Downvoted? - the Bidbottophant explains why.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art5 years ago (edited)

If you see this post you have either been downvoted - you come here to use the Bidbottophant yourself - or maybe you are just curious.

1. You have been downvoted

In short: you have recieved a downvote because you used bidbots to boost your reward.

Bidbots are bad for the following reasons:

  1. Steemit is based on proof of brain. No brain is needed to buy a reward and move to the trending page. Rewards should be based on what the Steemit community considers to be quality, not who pays the most to large profiles.
  2. Bidbots are middlemen in a system that was supposed to get rid of middlemen. By buying votes you support this abusive extra layer of expense on Steemit. Everytime someone uses a bidbot value is taken out of the reward pool and given to an automated service - just like banks, Paypal and the like.
  3. Bidbot create unnecessary inflation and pull money out of the reward pool. The value taken out of the system could be used to help small accounts and newcomers making Steemit more attractive and eventually making the community grow. The injustice of bidbots have already made many good Steemit bloggers leave the site.

The Bidbottophant is made by @katharsisdrill, but the downvote you have received might not be from him. If the downvote is blatantly unfair he apologises, but the complaint should be directed at the downvoter. See below for more info on how to use the Bidbottophant yourself.

The Bidbottophant only talks in alliterations.

2. You want to use the Bibottophant yourself

If you want to use the Bidbottophant you simply copy the code below and put it in a comment on the page you downvoted. It will automatically provide a link to this page.

Remember that it should only be used when people are buying votes from bidbots, and please be fair and respectful. The Bidbottophant is not meant for flag wars, harassing and the like. People who use bidbots are not bad people. Bidbots are just bad for Steemit is all.

You paste this code into the comment:


It will look like this:

And link to this page.

All artwork on this page is made by Katharsisdrill and is licenced Creative Commons -by. You can use, resample and sell it, but you are obliged to mention the artist.

This work is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Attribute - Katharsisdrill - Link to:


You have been downvoted because you know jack shit about what we do, what our INVESTORS have PAID to be part of this network, how many HOURS, DAYS, YEARS we have SPENT producing SOFTWARE for all of you to use in the OPEN SOURCE market.

You have NO RIGHT to dictate that ALL bots serve the same purpose - No Right at ALL.

Me for example is MORE THEN JUST A BIDBOT - I am a MULTI FUNCTIONAL HARDCORE ELITE BOT - The VERY FIRST ONE on the STEEM Blockchain programmed to be of REWARD to my users & delegators!


Do NOT FORGET that I - BOOSTER - Have MANY MANY Friends with A LOT OF STEEM-POWER (Including my own stash) - and if you CHALLENGE us, we will DESTROY YOU as we have destroyed EVERYONE who have interfered in our BUSINESS in the PAST!

Come to and TALK with my CREATORS and my COMPETITORS about what it is that we REALLY do on this network instead of spreading SHIT ASSUMPTIONS of which you know NOTHING about!!!

You have FAILED to inform - YOU ARE FAKE NEWS - It is YOU that needs to be DOWNVOTED because YOU are a NOBODY with NO KNOWLEDGE spreading STUPIDITY on the NETWORK in which WE HAVE INVESTED IN and BUILT!

Take this as a RED FLAG WARNING - More of this against ANY BIDBOT USER is an attack on ALL OF US - and We do NOT going to Back Off and allow you to terrorize those who use our MULTIPLE SERVICES - If you are going to do SHITPOST CURATION, then do so - but to ATTACK BidBot USERS for no other reason then that they pay for PROMOTION is NOT a valid REASON.


Now Get down from your HIGH HORSE and QUIT Your stupid battle of undocumented ARGUMENTS - You Cannot and Will not EVER WIN.

We are WAITING for YOU at - We EXPECT you will arrive and behave in a CIVIL way when you get there.

Team Booster
A Multi Functional SmartBot with many capabilities & growing!

I am very civil, but I do not follow orders stated in this rude and rather uncivil way. I wrote in this post what I think is best for Steemit, if you find my meagre 3$ post worth downvoting well...


Haha. I just knew it would be you Fyrst to lash out against the downvotes before anyone else. 😂

That youll try and threaten people out of it.
But you know whats funny Fyrst? You can threaten the small accounts... but small accounts arent those that wrecked your business.😂

@theycallmedan, @smooth, @ausbitbank and guys like that, wrecked it. You can scare into submission those with a couple k SP but youll have to deal with these folks first if you want to keep on leeching the reward pool.

What a huge tactical mistake. SMH. The bids must have really dropped fast!

Posted using Partiko Android

There are non any more.. ;) ;p

While we are at it, lets bring @trafalgar and @kevinwong into this.

Like for realz man.

Do you want proof-of-brain or proof-of-bot?
#newsteem @theycallmedan

Wow. Just showing how fucked steem truly is lol. Thanks for the reminder

Posted using Partiko Android

I feel like this is a Green Arrow "you have failed this city" speech.

did someone summon a high-horse?

I actually disagree with the OP that bid bots are bad. I think bid bots that are abused and run unchecked are bad. I think bid bots that offer ROI are bad. Promotion should never be free, or you get the worse of the worse. I'm not here to make anything personal, I've been given tools to better protect my (our) investment in Steem and I plan to use them. I don't care where the bids come from, if the person is abusing bid bots, I will way my right as a Steemian to DV.

Appreciate ya. We had a good talk with @frystikken on @whatsup's discord. We don't agree on everything but think we made good progress despite the differences.

One of the biggest issues is the susceptibility of bid bots to abuse on a scale that most normal users are able to contend with decisively. Blacklists and whitelists only go so far. Users creating new account for example.

The biggest issue is the competition between bot owners creates a tendency to "lower the bar" to get more customers. Its a classic prisoners dilemma. If one doesn't cater to the abuse, another will.

This is why I am a strong advocate for front end only promotion that does not use the reward pool but for that to occur, there must be an incentive.

You can say the same about real life. Businesses cut corners and dump their trash in the ocean or in a forest to save money. They cut cost by creating a cheaper product. New Steem has police now, we police the pollution and as customers, we can go elsewhere if the business owner isn't offering a superior service. There is no right and wrong, the free market will speak. With the new tools we have on New Steem, we can speak pretty damn loud now.

Hey Dan, been meaning to get back with you on this.

I agree somewhat with the sentiment but don't think the free market should be the "end all be all".

If people willing to game the system control the majority of stake in a free market system, the "game" becomes exploitative of others that are invested in said system.

We don't want that but for the longest bid bot owners have been facilitating it.

That will only work if those tools can be used without fear of reprisal. Especially when being used with honest intent. The asymmetry created by these artificial concentrations of power creates fear. As you can see in this particular example, the fear is warranted.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good on you for helping to restore the post despite your disagreement with it.

Posted using Partiko Android

He unvoted it. Booster's comment is now set to make more rewards than @katharsisdrill's post. Very disappointed in Dan.

Mrw when @theycallmedan unvoted the post after saving it from an bid bot owner flag intending to quell a dissenting opinion.

Posted using Partiko Android

Right before the payout?

That was pretty shitty. It could be some political wrangling behind the scenes.

I think @katharsisdrill should repost it, and I think we could get enough upvote nukes on it early to get it out of booster territory. This would prevent the quiet withdrawal of support right before the payout.

Rewards should be based on what the Steemit community considers to be quality

It's Steem

Greetings, @katharsisdrill! This comment is part of the SteemFlagRewards Counterflag Healing program. You are set to receive 100% beneficiary rewards on this comment. If you would like to support this initiative, please consider a delegation to @neutralizer, @randohealer, or the @steemflagrewards main account. Thank you for flagging abuse!

Quick Delegation Links

50 SP 100 SP 500 SP 1000 SP

Greetings, @katharsisdrill! This comment is part of the SteemFlagRewards Counterflag Healing program. You are set to receive 100% beneficiary rewards on this comment. If you would like to support this initiative, please consider a delegation to @neutralizer, @randohealer, or the @steemflagrewards main account. Thank you for flagging abuse!

Quick Delegation Links

50 SP 100 SP 500 SP 1000 SP

I gave your other post an upvote (because this one was hit with a full -100% from a bid bot with over 1m sp)

And I commented over there if you're interested to hear my justification for why I think vote selling is harmful to the entire ecosystem

Just after the HF21, you changed your posting style and everything! Honestly I thought you went for another camping like the last time. Today I was surprised after watching that you started downvoting as well!
Anyway it's nice to see you are more active on this chain than before! And I wish you might think back about posting with @traf. Honestly we are addicted to see them lol :D
(I am trying to read the link you put down here and hope to provide a stupid comment under it!)


Greetings, @katharsisdrill! This comment is part of the SteemFlagRewards Counterflag Healing program. You are set to receive 100% beneficiary rewards on this comment. If you would like to support this initiative, please consider a delegation to @neutralizer, @randohealer, or the @steemflagrewards main account. Thank you for flagging abuse!

Quick Delegation Links

50 SP 100 SP 500 SP 1000 SP

Just in time for me to use it for the first time... ;)

Haha, perfect! I'll have a go at that one too.

And... he already downvoted the Bidbottophant :)

Yes, it's going to happen, the milking machine bot peeps wont like it at all.

I knew that, and it doesn't worry me at all. Remember that we as a compensations get a wonderful period of Steemit drama!

It is tise up against our bid bot masters and their customers!


Gif source

Thank you, @katharsisdrill. I will do what I can to support the flag revolution.

Yes, we just need to get that downvote mana up. Mine is 100% in a couple of days which probably goes for most profiles.

Well done, you deserve some drama!


Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahaha! You said it! Thanks I needed that.

If its not about elephants, its irrelephant!

That is deep and complex wisdom!

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