"Rejuvenation: Eye on the World" My Offering to the Collaborative Art Journey with @everlove

in #art8 years ago (edited)

"Rejuvenation: Eye on the World"

This week felt like creative lightning! There was a spark and immediately I knew where to go with the image transformation.

Upon first glance, I saw an eye--and within it, I saw the fabric of the world as shown through the texture of the wall surface, and I wanted to impose those literal images upon the original to bring them all together in a juxtaposed and symbiotic eye of the world represented through digital collage.

Also, lately I'm addicted to grain...so it's there, too. I love the jagged roughness of grain. It's fascinating to me right now, and I'm enjoying its application in various creative scenarios.

The image was manipulated using an iPhone 6+ and the clever use of Adobe Lightroom for iPhone and Fused for iPhone. Woo hoo for mobile creativity! We are truly living in the future.

I very much enjoy this Collaborative Art Journey on Steemit and the pieces we have created together through this process.

If artistic play + community interest you, click here and check out this post by @everlove, and get involved with the Collaborative Art Journey!

ALL proceeds from my Steemit account go toward furthering my dreams of being a full time artist and creator. This includes needed equipment, recording costs, gas to and from out of state gigs, and things like food when I'm on the road. To be a full-time creator has been my goal for as long as I can remember, and your upvotes absolutely help me get there. All of my love and thanks to you.💚

All photos and artwork, unless otherwise credited, are original or heavily edited/altered by me and are all hosted at Imgur.


Thank you, @steemlegend! We have such fun in the collaborative communities here!

Please do! I would love to see what you bring to the table!! It's a great way to be involved and to have random inspiration thrown your way. I can only imagine what you could do with this and your talent!

Oh yes, please do play @steemlegend!

I am definitely an eye loving being and you have done miraculous works with my image. Super duper excited to see the textures and depths of this image--SO SO LOVE IT @jessamyorchard. Thank you for playing this game--and doing it so well too! <3

Talk about skills, this is really great artwork. Nice interpretation without a doubt! I would hang this on my wall, it has a very deep context artistically. Upvoted with ease

@verbal-d Thank you so much for the kind words. I loved this week's inspiration and felt like I could expound on it forever. I love when creativity strikes like that. So special. Love our creative community here so much!

You're most welcome. I love our creative community here too! I can't wait to make mine for this week's CAJ.

Great stuff! (;

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