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RE: Controversy For Second Coming

in #art6 years ago

See, my objection is not related to being religious. My objection is that this looks tedious and boring.

When I want religious references, I want guys like Garth Ennis writing the content. As you mentioned, Preacher was a Vertigo title – and cuttingly cynical in its presentation of religion.

Ah, the good old days.

I just haven't seen anything come out from DC in the last quite-a-while which had something interesting to say on the subject, pro or against. Avatar Press put out the truly execrable God Is Dead, for which Jonathan Hickman should be tormented day and night by being forced to read turn-of-the-century Russian novelists to learn some damn subtlety.

It's perfectly reasonable to object to what has no indication of being a good piece from a writer whose current claim to fame is the DC/Hanna-Barbera crossover series.

I don't need to pretend to be edgy, I just have no expectation of quality. I don't think I'm the only one.


It probably is, but you’d be arguing a different point if so.

Lol @ Hickman!!!

People can totally object for any reason. I just don’t like when people try to stop it from
Happening by bullying.

I absolutely believe we should let it happen. After all, if they don't do it, we can't make fun of them for doing a bad job of it.

And who knows? Maybe it won't completely suck. It's possible. They could play it straight. I can come up with a good five or six ways that the narrative could actually be worth consuming. I just don't trust DC to actually do it, which is a bigger problem than just the topic of a single comic.

Possibly a more interesting problem, really.

At some point, both Marvel and DC decided to only play it safe, only have one opinion between them, and suck out any kind of tension between characters. That's not every comic, but it's too many comics. It would be very nice to see that change.

Who are we’ll probably suck. Lol

Keep the dream alive, man! One day – one day! – they will live up to our low expectations and on that day, it will be considered a win.

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