
Glad you like it. Having ones own art collection is something really special. The artworks I purchased from skilled colleagues are my biggest treasures and brighten my day every time I look at them. Looking forward to see my work on your wall :-)

As of right now I have work from @opheliafu and @mariandavp in my office. Something from you would be an amazing addition. Would you accept STEEM payment?

Absolutely! What did you have in mind? :-)

That’s up to you. Whatever you think belongs in a STEEM-only art gallery ! Possibilities are endless

Well, I guess the steemfest exhibition sure showed a big variety, so you are right, there are a lot of possibilities. You should have taken the opportunity and grabbed my print ;-)

For me this is a little trickier, since sometimes people are turned off, when they hear I am a professional artist and this is how I make a living. So, I don't know if you are looking to get a "donation", or if you would find it acceptable to compensate an artist for their work just like anyone else... I'd be thrilled to find a workable solution :-)

Scanned your blog a bit, to get to know you a bit better... anything in particular I should read? (Links welcome :-) )

I’m sure your print was one of the first to be taken. And an original would be even cooler! I am definitely willing to compensate, hopefully with STEEM if that’s okay with you. How much do typically charge?

That’s a tough question, I’m a mess, and my blog is full of a whole bunch of random nonsense from food to landscape photography. I really love your abstract work that has a Dali-esque feel to it. But something inspired by this network would be awesome

I'm always impressed, when younger people have a serious interest in art and I have helped the start of numerous collections, which normally stay with a person for a life time.

My glass originals take weeks, sometimes month to create, so I'm not sure if that might be worth it to you. The good news is, that there is something for everyone who is serious.

My selection starts with A5 (8.27 x 5.83 inches) Greeting cards at 4,- Euro. OK, steem is down right now, but I'd say we make it 1:1

Next is a line of posters from 9,50 to 19,- and one quality step higher are so called giclée prints, limited editions signed and numbered, starting at 49,- and so on...

If you gave me an idea of what you'd like to invest, it would be easier for me, to make you a good offer.

Depending on where you live, shipping might be an issue. I live in Germany.

I am currently living in the US. When you say 49,- is that roughly 49 STEEM? I understand the originals can take a lot of work and are probably more than I can afford, but out of curiosity how much do those typically go for? I am willing to invest $200 or so

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