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RE: Some Of My BEST Artwork! MIXED (PHOTOS)

in #art8 years ago

I really like that first one of the woman outdoors with the black shirt on!

Oh wait, that's a photo of you! :P

Seriously, have you done any self portraits?

I had to Google ACEO but now I know what it is; thanks!

The woman sitting on the piano keys that stretch out the window to the moon is my fav. Does she have angel wings? Or is that something else; I can't quite tell. I'd love to see a close up of that piece!

Have a marvelous artistic weekend!


Heheh thank you! OMG You are too sweet! Hehe! I have done self portraits in the past but I need to do some more ;)

Heheh I don't think a lot of people know what ACEO is, I should of wrote that in the post.

Yes she has angel wings! I'll have to post a closeup later hehe.


you are still not answering why you feel justified to go and flag every post i ever made and then to spend the rest of the night instantly flagging anything elese i posted. all because on you post "is online dating good for scocity?" where i commeted "its sad and depressing imo" you then went to my page and flagged all my posts? why? how was your actions that made me start spamming you for answers not trolling? you took my rating down from 37 to 2. why was that ok in your eyes? why are you now calling me raciest? I have never said anything raicest on steemit or anyother social media b4. please respond.

I was going through comments to find what ACEO was but looks like I'll have to google that myself too. And, great job @kaylinart. I can see that a ghost has started following you. ::cough:: cough:: @nameles. Flagging is quite delicate in steemit. His rep is 1 now but at this pace he might beat @wang's record pretty soon. And, you look pretty in that pic. I feel sorry for nameles though.

Thank you!
My ghost has been following me around spamming me like crazy. I usually NEVER downvote, But in this case he really deserves it.
Thank you for your compliments!


its all because of her, why did she do it and why wont she say why she did it?
messed up for her to flag every post I ever made second day on seemit because I commented "its sad and depressing imo" on her post called "is online dating good for scocity?". all it took for her to post everything I had ever posted. and then all of steemit community seems to back her actions up when all I have been doing is asking her why. now she is even calling me raciest. w t f is that shit?

@nameles C'mon, there should be a better way to resolve this issue. You're only making it worse by spamming like this.

Here's an article by @dantheman and I think everyone should read it to just gain some perspective on voting.

If you check the comments you can see people complaining about his voting mistakes.

I've checked your posts and frankly I only liked the post life is not a dream. Other than that, I felt a lot of negativity in most other posts there.

@kaylinart I also see that a lot of his posts were flagged by you as he said, flagging posts is very sensitive and you know it, it looks somewhat harsh from here.

@kaylinart @nameles Can you two bury the hatchets and move on? @nameles please stop spamming her like this and @kaylinart please say something good.

Group hug? No? ok. Too soon? yeah, too soon, I guess.

Let's just be good steemians then. Full Steem Ahead. ;)

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