
How do you know all these details Luigi, you live in the garden,lol?

No George, remember I live midst of my artist's mess..? 😄 In fact I should no more have gardengnome as nickname but workshopgnome...LoL

Yes i forgot about it Luigi, you are a special little gnome indeed:):)

Luigi the peeping gnome!

Sneaky gnome, lol

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How bad thinking are you both ! 😃

Imagine my poor wife living in Denmark. Even people from Greenland find this place cold as the humid weather transport cold much better than the below zero dry weather does :) Sometimes I come into the bedroom she has fallen asleep with extra wooly plaids on top and when I lift the eiderdown duvet she still has her Icelandic sweater on!

well women are more sensitive to cold

I read that too and it does correspond with my observations too. My eldest daughter is pretty much like me though. A real viking when it comes to cold.

The cold is bearable, but the humidity is a's the same with a hot and wet weather...we better deal with dry than wet, well in France at least ;-)

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