Frequencies Of Colors Bending // a psychic collab with @clayboyn for Reflections #1

in #art7 years ago (edited)

This piece is my final artwork for the reflections contest hosted by @tinypaleokitchen. The aim of the contest is to collaborate with another person and to create two posts (different mediums) that reflect each other.

I worked with @clayboyn and our theme was Psychonauts:

A Psychonaut is a person who explores activities by which altered states of consciousness are induced and utilized for spiritual purposes or the exploration of the human condition, including shamanism, lamas of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, sensory deprivation, and both archaic and modern users of entheogenic substances, in order to gain deeper insights into the mind and spirituality.

Frequencies Of Colors Bending

colours bending-01.jpeg


To begin @clayboyn and I contacted the mothership seeking inspiration. We were told the best course of action was to look inside ourselves and use our personal experiences as a basis for this collaboration. After a complicated series of communications I couldn't begin to explain in human terms, I put stylus to tablet.

I painted this face as a starting point and started collaging on bits from more abstract images I had created.:

Project 116.jpg

Some of these images:




At this point @clayboyn's messages were coming through more strongly and I was able to visualize his words with ease.

I took the image itslef and began distorting a copy of it to use as further collage pieces. It gets a little meta here:

Project 117.jpg


Next i rearranged, tweaked and distorted all the pieces until they were to our liking and phoned home. Something was missing?

! was hearing the words:

Sensory bleed from optic nerve's ending,
reaching frequencies of colors blending.

I did a few more art things to tidy everything up and had my final result. I psychically transmitted it to Clay and saw green (this means agreement). And we are back to the final result:

colours bending-01.jpeg

Here is the reflecting poetry post by @clayboyn that inspired this art:


I am blown away this is so awesome. So glad you won, BRAVO!!!!@juliakponsford and @clayboyn.

Thank you rensoul! Much appreciated :D

Excellent, perfectly captures the psychonautic vibe. Its is the goddess of trips lol

That would have been a great title she is definitely a goddess :)

Julia this is beautiful!!! I am a big fan!

❤️❤️ Thanks baby :)

Dang! These images are wild! Well done!

Thank I have done a Collab with @Clayboyn before and it worked out well too :)

gahhhhhhh ! this is so completely inspiring! I am at a loss for intelligent words. thank you for sharing this wonderful process.

Thank you that's a lovely compliment ❤️

i realy like this, it has that retro airbrush aestetic with that contemporary shiny raytrace feel... it looks like a co-op albumcover of daftpunk featuring hawkwind :-)

Hmm those are a lot of good words put together I lovee this comment, lol thanks!

Wow Julia! I'm impressed that's amazing!!! All the pictures are incredible I'm going to follow you, your a great artist 🎨 merry Christmas!!!🎄🎄

Thank you so much for the compliment Merry Christmas to you too!

Awesome! an image that is striking ... at once attractive because of the perfect mix of colors

Thank you so much I think I even surprised myself with this one :)

Really cool multi-dimensional stuff, very beautiful!

I try to go one dimension deeper every year let's see what 2018 brings!

Wow, astonishing. And I really appreciated that you shared the process with us. Very awesome, thank you!

It was tricky to document the process on this because it was so many little steps, thank you :)

Understandable! I make orchestral pieces using a computer and it is also a process mostly comprised of lots of little steps. I dabble with graphic art but I am not quite so skilled and talented as you are. :) The glimpse of the process helped me understand how you arrived at such a unique and provoking conclusion. I really look forward to seeing more! :)

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