The dark days during the making of "Sad Girl" and words from my fans.

in #art8 years ago

I created "Sad Girl during some of the saddest months of my life.

A lot of what kept me going was feedback and motivation from my fans. I shared some preview pages and people were very into it. I was pushed to keep going by the positive feedback. Though, it took me months and many days of not getting out of bed. Many moments of "I can't fucking do this" and "Why am I bothering?"

Months later, and hundreds of sales later, and I am so glad I did.

My best friend had died only months before I started working on this book.

And I dedicated it to her honor. This was largely the inspiration for me working on and publishing Sad Girl. She had a childhood similar to mine, only she didn't make it out alive and I had decided to live for her and in a way where, were she alive, she would be proud. I started doing things even though I was depressed. My depression didn't go away I just learned to work through it.

At one point I hadn't gotten out of bed in a week and my boyfriend asked when I was going to get out of bed and work on my book. So, I got up and created these pages:

The year before creating this book was the worst in my life. Rape, best friend dying, mom choosing my relative that raped me. Just the fucking worst but this book was my way of exorcising those demons and in doing so I helped a lot more people than I had ever imagined. Even though I only made $350 net profit on this book, the amount of people I helped made it entirely worth it, not to mention the fact that I really helped myself.

Enough of that, here are some words from fans:

"Your coloring book has by far been my favorite distraction this summer. Every page is incredibly relatable, in one way or another, and has been everything from a soothing release, to an entertaining getaway. I look forward to the rest of your work ❤" -Emory

"I just love your coloring book so far! It's so empowering and also I love how much you leave for customization! Every page I do is so different and catches different parts of me. Thanks for being amazing and doing the things you love to share with us all!♡" - Dayla

And seeing people push the box and get creative was really cool!

"Your book has not only been a huge part of getting me through the hardest time of my life, but has now inspired and uplifted me to the point of making my own stuff again. Writing drawing painting and more music than i was doing before. I go outside every day to do my art now. I color and sometimes design my own drawing to color in. I play and write songs and most importantly im doing something every day. Its something i look forward to and it makes me feel real...more productive more passionate. I want to truly thank you and all the other sad girls who made this possible and i hope one day to be with all of my friends. ♡" - Elle

And here are some reviews:

One of my favorite fan-colored pages:

Those are just some of dozens and dozens of heart-felt messages I received.

What I learned from this is that I can work while depressed and even create something beautiful from that very demon that is not only helpful to me but also to others. I also learned that watching others expand on my art and make it their own and get creative release this way is super gratifying. It was a struggle for me to complete this book with all that was going on but I am so proud of myself for doing it and so happy it helped so many and I am currently working on more books.

This is my next book in progress which should be out in a week or so:

I am so grateful to all my beautiful fans and love them so much, they are the reason I continue through all the darkness, they are the reason I create. <3

Find my book here:

Find my art page here:

Find my Etsy here:


Wow! What a great idea for helping to handle the emotions one can go through. Keep up the good work and keep publishing! Everybody has different ways of dealing with pain, I think this is an idea you could really use for teenagers too and the things they go through!

This one is a bit graphic but I plan to make more that are friendlier for younger ages and still helpful. Although, some parents may find Sad Girl good for their teen, depending on them/their trauma it may not be too graphic for them. I would have loved this as a teen. That's up to the parent's discretion. I know at least a few teens have it with permission of their parent. :) And thank you.

I completely agree, but with your talent you could do one about teenage bullying, especially female bullying, they can be so mean, it's just such a great idea and you definitely have the talent to use! I look forward to your future works.

Very good idea. I also want to do one for trans teens. They have a HUGE suicide attempt rate so I really want to make a book they can relate to. But also a bullying one is a great idea, thanks.

Or even teen self image!

that too! I plan to do a loooooot of books. :) Thanks for the feedback/input.

The Disease of Political Correctness (Featuring @kyriacos as author)
8 hours ago by dragonslayer10967 in anarchy

Defining Hypocrisy

Political Correctness is the way we treat each other in order to avoid being offensive. The term fails since being offensive is something subjective that depends on one’s culture, ethics and personal experiences. Nonetheless many people are drawn towards this form of behaviour. Learning how to speak and act properly in order to be accepted comes hand in hand with ideas of positive thinking, positive energy and other self worshipping illusions. No wonder “The Secret” was such a hit of a book. The comfiness of modern life has soften our character. Even if we are going through so-called ‘economic crises’, here in the west we have a place to sleep, food to eat and water to drink—something that billions cannot enjoy on a daily basis. Most people on this planet struggle in terms of life or death in order to survive. I wonder how many “positive energy” individuals have the balls to preach to a starving child in Africa that his situation is such because he attracts “negative energy”. This is not only bullshit but downright inhumane.

Self Destruction

We have managed to incorporate this politically correct mantra in our relationships and managed to reinforce it through cosmopolitan level articles that urge us to detox our social life from all this negativity or what it comes to be—reality itself. The trend is sculpting people who are way too sensitive with everything that goes on with their lives. We are nourishing our inner Paris Hilton so others can cater to out “positivism”. I wonder, why after so much positivism we are still popping up pills like M&M’s?

The News and Social Media have changed their rules of conduct, removing all “negative commentary”. We demand this new lingo so much that our friends, coworkers and even politicians and leaders have become liars, hypocrites and crooks. The average perception craves political correctness and this is exactly what we are getting.

It has become a symbol, a flag. There is surge of group creation across all domains. People are demanding “rights” as if one group suffers more than the other. One group ends ups We end up stripping the freedoms from another for the sake of security, imprisoning each other under the shackles of governmental control. Why do you think humans suffer so much from loneliness even if we are connected than ever? Why do you think we visit therapists to talk about identity crisis or our problems with the rest of the world? We wear so many politically correct masks that we have lost track with reality. “Positive Energy” as if life is the green valley with my little pony. We have become spoiled brats accusing the world for “patriarchy” “sexism” “human rights” “corruption” “fat shaming” turning all the arguments against one another since everybody carries their own ideology. What a circus. Nobody can take any offense anymore.

Wake Up Call

I understand that we have always wore some kind of mask and behaved in some kind of politically correct way more or less. Nobody denies this. As humans living in complex societies this is rather a necessity. Today though the phenomenon has turned people against their own self. We might see for example a group of 5 people sitting in a coffee shop sunked in their mobile screens liking each others’ posts as if all that takes place in another dimension. Turn your head some degrees left and you witness a girl taking 500 selfies on her balcony so that she can choose the best one; gathering the maximum amount of likes-even if she knows that she doesn’t look like that in real life. And then we wonder why we pop pills and complain why people cannot see “who we truly are”. We are committing personality suicides. We sacrifice our identity in order to become accepted. We sacrifice our freedom of expression for the sake of safety. We demand only positive things, shoving reality under the carpet whether that is the TV, social media and magic pills. The very profession of the psychologist exists because we cannot be real with any other. Therapists are friends on payroll. We wouldn’t want to cause any “negativity” in our friend circle or show any form of “weakness”. right? We have become an avatar, a by-product of political correctness. One can either be real and suffer the social consequences or forever absorbed into the this ocean of absurdity.


beautiful and aesthetic pictures. regardless of the context on middle finger )

The Disease of Political Correctness (Featuring @kyriacos as author)
8 hours ago by dragonslayer10967 in anarchy

Defining Hypocrisy

Political Correctness is the way we treat each other in order to avoid being offensive. The term fails since being offensive is something subjective that depends on one’s culture, ethics and personal experiences. Nonetheless many people are drawn towards this form of behaviour. Learning how to speak and act properly in order to be accepted comes hand in hand with ideas of positive thinking, positive energy and other self worshipping illusions. No wonder “The Secret” was such a hit of a book. The comfiness of modern life has soften our character. Even if we are going through so-called ‘economic crises’, here in the west we have a place to sleep, food to eat and water to drink—something that billions cannot enjoy on a daily basis. Most people on this planet struggle in terms of life or death in order to survive. I wonder how many “positive energy” individuals have the balls to preach to a starving child in Africa that his situation is such because he attracts “negative energy”. This is not only bullshit but downright inhumane.

Self Destruction

We have managed to incorporate this politically correct mantra in our relationships and managed to reinforce it through cosmopolitan level articles that urge us to detox our social life from all this negativity or what it comes to be—reality itself. The trend is sculpting people who are way too sensitive with everything that goes on with their lives. We are nourishing our inner Paris Hilton so others can cater to out “positivism”. I wonder, why after so much positivism we are still popping up pills like M&M’s?

The News and Social Media have changed their rules of conduct, removing all “negative commentary”. We demand this new lingo so much that our friends, coworkers and even politicians and leaders have become liars, hypocrites and crooks. The average perception craves political correctness and this is exactly what we are getting.

It has become a symbol, a flag. There is surge of group creation across all domains. People are demanding “rights” as if one group suffers more than the other. One group ends ups We end up stripping the freedoms from another for the sake of security, imprisoning each other under the shackles of governmental control. Why do you think humans suffer so much from loneliness even if we are connected than ever? Why do you think we visit therapists to talk about identity crisis or our problems with the rest of the world? We wear so many politically correct masks that we have lost track with reality. “Positive Energy” as if life is the green valley with my little pony. We have become spoiled brats accusing the world for “patriarchy” “sexism” “human rights” “corruption” “fat shaming” turning all the arguments against one another since everybody carries their own ideology. What a circus. Nobody can take any offense anymore.

Wake Up Call

I understand that we have always wore some kind of mask and behaved in some kind of politically correct way more or less. Nobody denies this. As humans living in complex societies this is rather a necessity. Today though the phenomenon has turned people against their own self. We might see for example a group of 5 people sitting in a coffee shop sunked in their mobile screens liking each others’ posts as if all that takes place in another dimension. Turn your head some degrees left and you witness a girl taking 500 selfies on her balcony so that she can choose the best one; gathering the maximum amount of likes-even if she knows that she doesn’t look like that in real life. And then we wonder why we pop pills and complain why people cannot see “who we truly are”. We are committing personality suicides. We sacrifice our identity in order to become accepted. We sacrifice our freedom of expression for the sake of safety. We demand only positive things, shoving reality under the carpet whether that is the TV, social media and magic pills. The very profession of the psychologist exists because we cannot be real with any other. Therapists are friends on payroll. We wouldn’t want to cause any “negativity” in our friend circle or show any form of “weakness”. right? We have become an avatar, a by-product of political correctness. One can either be real and suffer the social consequences or forever absorbed into the this ocean of absurdity.


Great way to change energies and experiences into a better light for yourself and others!

Thank you. :)

The Disease of Political Correctness (Featuring @kyriacos as author)
8 hours ago by dragonslayer10967 in anarchy

Defining Hypocrisy

Political Correctness is the way we treat each other in order to avoid being offensive. The term fails since being offensive is something subjective that depends on one’s culture, ethics and personal experiences. Nonetheless many people are drawn towards this form of behaviour. Learning how to speak and act properly in order to be accepted comes hand in hand with ideas of positive thinking, positive energy and other self worshipping illusions. No wonder “The Secret” was such a hit of a book. The comfiness of modern life has soften our character. Even if we are going through so-called ‘economic crises’, here in the west we have a place to sleep, food to eat and water to drink—something that billions cannot enjoy on a daily basis. Most people on this planet struggle in terms of life or death in order to survive. I wonder how many “positive energy” individuals have the balls to preach to a starving child in Africa that his situation is such because he attracts “negative energy”. This is not only bullshit but downright inhumane.

Self Destruction

We have managed to incorporate this politically correct mantra in our relationships and managed to reinforce it through cosmopolitan level articles that urge us to detox our social life from all this negativity or what it comes to be—reality itself. The trend is sculpting people who are way too sensitive with everything that goes on with their lives. We are nourishing our inner Paris Hilton so others can cater to out “positivism”. I wonder, why after so much positivism we are still popping up pills like M&M’s?

The News and Social Media have changed their rules of conduct, removing all “negative commentary”. We demand this new lingo so much that our friends, coworkers and even politicians and leaders have become liars, hypocrites and crooks. The average perception craves political correctness and this is exactly what we are getting.

It has become a symbol, a flag. There is surge of group creation across all domains. People are demanding “rights” as if one group suffers more than the other. One group ends ups We end up stripping the freedoms from another for the sake of security, imprisoning each other under the shackles of governmental control. Why do you think humans suffer so much from loneliness even if we are connected than ever? Why do you think we visit therapists to talk about identity crisis or our problems with the rest of the world? We wear so many politically correct masks that we have lost track with reality. “Positive Energy” as if life is the green valley with my little pony. We have become spoiled brats accusing the world for “patriarchy” “sexism” “human rights” “corruption” “fat shaming” turning all the arguments against one another since everybody carries their own ideology. What a circus. Nobody can take any offense anymore.

Wake Up Call

I understand that we have always wore some kind of mask and behaved in some kind of politically correct way more or less. Nobody denies this. As humans living in complex societies this is rather a necessity. Today though the phenomenon has turned people against their own self. We might see for example a group of 5 people sitting in a coffee shop sunked in their mobile screens liking each others’ posts as if all that takes place in another dimension. Turn your head some degrees left and you witness a girl taking 500 selfies on her balcony so that she can choose the best one; gathering the maximum amount of likes-even if she knows that she doesn’t look like that in real life. And then we wonder why we pop pills and complain why people cannot see “who we truly are”. We are committing personality suicides. We sacrifice our identity in order to become accepted. We sacrifice our freedom of expression for the sake of safety. We demand only positive things, shoving reality under the carpet whether that is the TV, social media and magic pills. The very profession of the psychologist exists because we cannot be real with any other. Therapists are friends on payroll. We wouldn’t want to cause any “negativity” in our friend circle or show any form of “weakness”. right? We have become an avatar, a by-product of political correctness. One can either be real and suffer the social consequences or forever absorbed into the this ocean of absurdity.


The "ugly" needs to stop being hidden in the back shelves of the market AND our minds. How awesome it must have been for people to face demons in a very novel way. Mass applause

Thank you. I am working on some more "heavy" books of the same nature and a novel.

The Disease of Political Correctness (Featuring @kyriacos as author)
8 hours ago by dragonslayer10967 in anarchy

Defining Hypocrisy

Political Correctness is the way we treat each other in order to avoid being offensive. The term fails since being offensive is something subjective that depends on one’s culture, ethics and personal experiences. Nonetheless many people are drawn towards this form of behaviour. Learning how to speak and act properly in order to be accepted comes hand in hand with ideas of positive thinking, positive energy and other self worshipping illusions. No wonder “The Secret” was such a hit of a book. The comfiness of modern life has soften our character. Even if we are going through so-called ‘economic crises’, here in the west we have a place to sleep, food to eat and water to drink—something that billions cannot enjoy on a daily basis. Most people on this planet struggle in terms of life or death in order to survive. I wonder how many “positive energy” individuals have the balls to preach to a starving child in Africa that his situation is such because he attracts “negative energy”. This is not only bullshit but downright inhumane.

Self Destruction

We have managed to incorporate this politically correct mantra in our relationships and managed to reinforce it through cosmopolitan level articles that urge us to detox our social life from all this negativity or what it comes to be—reality itself. The trend is sculpting people who are way too sensitive with everything that goes on with their lives. We are nourishing our inner Paris Hilton so others can cater to out “positivism”. I wonder, why after so much positivism we are still popping up pills like M&M’s?

The News and Social Media have changed their rules of conduct, removing all “negative commentary”. We demand this new lingo so much that our friends, coworkers and even politicians and leaders have become liars, hypocrites and crooks. The average perception craves political correctness and this is exactly what we are getting.

It has become a symbol, a flag. There is surge of group creation across all domains. People are demanding “rights” as if one group suffers more than the other. One group ends ups We end up stripping the freedoms from another for the sake of security, imprisoning each other under the shackles of governmental control. Why do you think humans suffer so much from loneliness even if we are connected than ever? Why do you think we visit therapists to talk about identity crisis or our problems with the rest of the world? We wear so many politically correct masks that we have lost track with reality. “Positive Energy” as if life is the green valley with my little pony. We have become spoiled brats accusing the world for “patriarchy” “sexism” “human rights” “corruption” “fat shaming” turning all the arguments against one another since everybody carries their own ideology. What a circus. Nobody can take any offense anymore.

Wake Up Call

I understand that we have always wore some kind of mask and behaved in some kind of politically correct way more or less. Nobody denies this. As humans living in complex societies this is rather a necessity. Today though the phenomenon has turned people against their own self. We might see for example a group of 5 people sitting in a coffee shop sunked in their mobile screens liking each others’ posts as if all that takes place in another dimension. Turn your head some degrees left and you witness a girl taking 500 selfies on her balcony so that she can choose the best one; gathering the maximum amount of likes-even if she knows that she doesn’t look like that in real life. And then we wonder why we pop pills and complain why people cannot see “who we truly are”. We are committing personality suicides. We sacrifice our identity in order to become accepted. We sacrifice our freedom of expression for the sake of safety. We demand only positive things, shoving reality under the carpet whether that is the TV, social media and magic pills. The very profession of the psychologist exists because we cannot be real with any other. Therapists are friends on payroll. We wouldn’t want to cause any “negativity” in our friend circle or show any form of “weakness”. right? We have become an avatar, a by-product of political correctness. One can either be real and suffer the social consequences or forever absorbed into the this ocean of absurdity.


interesting art!

amazing writing @lauralemons

Thank you. :)

The Disease of Political Correctness (Featuring @kyriacos as author)
8 hours ago by dragonslayer10967 in anarchy

Defining Hypocrisy

Political Correctness is the way we treat each other in order to avoid being offensive. The term fails since being offensive is something subjective that depends on one’s culture, ethics and personal experiences. Nonetheless many people are drawn towards this form of behaviour. Learning how to speak and act properly in order to be accepted comes hand in hand with ideas of positive thinking, positive energy and other self worshipping illusions. No wonder “The Secret” was such a hit of a book. The comfiness of modern life has soften our character. Even if we are going through so-called ‘economic crises’, here in the west we have a place to sleep, food to eat and water to drink—something that billions cannot enjoy on a daily basis. Most people on this planet struggle in terms of life or death in order to survive. I wonder how many “positive energy” individuals have the balls to preach to a starving child in Africa that his situation is such because he attracts “negative energy”. This is not only bullshit but downright inhumane.

Self Destruction

We have managed to incorporate this politically correct mantra in our relationships and managed to reinforce it through cosmopolitan level articles that urge us to detox our social life from all this negativity or what it comes to be—reality itself. The trend is sculpting people who are way too sensitive with everything that goes on with their lives. We are nourishing our inner Paris Hilton so others can cater to out “positivism”. I wonder, why after so much positivism we are still popping up pills like M&M’s?

The News and Social Media have changed their rules of conduct, removing all “negative commentary”. We demand this new lingo so much that our friends, coworkers and even politicians and leaders have become liars, hypocrites and crooks. The average perception craves political correctness and this is exactly what we are getting.

It has become a symbol, a flag. There is surge of group creation across all domains. People are demanding “rights” as if one group suffers more than the other. One group ends ups We end up stripping the freedoms from another for the sake of security, imprisoning each other under the shackles of governmental control. Why do you think humans suffer so much from loneliness even if we are connected than ever? Why do you think we visit therapists to talk about identity crisis or our problems with the rest of the world? We wear so many politically correct masks that we have lost track with reality. “Positive Energy” as if life is the green valley with my little pony. We have become spoiled brats accusing the world for “patriarchy” “sexism” “human rights” “corruption” “fat shaming” turning all the arguments against one another since everybody carries their own ideology. What a circus. Nobody can take any offense anymore.

Wake Up Call

I understand that we have always wore some kind of mask and behaved in some kind of politically correct way more or less. Nobody denies this. As humans living in complex societies this is rather a necessity. Today though the phenomenon has turned people against their own self. We might see for example a group of 5 people sitting in a coffee shop sunked in their mobile screens liking each others’ posts as if all that takes place in another dimension. Turn your head some degrees left and you witness a girl taking 500 selfies on her balcony so that she can choose the best one; gathering the maximum amount of likes-even if she knows that she doesn’t look like that in real life. And then we wonder why we pop pills and complain why people cannot see “who we truly are”. We are committing personality suicides. We sacrifice our identity in order to become accepted. We sacrifice our freedom of expression for the sake of safety. We demand only positive things, shoving reality under the carpet whether that is the TV, social media and magic pills. The very profession of the psychologist exists because we cannot be real with any other. Therapists are friends on payroll. We wouldn’t want to cause any “negativity” in our friend circle or show any form of “weakness”. right? We have become an avatar, a by-product of political correctness. One can either be real and suffer the social consequences or forever absorbed into the this ocean of absurdity.


you have no idea how much coloring the pages of your book has helped me on my bad days, love. you're a visionary!

Thank you, and glad to see you here. <3

i was inspired to check out steemit from your posts and i'm glad i did. this is a pretty cool site so far :)

The Disease of Political Correctness (Featuring @kyriacos as author)
8 hours ago by dragonslayer10967 in anarchy

Defining Hypocrisy

Political Correctness is the way we treat each other in order to avoid being offensive. The term fails since being offensive is something subjective that depends on one’s culture, ethics and personal experiences. Nonetheless many people are drawn towards this form of behaviour. Learning how to speak and act properly in order to be accepted comes hand in hand with ideas of positive thinking, positive energy and other self worshipping illusions. No wonder “The Secret” was such a hit of a book. The comfiness of modern life has soften our character. Even if we are going through so-called ‘economic crises’, here in the west we have a place to sleep, food to eat and water to drink—something that billions cannot enjoy on a daily basis. Most people on this planet struggle in terms of life or death in order to survive. I wonder how many “positive energy” individuals have the balls to preach to a starving child in Africa that his situation is such because he attracts “negative energy”. This is not only bullshit but downright inhumane.

Self Destruction

We have managed to incorporate this politically correct mantra in our relationships and managed to reinforce it through cosmopolitan level articles that urge us to detox our social life from all this negativity or what it comes to be—reality itself. The trend is sculpting people who are way too sensitive with everything that goes on with their lives. We are nourishing our inner Paris Hilton so others can cater to out “positivism”. I wonder, why after so much positivism we are still popping up pills like M&M’s?

The News and Social Media have changed their rules of conduct, removing all “negative commentary”. We demand this new lingo so much that our friends, coworkers and even politicians and leaders have become liars, hypocrites and crooks. The average perception craves political correctness and this is exactly what we are getting.

It has become a symbol, a flag. There is surge of group creation across all domains. People are demanding “rights” as if one group suffers more than the other. One group ends ups We end up stripping the freedoms from another for the sake of security, imprisoning each other under the shackles of governmental control. Why do you think humans suffer so much from loneliness even if we are connected than ever? Why do you think we visit therapists to talk about identity crisis or our problems with the rest of the world? We wear so many politically correct masks that we have lost track with reality. “Positive Energy” as if life is the green valley with my little pony. We have become spoiled brats accusing the world for “patriarchy” “sexism” “human rights” “corruption” “fat shaming” turning all the arguments against one another since everybody carries their own ideology. What a circus. Nobody can take any offense anymore.

Wake Up Call

I understand that we have always wore some kind of mask and behaved in some kind of politically correct way more or less. Nobody denies this. As humans living in complex societies this is rather a necessity. Today though the phenomenon has turned people against their own self. We might see for example a group of 5 people sitting in a coffee shop sunked in their mobile screens liking each others’ posts as if all that takes place in another dimension. Turn your head some degrees left and you witness a girl taking 500 selfies on her balcony so that she can choose the best one; gathering the maximum amount of likes-even if she knows that she doesn’t look like that in real life. And then we wonder why we pop pills and complain why people cannot see “who we truly are”. We are committing personality suicides. We sacrifice our identity in order to become accepted. We sacrifice our freedom of expression for the sake of safety. We demand only positive things, shoving reality under the carpet whether that is the TV, social media and magic pills. The very profession of the psychologist exists because we cannot be real with any other. Therapists are friends on payroll. We wouldn’t want to cause any “negativity” in our friend circle or show any form of “weakness”. right? We have become an avatar, a by-product of political correctness. One can either be real and suffer the social consequences or forever absorbed into the this ocean of absurdity.


The Disease of Political Correctness (Featuring @kyriacos as author)
8 hours ago by dragonslayer10967 in anarchy

Defining Hypocrisy

Political Correctness is the way we treat each other in order to avoid being offensive. The term fails since being offensive is something subjective that depends on one’s culture, ethics and personal experiences. Nonetheless many people are drawn towards this form of behaviour. Learning how to speak and act properly in order to be accepted comes hand in hand with ideas of positive thinking, positive energy and other self worshipping illusions. No wonder “The Secret” was such a hit of a book. The comfiness of modern life has soften our character. Even if we are going through so-called ‘economic crises’, here in the west we have a place to sleep, food to eat and water to drink—something that billions cannot enjoy on a daily basis. Most people on this planet struggle in terms of life or death in order to survive. I wonder how many “positive energy” individuals have the balls to preach to a starving child in Africa that his situation is such because he attracts “negative energy”. This is not only bullshit but downright inhumane.

Self Destruction

We have managed to incorporate this politically correct mantra in our relationships and managed to reinforce it through cosmopolitan level articles that urge us to detox our social life from all this negativity or what it comes to be—reality itself. The trend is sculpting people who are way too sensitive with everything that goes on with their lives. We are nourishing our inner Paris Hilton so others can cater to out “positivism”. I wonder, why after so much positivism we are still popping up pills like M&M’s?

The News and Social Media have changed their rules of conduct, removing all “negative commentary”. We demand this new lingo so much that our friends, coworkers and even politicians and leaders have become liars, hypocrites and crooks. The average perception craves political correctness and this is exactly what we are getting.

It has become a symbol, a flag. There is surge of group creation across all domains. People are demanding “rights” as if one group suffers more than the other. One group ends ups We end up stripping the freedoms from another for the sake of security, imprisoning each other under the shackles of governmental control. Why do you think humans suffer so much from loneliness even if we are connected than ever? Why do you think we visit therapists to talk about identity crisis or our problems with the rest of the world? We wear so many politically correct masks that we have lost track with reality. “Positive Energy” as if life is the green valley with my little pony. We have become spoiled brats accusing the world for “patriarchy” “sexism” “human rights” “corruption” “fat shaming” turning all the arguments against one another since everybody carries their own ideology. What a circus. Nobody can take any offense anymore.

Wake Up Call

I understand that we have always wore some kind of mask and behaved in some kind of politically correct way more or less. Nobody denies this. As humans living in complex societies this is rather a necessity. Today though the phenomenon has turned people against their own self. We might see for example a group of 5 people sitting in a coffee shop sunked in their mobile screens liking each others’ posts as if all that takes place in another dimension. Turn your head some degrees left and you witness a girl taking 500 selfies on her balcony so that she can choose the best one; gathering the maximum amount of likes-even if she knows that she doesn’t look like that in real life. And then we wonder why we pop pills and complain why people cannot see “who we truly are”. We are committing personality suicides. We sacrifice our identity in order to become accepted. We sacrifice our freedom of expression for the sake of safety. We demand only positive things, shoving reality under the carpet whether that is the TV, social media and magic pills. The very profession of the psychologist exists because we cannot be real with any other. Therapists are friends on payroll. We wouldn’t want to cause any “negativity” in our friend circle or show any form of “weakness”. right? We have become an avatar, a by-product of political correctness. One can either be real and suffer the social consequences or forever absorbed into the this ocean of absurdity.


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