Meditative Art // A fish is talking art #6

in #art6 years ago

Meditation and its benefits
Its no secret that meditating once in a while shows many benefits for your mental and physical health:
Meditation decreases depression, anxiety and stress and increases positive emotion and immune function; It increases emotional intelligence and focus/attention + memory (which might be due to larger grey matter volumes )

I have tried meditating many times in the past and once I even managed to stay on track for a couple of weeks (with the help of Headspace, I recommend this site to everyone struggling with meditation) but most times I found meditation to be quite challenging. I was frustrated because I wanted to have a spiritual awakening as well! I wanted to know and feel too what everyone was talking about but I ended up giving up.

Meditating while drawing
A good friend of mine had been into mandalas the last year of school. She would create a new mandala every day and it was drawing those simple patterns that would eventually help her relieve stress and seperate herself from her busy schedule. I was sceptical at first and I didn´t try it out myself until two years later when I was experimenting with my art. I started with my dot art and immersed into this new world without realising.


In the beginning I was just listening to podcasts while drawing but I noticed right away that I was able to focus and understand more.... In between the podcasts I had these pauses though; moments of silence and moments of not absorbing any kind of information. In those moments my head would be completely silent. Not focusing on anything, automatically doing the same hand movements and 'shutting' down my brain. Thinking of nothing and just being present. At first those pauses didnt last for very long, but the more I drew the better I got. I don´t do 'meditative art' often, but it helps when life is getting too much.

Meditative Art brings one to the present moment, makes them aware and attentive, peaceful and quiet, connecting one to themselves, to their ‘higher self’ or a higher power. (Meditative Art)




Wow wieder so schöne Bilder, vor allem das erste Bild gefällt mir richtig gut!
du bist eine wirklich vielseitige Künstlerin, du beherrscht eine Menge verschiedener Techniken. Hut ab!
Ich bin leider nicht so talentiert wie du, aber ich stimme dir zu, das Zeichnen eine sehr meditative und "geistreinigende" Wirkung hat.
Ich selbst bin aber eher bei der Musik zu Hause (also selbst Musik machen - hab einige "Meditationsinstrumente", vielleicht schreib ich mal einen Post dazu)

Malst du auch so Mandalas wie dieses hier?

Aww danke dir! :D Jaaa Musik ist ja auch so unglaublich toll. Manche Lieder befördern mich so richtig durch andere dimensionen oder wenn ich auf der Gitarre herumzupfe und meinen kopf entleere. Es kann durchaus was besonderes und meditatives sein. Ist ja auch Kunst ne :D Ich fände es cool, wenn du einen Post dazu schreiben würdest!!

What i think many people have trouble conceptualizing , is that meditation and prayer are one in the same. For me god is our conciousness. It is so precious yet often left for granted.

yeah I see how praying can be extremely meditative but I think everyone has a different definition/interpretation of what praying means. Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Its so interesting to see everyones point of view


Missing plants.
But trotzdem beautiful Bilder. :D

A good friend of mine had been into mandalas the last year of school.

Me, in the Kindergarten. Liked it. ^^
But never experienced real mediation, too. lol

Gruß Naturicia

PS: If you don't understand, ..., I don't care. :D

hahahahaah SIEHST DU NICHT DIE BLUME DIE ICH EXTRA FÜR DICH EINGEBAUT HABE? und da sind auch tiere dabei das sollte genug natur sein für dich :D


Nicht wirklich :D
Soll das Muster bei Bild1 denn eine Lupinie darstellen, oder bei Bild2 rechts unten irgend ne Pflanze ?
Dann ist es zu undeutlich. :D

das sollte genug natur sein für dich

Da fehlt dann aber noch das icia !!!
#Beschwerde ^^
Aber bei dir will ich mal ein Auge zudrücken.
Mit 20 bist du ja noch jung und unerfahren, da bist du halt noch im Lernprozess. :D

Gruß Naturicia bzw. Noah, findest den Namen ja so schön :D

gut erfasst!
wie großzügig, danke :sob:

Unglaublich gut ! Beim ersten Bild musste ich sofort an das Schweigen der Lämmer denken. Es strahlt irgendwie dieselbe beklemmende Atmosphäre aus wie das Original Cover . Großartig !

Ahja tatsächlich, jetzt wo du´s sagst! :D Danke dir!!

great post.

true words :)

You very expert, I think I should learn from U if you want !! hehe

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