KLYE's NSFW Degenerate Drawing Contest - Volume #1 WINNERS!

in #art7 years ago

DISCLAIMER: If you're easily offended by art depicting genitalia you should probably just save us both the hassle and hit the back button in your browser. This is a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) post and should be viewed only by those who don't get butthurt by funny, vulgar or whattever art.

Last week my first ever "Degenerate Drawing Contest" was launched, giving hopeful contestants 1 whole week to become the next "Dickasso/Prickasso" of the network by flexing their man meet doodling arts in hopes of STEEM Prizes. I've collected all the entries from the contest below for your viewing pleasure.

The Winners of The Dick Doodle Contest!

  • #1: Bonercat by @fapfap - 69 STEEM Prize

With a staggering 88 community votes this wonderful and disturbing piece of hybrid boner kitty made me laugh hard! No longer will I ever be able to look at a cat again without flashing back to this piece. A truly artistic expression, evoking emotion far beyond just a giggle passing by.

Chosen personally by myself despite the amazing talent of the other entries the erotiwang picture above is a fine example of taking a theme and creating it how you see it..! Dicks? Titties? Well, that mixed with the shading and expression makes this a wonderful art piece, arousing emotion and breaking free of the man meat cliche to grow titties. nice!

To quote the artist responsible for this piece: "the world is misogynist! tell us to draw a vagina which is more divine. anyways I have drawn a flaccid penis with a ballpoint pen." ... Yes! Yes you have! Earning yourself the 3rd place prize of 18 STEEM and setting the theme for the next upcoming Degenerate Drawing Contest!

Some dicks are just so poorly made you can't help but wonder if they were gunning for the worst prize. The artist responsible for the doodle above might be trying to get some point across with her poo-froth choice of colour and brush. It wins a 1 STEEM prize..!

Prizes have been sent out now! In case you missed the other awesome artistic entries I'm included them below with their author name!

Thanks to All that Entered!

Given the fun had here and the success of the post, interaction and humour spawned by it thinking I'll continue hosting "Degenerate Drawing Contests" in the future! Stay tuned and follow my blog to get word of when the next contest starts! Have a great day everyone!

@KLYE for Witness

amazing art :D

I wonder how many women that this post got pregnant . . .

All of them if it worked as intended!

I have missed such art contest. It is really pity. I will wait for next ones ))

Will be more. No worries!

this is true art, not that shitty self-portrait contest. Amazing! Congrats to the authors! LMAO

You are a human with a fine taste in art I see. :D

From the sublime to the ridickulous!

I'll be doing more Degenerate Drawing Contests! This was a fun idea and people enjoyed it.

Something different! I'll be on the look out for the sickening vadge comp! :D

Tried my best! @gentlebot in the on the action, he's a good lad he is.

Thanks for hosting the contest @klye !

Thanks for your awesome entry man. Next one will be soon enough. Can't wait to see what you come up with. XD

People are never as inspired then when asked to draw dicks.

lmao. I thought it would be a fun one. <3

Haha, I made the Vote Kyle (klye) art without seeing this at all. Awesome!

congrats to all the winners! better luck next time for me and the others! T_T

Your art was amazing man, do not fret.

Thank you... no hard feelings man! i know! it's for Fun nothing to be serious.....

Thanks a lot Klye, it was really fun, and you just doubled up my steem power. <3

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