Ugly Art Challenge - Final Results!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago

What Is Ugly

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Original art by @jnart
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So the last week we had an Ugly Art Challenge - Not as trivial as it might seem to pick a winner. I made my own try to make an ugly picture, and present some thoughts I had creating it. Is it helpful to know what makes ugly art as to be able to make beautiful art?


So what makes ugly art? As @omar-hesham expressed it in the comments: "there isn't ugly art, all arts are beautiful!" Well, of course if you interpret art broadly as "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture" it is really hard to evaluate something as ugly or beautiful - it is just an human expression, and the act of creation could always be seen as beautiful. Contemporary art seldom have the aim to create something beautiful is my interpretation, but always have to take aesthetics into consideration when communication a message.

Although art is often defined as "something we make to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power", I would argue that beauty as ugliness is a set of values in a certain time and place - context. Nevertheless, some aspects are more often considered ugly, and due to our similar neurology some common sense of aesthetics I think is present. But let's not make it to complicated, this is my hobby thoughts about ugliness inspired by all your entries, and my final results.

What is ugly art?

It could be a poor execution. Like this - failing making a circle.

It could be patterns or textures someone dislike.

It could be failing making something we find beautiful - like this - a yellow sun.

It could be making something really dull, flat and boring - same value, same hue, same intensity.

It could be using unappealing shapes resembling an idea of something we find ugly - like a gray flat.

It could be using disharmonious colors.

It could be using colors and shapes - that is just to much.

But watch out - it is easy to make something "interesting" - because it is new to us.

We have lots of inherent appeal to symmetrical faces with certain proportions, and the opposite maybe could be considered less attractive. Disease and "unhealthy" stuff could be ugly.

It could also be certain types of values expressed in art - like... well, use your imagination. Or as @mamadini extressed it - "poor materials, common ideas and overly popular trends".

To wrap it up, ugly art is about how you feel about: what is made, how it is made and what it means. But none I know of tryed to cheat, that might have been considered ugly.

Now to the Winners!

Which picture would be the last one to wallpaper my room with!

First price, 15 SBD, goes to - @yusaymon - I just cant stand it, makes me uncomfortable.


Second price, 10 SBD, goes to @cryplectibles - ugly meaning, can't stand the colors.


And shared third prize, 5 SBD each, goes to @marty-arts - ugly appearance, great interpretation but I find it harmonious in color - too much talent ;)


And @doctorcrypto - my interpretation - nature is...not alive, although nice values and composition.

And the rest, 5 SBD, is rewarded although I find them interesting, and well executed in your genre :)

@mamadini - really cool!

@anonimous - interesting!

@coloringiship - cool! and there is even a second "troll" image I can see in the picture witch make it even more so!

@apprentice001 - end result is really bad as, interesting! :)

@reddust - can't find no ugly in this!

See my wallet for proof of transference.

Hope none is offended - there is a risk in this challenge. Have great day!

And for more heavy stuff

På väg logga liten.jpg

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Well, this is way too abstract for me hehe.
Great post :)

OMG I wiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn
I can´t believe it

Thaaaaaaaaaaankssss congrats everyone!!!

Congratulations @yusaymon . Your entry really is scary and ugly. It reminds me of one of our folklore creatures.

:) Thanks Coloring!!! Yes that strange eyes

Ha ha, wiii!

congrats to all! :)))

Thanks you too!

Fantastic @jnart! This was a treat and I loved seeing all the versions and ideas of ugly art.

Thank you kindly for the love and support. :)

Thank you! Great fun doing this!

That first place drawing is so creative! Pure chaos but still intact.

Yeah, it is! :)

Thank you so much! There were a lot of great "ugly" pieces.

Your welcome!

Boy that's some ugly creations.....😘 You are too kind.

Congrats to everyone. :)

Thanks you too!

Some of these are pretty incredible and not ugly at all!

Yeah, there is definitely something incredible with all of them!

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