
Can I say HOLY SHIT that's an epic plan/breakdown!!! Seems like your laser focused, and I can't imagine it not paying off like crazy. And i'm loving that texture you got going on the lionfish!! It's like a dry brush/ chalk feel.... kinda want to hang that guy on my wall :) Well i'll be here patiently waiting for all these epic arts.... ( and great choice on the blue planet reference..those vids prob been on pause more than I have actually watched them as intended hahahaha)

Aww thank youu!! The main cover is my old artwork and I hope I'm not too rusty now haha :D
Planning things out makes it a little less scary and hard to work on something big xD I prefer to write everything down, as I easily forget things and I get distracted :P
The Blue Planet 2 and Planet Earth 2 are mind blowing. I don't think I've seen better video quality ever before!

Hi @kristyglas, I only just found out that you and @ivan-g are siblings :D I wonder if he might also make a few origami models to go with your studies, or if he needs a break after his own epic project :D

I wanted to know if you have studied the way Eastern cultures depict their dragon compared to the Western cultures, and also if you have looked at dinosaurs much for some reference physiology? I saw an old project called x-breeders that I think you will like so I will find you a link :)

Oo I'd love the link if you could find it please! :D
Haha yeah we're siblings ^^ He does origami that he prefers and I think it's better that way.
He joined more recently and I'm glad he's having so much fun! Do you have any family members or real life friends on Steemit?
I havent studied details exactly for the dragons but I've read various books. I should study Eastern dragons more, I find them harder to draw and I still don't know enough for them :)
The most recent book I read and own is this:

I used to read about dinosaurs as a kid, but I should definitely revisit them ^^

This is the website for a project that I was very interested in a few years back. I think if you see it you might understand why it is great for what you are doing:

Unfortunately I am the more curious one in the family in the real world but on Steemit I have a different family, which are all the great people that are kind and generous enough to share their lives with me :D

Wow!! I love the website thank you for sharing :D
And that's sweet ^^

I just realized what your avatar is when I took a closer look... so I guess the Eastern dragon is not unfamiliar to you :D

I'm a Ghibli fan xD haha

And your favourite Ghibli animation is? I think My Neighbour Totoro is probably my favourite but Porco Rosso is a very close second (the music is just so lovely)!

I love Howl's moving castle and Spirited away :D
Kiki's delivery service is cute.
I must still see Totoro, but I managed not to spoil anything :O
Gonna convince husbund to watch together xD

I like the cover art, great result! And also will follow your plan!

Thanks it's an old drawing ^^
Will you also be drawing along the plan?

I'll be on vacation the next two weeks....

Have a nice vacation!! :D

I like the cover
Art, great result! And also
Will follow your plan!

                 - airmatti

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Cool! This actually unwanted, but I won't tell it!

🎉 Congratulations @kristyglas! 👏, your amazing Artwork has been selected to be featured in my curation post.

Awesome, thank you!! :D

Dang...I didn't know this was at least a month long endeavor.

I used to think artists just whip up stuff in a few days.

Haha it depends on the artist ^^ But everyone had to learn how to draw things, luckily later on you don't have to repeat all of the steps. I have experience with dragon art but 0 with mermaids :)

That's entirely too organised for me XD Hope you've set yourself managable amounts of work :) I've already managed to forget what was in the schedule (I'm more tired than usual XD) so I'm going to be a total lamer and look forward to everything XP

Aww not a lamer! Hug :D
I wrote it all down BEcause I forget xD haha
Also I know I'll probably fall a bit behind, but will try my best ^^ I'm not 100% sticking to the schedule and started a bit ahead of time.

I like Day 8- Scale studies. :) Personally like to do research and experiment with data I found :) I wish I could plan everything that good :)

Sweet ^^
I couldn't sleep so I had some time to write a bunch, maybe a little too much xD

I love watching people learn something new/expand their skills in a real way and your plan sounds doable. Looking forward to your sketches.
(Real in that it takes time and is incremental most often not the jump from pencil circles and squares to full glossy perfect images that you see in animation drawing tutorials.)

Glad you like it :) Well once an artist learns all of the things, there is no reason really to do all of the steps. However, when you see awesome work, you know that many hours and years have been spent to learn that before hand. Even what you call talent, those usually just learn faster.

Wowsers! You have this all planned out very well @kristyglas! I can't wait to read all of them! I read your Day 1 and am in awe! :)

Thanks! ^^ I just have some experience with planning from before.

There are wonderful and magical underwater creatures indeed! And they are very inspiring. Have fun with this project! :)

Thank you I'm sure I will :D

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