Crypto School Comic - A Community Gag Strip

in #art7 years ago


Welcome to your decentralised school! A gag comic about personified tokens studying blockchains together. An interactive and positive strip sharing the daily drama of the crypto world.

That is a project I'd like to share with you.
I'm currently working on Shades Of Men, a gritty action adventure taking place in modern Paris. I've been posting chapters here on Steemit.

Being new around here and in the crypto universe in general, I've been very inspired by all the events, and information I gathered so far. There is just so many stories to tell. As we share this same interest, I'm sure that would be another great way for the community to interact and learn about the various tokens in a humoristic way.

Let me introduce you to the class:


The classic:

On the left, of course, Mr B. The representation of Bitcoin. He does not claim being the teacher but only a guide in this decentralised space, learning about block chains. We discover with time about his own struggles but he remains a leader of the class... For now.

On his right, the younger Light, daughter of Mr B., she is accompanied of her Segwit bot for faster progress.
Quiet at first, she is getting more and more attention in the space.

Next to her the mascot of the class, the friendly Doggy for Doge. He is half bot and does great interaction with everyone. That would be a great friendly character always in the background.


The studious:

Here is Eth like Ethereum, his claims himself main assistant of Mr B. He doesn't wish to replace him but brings new members to the class every now and then. He bonds later on with Mr B. as he shares some of the same struggles.

Next to him his twin sister Classy (for Ethereum Classic), who is not as similar as we think.

At the very back of the class, the hard working Gogo is focused. He represents Golem and aims for a more productive studying in the classroom.


The cool kids:

Still hard a work, here is Dash. The name just stands for itself. As he studies faster, that gives him time to shine among everyone. Very protective of his image he seems to have no problems... But does he?
He competes on speed with other class mates and believes he would win it all.

Next to him the King of social interaction, Steemy (Not sure of the name yet, any thoughts?)
He gets the work done and has time to spare upvoting on his phone. He has a great positive energy and lifts up other class mate when they feel down.

Finally the surprising Sia, that always have what's needed at the right time. She also carries things around for other students. She finds cool ways to manage space in the class room.

That's it for now.
Of course this is only a few coins that inspired me at first.
But I aim to explore many others going forward. Maybe introducing to the class the 20 first ones on coin market cap and changing members according to stats.

I could also add after each strip a short explanation of why I made those references, giving the project an educational aspect too. I would probably focus on black and white, simple gag strip, one or two time a week.
As every thing is moving fast in crypto and there is so much to cover. Also because I'm finishing my on going long form series as well! Let me know what you think.

I see this as a community project, as I mentioned I am learning every day about this new space.
Please feel free to interact with your thoughts on characters, situations and format.

I can wait to have your feedback on the concept.
It is definitely a very exciting project on my end.

See you on the other side,



Man what a awesome idea!
I keeped smiling the whole post, because i dont know how to assess that xD

Whish you all the best, hopefully some more people will find your amazing projects!

Great to have some feeback. This went surprisingly unnoticed. Even though I thought it was pretty cool. I'll try a sample pages to show how it would turn out but I'm pretty busy right now. ;-)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 58139.39
ETH 2454.15
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.36