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RE: Wonkies are enjoying the #fruitsandveggiesmonday so much...they made a banner for it !^_^

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Oh my goodness Barbara, what a marvelous BANNER, I knew you could make it beautiful, but this is beyond my expectations. Not to mention the birth of this lovely creation. I always loved the juggling Wonkie, seeing him puts smile on my face every time. He radiates with joy, but you really got me jumping up and down seeing the Wonky with pineapple on his head and cherry earrings. That is just precious idea lol.

You really made my day and I don't even know how to thank u, all I can say that I am extremely grateful. Thank sooooooooo much. You are awesome. I am taking it with me now. Sending lots of hugs 💚🍌🍉🥒🍍🥑🍇🍋🍓💚


Your joy is so my pleasure !! And look at all these wonderful submissions you've got today, it's like cornucopia, this competition is a beautiful and joyful one, it deserved the most joyous and playful banner of the place...LoL

Have a wonderful Moon-Day Lena !morelove&fruits.png

I totally agree Barbara, but I am glad you gave a kick start before I joined Steemit. I think that has a lot to do with the success now. Also, if there was't for @dswigle and @dutchess, who kind of pushed me to it, I would not do it. Oh well, Universe works in mysterious ways and if there is a divine plan for someone it's almost impossible to escape it lol. So here we are joining forces for the higher good. The BANNER is the symbol of love, joy & abundance for all. So thank you again my Dearest and to your lovely WONKIES. Hugs to you all and have a wonderful Moon Day too. are you into Astrology Barbara? Because I am. Oh and hug to Luigi too. Why isn't he on Steemit by the way?

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