
Here's one for you!

Clowns! Shudder! I felt fine before, but now I'm creeped out. Better stick my head back up my arse and do some more omming.

I have officially lost my mind...

Oh well, if it's official, that's alright then

Damn it. Now you've got me thinking. Philosophy, like. Ok, so...

~ If your mind is inside your brain, its somewhere trampled under the feet of the masses, along with your mojo, so you can probably kiss that sucker goodbye. Sorry to be blunt, but no point sugar coating it.

~ If your mind wasn't in your brain to start with, then where was it before? where is it now? Who the hell knows, maybe it doesn't matter...

~ But if your mind IS your brain, and we're all stuck inside it, "HELP" {panic} "We're LOST." {running round in circles} "That NoNamesLeftToUseKovich has got us fucking lost."

Quit moving around in there!

You know what though? That's way too deep for me at this time. I can't seem to make sense of any of it. I have the worst headache I've had in years. The timer tells me it's been like this for at least ten hours, but I know it's been more than that. I'm tired as fuck, my head hurts, and it won't let me sleep. I thought maybe going crazy might help. It didn't. Going nuts usually solves all my problems. Not today.

So for the love of god! Puh lease stop kicking and screaming in there or I'll be getting the hose!

Do you want the hose!

Ommmmmm... (Whispers - Shut up you guys. I was wrong, We're not lost. We're just taking the scenic route.)

Seriously though, check out some of these videos and see if tapping (or you can just hold the points and breathe in and out) helps the headache

I checked out a few videos at random. Each one gave me someone slowly and calmly talking about this stuff but not really showing me a damn thing. Seems interesting, might work, but I'm not sure I have the patience to handle these people. I don't mean to be a poor sport here.

My usual trick involves something much simpler. A sprint until I'm nearly dead. It'll put me through far more pain at first but with each throb it slowly goes away. I've been glued to my damn art though. Sitting here... trying to make something that actually brings money into the equation.

Hey! Maybe it's just stress!

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