
Imagination is a wealth highly underused and undervalued too... What do you mean by "preoccupied" you "for some time and is ongoing"? Namaste :)

Interested in, often questioning, observing, discussing, the purpose/s of art in the world. Is it just decoration or entertainment? The answer to that I have laid out above. Ever since having to justify or argue for my interest in the arts over career options to my parents long ago, it established in me awareness over the years of how largely the Arts are perceived as marginal.
I think it was Einstein who said, "Imagination is intelligence having fun." =)

I have the strange feeling Einstein, you and I wouldn't have to fight about the value of art and its monumental potency to change the world for the better while allowing for great emancipation of the human mind, spirit and endeavours. I rarely give a 100% of my voting power to a comment, but your great comment deserved it. All for one and one for all!!! Namaste :)

Thanking you most kindly good sir!

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