that I could find with that date)


✘☠✘Fourth Generation✘☠✘


Kera's back in action!

After discovering how awesome it was to draw with markers, I started drawing once more and Kera was again in the middle of everything with a more solid and strong personality; the new Kera had come to stay and I wouldn't protest against her. My drawing style changed and, now that I knew a little more about anatomy, my drawings began to make sense and have form. IMG_2879.JPG



(Kera in high school uniform) IMG_2885.JPG (Kera with tits)

(Dynamism attempt)IMG_2888.JPG (Angry Kera)


✘☠✘Fifth Generation✘☠✘


The true Kera Niiyomi

My drawing style changed a lot and with it many improvements were presented in my next pieces of art. With more experience respect anatomy and with the help of the internet references, a whole new world opened to me to keep improving and trying things. After years of discoverment, construction and character search, I finally reached Kera's nucleus, the Kera that I pretend to show permanently, the Kera that in appearance and attitude looks like de devil itself, but that in reality in not so like that (But she's still evil, don't get dreamy).

(Actual Kera)




(Kera, beginnings of the year) IMG_2899.JPG (Kera being Kera)

(Kera, ends of the year) IMG_2897.JPG (Kera x Boku no Hero Academia)


Then, we can conclude that Kera was basically this

And that she went from this


To this



Thank you so much for watching and reading.

But hey! I haven't finish, Kera has a message for all those artists that are feeling discouraged or are about to give up.

... Cute, right?

Anyway! This is all for now. If you liked it you can leave your vote or a comment tellin' me how much you liked it or how much you hated it. Hope you had fun reading this post just as much as I had fun making it (Except for the collages, those were hard as hell to make HAHAHA)

Soon I'll be posting the next phase!

See you in the next post!

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All rights reserved @malu-sama


O M G this is amazing... Your art's evolution ! Throughout the years !!! Very nicely compiled, @malu-sama :) Love this very much :) And I'm sure you will continue to grow from strength to strength in the future as well <3

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it :) Love your art btw HAHAHA.

It's very easy to think that Kera is cute and adorable girl. I would never say that she is an evil.

I love to see your drawings throughout the years. You made so much progress!

Amazing post compiled by a great artist! Thank you for sharing :)

Kera got angry when she read your comment, she said somethin' like "Cute?? Adorable?? The hell she's sayin'?!" then she shut the door really hard, I think she was blushing. Anyway! Thank you for reading and commenting, I really appreciate it :)

Hahaha, I think that deep inside she is really good :) But she doesn't know about it yet, of course ;)

Sharing this will inspire so many artists! I love seeing how your character has changed and progressed. Nicely done!

Thank you so much! :)

Wow your progression is so detailed. I don't have as many versions of my oc. Maybe going forward. Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope to more about your story soon! ;-)

Thanks to you for reading! And well! They've changed like a lot because they were literally born with me, they grew with me, so to speak :)

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

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