The Disease of Political Correctness (Featuring @kyriacos as author)

in #anarchy8 years ago

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Defining Hypocrisy

Political Correctness is the way we treat each other in order to avoid being offensive. The term fails since being offensive is something subjective that depends on one’s culture, ethics and personal experiences.  Nonetheless many people are drawn towards this form of behaviour. Learning how to speak and act properly in order to be accepted comes hand in hand with ideas of positive thinking, positive energy and other self worshipping illusions. No wonder “The Secret” was such a hit of a book.  The comfiness of modern life has soften our character. Even if we are going through so-called ‘economic crises’, here in the west we have a place to sleep, food to eat and water to drink—something that billions cannot enjoy on a daily basis. Most people on this planet struggle in terms of life or death in order to survive. I wonder how many “positive energy” individuals have the balls to preach to a starving child in Africa that his situation is such because he attracts “negative energy”. This is not only bullshit but downright inhumane.

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Self Destruction 

We have managed to incorporate this politically correct mantra in our relationships and managed to reinforce it through cosmopolitan level articles that urge us to detox our social life from all this negativity or what it comes to be—reality itself.  The trend is sculpting people who are way too sensitive with everything that goes on with their lives. We are nourishing our inner Paris Hilton so others can cater to out “positivism”. I wonder, why after so much positivism we are still popping up pills like M&M’s? 

The News and Social Media have changed their rules of conduct, removing all “negative commentary”. We demand this new lingo so much that our friends, coworkers and even politicians and leaders have become liars, hypocrites and crooks. The average perception craves political correctness and this is exactly what we are getting. 

 It has become a symbol, a flag. There is surge of group creation across all domains. People are demanding “rights” as if one group suffers more than the other. One group ends ups We end up stripping the freedoms from another for the sake of security, imprisoning each other under the shackles of governmental control. Why do you think humans suffer so much from loneliness even if we are connected than ever? Why do you think we visit therapists to talk about identity crisis or our problems with the rest of the world? We wear so many politically correct masks that we have lost track with reality. “Positive Energy” as if life is the green valley with my little pony. We have become spoiled brats accusing the world for “patriarchy” “sexism” “human rights” “corruption” “fat shaming” turning all the arguments against one another since everybody carries their own ideology. What a circus. Nobody can take any offense anymore.

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Wake Up Call

I understand that we have always wore some kind of mask and behaved in some kind of politically correct way more or less. Nobody denies this. As humans living in complex societies this is rather a necessity. Today though the phenomenon has turned people against their own self. We might see for example a group of 5 people sitting in a coffee shop sunked in their mobile screens liking each others’ posts as if all that takes place in another dimension. Turn your head some degrees left and you witness a girl taking 500 selfies on her balcony so that she can choose the best one; gathering the maximum amount of likes-even if she knows that she doesn’t look like that in real life. And then we wonder why we pop pills and complain why people cannot see “who we truly are”. We are committing personality suicides. We sacrifice our identity in order to become accepted. We sacrifice our freedom of expression for the sake of safety. We demand only positive things, shoving reality under the carpet whether that is the TV, social media and magic pills. The very profession of the psychologist exists because we cannot be real with any other. Therapists are friends on payroll. We wouldn’t want to cause any “negativity” in our friend circle or show any form of “weakness”. right? We have become an avatar, a by-product of political correctness. One can either be real and suffer the social consequences or forever absorbed into the this ocean of absurdity. 


@dragonslayer109 features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. ALL STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author

Don't just follow me, follow the author as well, if you like their post - @kyriacos. Thank you


welcome to steemit, get paid to be nice

Why? I 'd rather get paid to be honest, even if that often means rude.

We need individual rights - not rights for specific groups. The media and government put us in groups so we fight each other.

You're absolutely right!

Personally I can equate Political Correctness to Pretending Like We Care about something we know nothing about or that has been spun to be the widespread belief by our globalist media.

I'm so f*cking sick of PC culture. In Canada we just elected a manchild who answers every question with 'it's the current year.'

I think caring too much about being right or wrong, or being accepted or rejected is the disease. When this happens very deeply along with a desire to control others it becomes politics.

Formerly, there was talk of respect for others, a personal value. Today, the society imposed a politically correct relationship, a value that is not shared by everyone.

since society imposed it, society desires it @grandpere

This is why Donald Trump has gained such a large following... he clearly doesn't care about being politically correct, in favor of saying exactly what he thinks.

Of course he doesn't care about being politically correct he's a billionaire. These other guys are career politicians, they'd have a lot to lose. Trump is already known for being a character. The whole election in 2016 is entertainment.

True, although it is more than just him being a billionaire. There are many billionaires on CNBC every day that don't say the things he does. It is more Donald just being Donald and everyone else just has to "deal with it".

On a side note... I can't wait for the debates to start. It is going to be great television!

You might like this post I wrote a while back. I don't care for Trump's supposed policies, because I believe that he's saying stuff for entertainment, not serious proposals. I just want the world to be able to make jokes without censorship anymore.

He's on team hillary for sure

I wouldn't go that far. He first got in the race and wasn't expected to make it past the first drop outs on the Republican side... He basically has been the same person the entire time, both to his gain and lately to his detriment.

I'd vote for a two-headed kangaroo over a career politician at this point -- I'll take a chance on Trump over the status quo any day!

He is playing the media big time (think no publicity is bad publicity) and read his written positions on his website... if he sticks to those... great!

Exactly, trump is making headway due to the fact that many people are just getting fed up and what something real. Even if it's somewhat crazy.

I want CHANGE! But I'm not sure what change I want... I just want change! (screamed in the voice of the mob of people)

Thats how Obama got elected.

Feminism is a key to political correctness, but it's actually feminists that made the term a pejorative, during the fight between sex-positive and more classically 2nd wave feminism. I actually wrote on this topic just yesterday:

“The greatest enemy of clear language is insincerity.” by, George Orwell. Political correctness robs us of any depth in our language... And stunts our overall growth as a society.

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