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RE: Some Of My BEST Artwork! MIXED (PHOTOS)

in #art8 years ago

Yeah all of his posts were low quality and garbage. As someone who believes in Steemit, I feel that racism and spam have no place here. I rarely downvote anyone. But In this case I feel like a downvote was necessary.
Steemit is a dream come true for me, And I won't let anyone ruin that.


Awesome. Stand your ground, @kaylinart! You know whose side we're all on! Looking forward to more of your artwork, hopefully minus the ghost...


yes we all know you and the rest of the steemit community support her flagging people for no reason and when people ask why u try to white knight for her. you obviously don't care that she is trolling people and defend her for doing so.


Regardless of the facts of the discord, you should not have the power to drop someone's reputation site-wide, because you do not represent everyone's views. Voting is a dysfunctional paradigm, and it will not succeed.

However it should also be possible for your coterie to collectively agree that his posts are spam for your like-minded group and have them automatically be filtered.


you lie so much! you say " I rarely downvote anyone. But In this case I feel like a downvote was necessary."
when I did not start bothering you tll after you went out of your way to flagg every post I had ever made and spent the full night flagging anything I posted instantly.

how ws anything I said racism? wow now u drop to slander? of cores u see steemit as a place people like me don't belong, you flagg people because they disagree with you. don't worrie you are what is going to kill steemit. if you are going to go around cencoring people because you disagree with them your going to turn this into an echo chamber and everyone will end up leaving. or as people like me that are part of the skeptic.shitlord community get the word out about this place and we will show up and melt you special snowflakes. you have no idea how much restraint it takes me to only ask you why you are doing all of this (you will still not answer my questions about it. I hope you realize the only reason this is happening to you is because the actions you did. if you hadent gone out of your way to troll me for 24hrs straight I wouldn't b here. I was the stupid ass that was wanting to buy your coloring book befor you targeted me. so I am not going to stop till you answer the questions I been spamming and now you can also add to the list how I post raciest stuff because that's just what people yell out when they have nothing to back up their claims. yell out raciest, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, islamphobe ect.... it will not shut down the facts. so I will be waiting your response and in the meantime ima get back to spamming the questions about how you trolled me with how you are now calling me a racest now added.

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