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RE: Fleurs de Florence

in #art6 years ago

hey youhavewings! what do you mean you aren't an artist? lol. These are pieces of art, what would you call them? I think you must be too hard on yourself!
Furthermore, if this is just dabbling that I can't wait to see what happens when you get serious! That is if you keep doing this I don't know if I should call it art so I'll just call it stuff. lol.

Me? my world? things suck right now but thanks for asking! lol.

No I'm just teasing. Mrs. J and I actually have huge plans but I may want to wait a little later to get into them because I gotta get to some accounts tonight but I may write a response later and you'll have it tomorrow when you get to it.


So, if I went fishing and I caught a big fish my first time out, would it be fair to say I am a 'fisherman'? No, I would say that I caught a fish. Bad analogy? I'm tryin' I made some art and I enjoyed it and I was surprised by it. We'll see what happens the next project. :) Come spring, I may take on an art class, too. A little direction would be nice.

You got me with 'things suck right now'! LOL

I'd love to hear about your 'huge' plans. That sounds interesting.

Good luck with accounting ;) Ugh Sounds exciting (not)

haha! howdy again youhavewings! wait a'r not telling me that you've never done drawings and artwork and painting before are you?
that would be a little hard to believe.

No I don't do accounting I just meant that I need to get to some accounts, alot of people will respond only before a certain time so I need to get to them, I'm suddenly keeping track of people all over the world and what time of day it is for them and sometimes what they're schedule is! lol.

ok, the plans we have are huge so the comment may be a long one. but that will be late tonight.

I drew lady portraits as a child. My portraits didn't resemble these at all. Kind of strange, actually. I went decades without drawing. A couple years ago, I wanted to gift my mother with an art class because she just retired and I wanted her to explore her artistic gift. So my children's art teacher said that she would start an evening 'adult' class but my mother wouldn't go without me so I joined the class so she would go. Then she dropped out and I was stuck drawing this nest. This is how it began, @janton

That is so great that you are such a people person. You truly are! Big bright light you are. Steemit is lucky to have you here.

Don't stay up late to post your huge plans! Do it when you have some sleep. You're too funny!

oh I always stay up too late! lol. And thank you for your kind words, I'm very undeserving of them but I'll still accept them with gratefulness but I would like to talk about myself for a second which I don't like to do but you might find it interesting, what I have to say.

It's funny that you said I was a people person because that's never been said about me before, that I know of. I'm very shy and a classic introvert, always avoiding people.

Mrs. J calls me a hermit and that has always been true for me, I could live in a cabin in the mountains by myself with no problem!

In fact it took probably 6 months to join steemit and that was in February but I was so shy and didn't think I would be able to talk to anyone that I didn't make my first post for 2 months! lol.

Then when I got my first comment I didn't know what to do or what to say! It was there for a long time. I called Mrs. J in and said hey, someone on the other side of the world talked to me, what do I do? lol.

I'm so painfully shy that if it's a crowd or gathering I disappear, usually out the back or fade so bad that no one remembers that I was there.
But, I love people and on here that shows because it's a genuine love.
And that's why it works on here.

I've never been on a social media site before because I was too shy and I'm not a writer or blogger, this is my first try at either of those so that took me along time to even try to start because everyone, almost, is so talented here! So many great everything, artists, poets, authors, you name it like I know you know. ok that's all I had to say about me.

But what's important is your artwork, you're telling me that the nest was the first thing you drew like that? I mean it makes sense now that I know your mom was artist, at least I assume such skills can be in the genes.
that is amazing!

Good morning, @janton

This is stunning to hear - you are painfully shy? I know this too well myself but I am really surprised to hear that for you! Why?

Well, you have certainly found your voice here on Steemit and that is a beautiful thing. You have wings! ;)

Truly I think that the talent you see here on Steemit is just that people have a platform to explore themselves more and there are plenty of opportunities to do that and plenty of people to learn from.

So the storyteller in you is emerging! I love that! You are a great storyteller, @janton keep going with that and your wonderful people connecting.

That is truly cool! I am sorry that you are painfully shy though - I am the same. I just recently took that myer's briggs personality test and I was shocked to learn that I am an INFJ - the "I" stands for introvert and the rest of the letters mean that I 'feel' my world. And's an overwhelming world sometimes. I fit into only 2% which explains a lot! LOL I'd be curious what you are with this - INFJ or INFP? I have a link to it in my 'Re-Think Goals' post. It's really helpful to know this.

Anyway.....I am so happy to see that you are blossoming here on Steemit - I would have never guessed you were painfully shy. And I agree, your love of people is what makes this so natural for you - and people can pick that up. That is great!

My mom wasn't an artist, but she had a career that was artistic (hair, permanent cosmetics) my eyes though she was 'an artist' and I always wanted her to explore that more because I was sure she would be the best artist ever!

For me, I always wanted to be a writer but I settled into poetry and I got poetry block and on a whim (because I had to produce something) wrote out a few true stories and suddenly that part of me emerged. It's just super exciting to see this happening with so many people here. It's a great space to find your wings ;) It's like when we're 5yro our box of crayons are taken away and replaced with 'life' and we never got to develop that creative side. So I just love this and I love your story. You should write about that, @janton!

howdy today youhavewings! I'm too shy to write about my shy story! lol. well maybe someday. But thank you so much for your kind words.

It's hard for me to believe that YOU are in introvert but the Myers Briggs test is very accurate I believe. I had a college professor who was a dear friend and he had me take it but aside from the introvert part I don't remember the other letters.

I still have it in my papers around here somewhere though. I wonder if we change much in personality because I took that thing like 35 years ago!
All I remember is that he said that I was the rarest of the personality types, probably close to yours. so we're a couple of strange ducks! lol.

That is so interesting and funny. Hey your mom certainly was artistic but just a different type of artistry so it is in your genes like I thought. And it's thrilling to see these gifts come out, think of that part of your legacy that you can leave for your kids and on down the line!

Not that you're going anywhere for a long time but you know what I mean.
your username is so perfect for steemit! was that on purpose or an accident?

Yeah, I'm thinking you're an INFJ. It is the rarest. I took mine in college, too and it was the same but I didn't know that it explained so much more than what field I should go into. It had my top 3 choices as funeral director, lawyer or speech pathologist :) You might teeter between INFJ and INFP depending on how low the J portion of your judgment is. Really quick (3 minutes):

Makes sense if you are an INFJ because we love people and see the bigger picture for humanity...the down side of that is that we take the world on our shoulders and are often disappointed because our ideals of the world don't always match up with the realities taking place. Natural writers and creatives ;) But we function completely different in the way we approach life.

I thought it was very useful - reading more in depth about INFJ. It can be very challenging but knowing what those challenges are helps to concentrate on them and understand why they are there.

howdy today youhavewings! hey this is a Friday if I'm not mistaken, my days sometimes get scrambled but does that mean anything special for you, like more fun stuff or anything?
Shoot, I forget if you're working now, I think you are concentrating on raising the kids right? And your husband works somewhere.

Well, that INFJ sounds familiar. Do you mean that yours has changed a little bit since you took the one in college?
I remember that the INFJ's also are very hard on themselves and beat themeselves up all the time! lol. So if anything has changed then that part hopefully has indeed changed a little, I think ....and hope.

Thanks for sending this link, I will try and get to it soon. Let me know what your weekends are like or what your plans are for the weekend because I'm curious.

Actually Mrs. J says I'm super nosey but I call it curious! lol. Maybe I'm nosey I don't know.

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