Zuckerborg, Planetoids and Synapse in Pastel / New Tokenized Creations for sale!

in #art6 years ago

The other day I opened my youtube app and I was greeted by the dead empty eyes of you know who, whispers Zuckerborg... at least it inspired some art:

Enter the Zuckerborg


This next one is somewhat of the third in my destruction series...



And last up...

Synapse in Pastel


These are all available as one of a kind tokens at my Super Rare gallery:


Very crazy, in a cool kind of way. Great works! 🍻

Thanks haha!

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Ah the inspiration from the dead eyes of one of our overseers. It is funny how so much power is in the hands of so few, even scarier to think of who is really in charge BEHIND those we are allowed to see in the media, now that could be a scary painting for sure!

Wonderful interpretation. It would be cool this way in one of those plastic forms that you thread wool into? It would lend itself well to that with the graph of the plastic form.

So much creativity <3 I love these pieces, @juliakponsford :D

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