"The Power Within", original art. A Story Why God Does Not Give a Damn

in #art7 years ago

The Power Within is a newbie for me in many different ways. First of all, I never painted a tattoo. But most of all- I never believed that you can grow jungle upside down from the sky, and make the killer whales jump at your will. Now I do.

The Power Within, oil on 60x48 inches canvas (153 x 122 cm)

The power dormant in us is beyond our wildest imagination. It comes from a place where mind is an obedient servant of something much bigger. We are wired to be powerful, to do miracles, to co-create this Universe in a beautiful synchronicity and Oneness.

You all know the story. We live on a planet of sleeping Buddhas. But that does not mean that our current, predominantly low-vibrating fear based frequencies manifesting to outside world as the havoc we live in, is some kind of Divine error.

We are all Masters Creators with unlimited powers at our disposal. The fact, that we reduce ourselves to play the meaningless ego games of hierarchy, money, wars, jobs, education, scarcity, all the “achieving” bullshit etc., is nothing but God playing with the infinite richness of Creation, in all its aspects. It is God experiencing herself, through you.

You know, the big divine Mama (or whatever you call something that cannot be reduced to a word), was bored out there, in the timeless endless perfectness of silence of pure awareness. So she Big Banged herself, and created time, space, and countless realities and dimensions AND- levels of awareness in infinite array of different life forms, to experience it from countless different angles. All containing the same Universal Truth, because all fractals are parts of the same Whole.

Yes you HAVE the Power of a Dragon inside you!

Make no mistake, big Mama has a mint sense of humor. If you just remembered how awesome and worry-free you are, what a Genius you are, what a miracle machine you're hardwired to be, you'd be laughing your ass off to tears. She invented the humor for God's sake! She also invented anal sex and the word “fuck”, so there's no need to judge or take anything personally. Cause Universe does not give a fuck! (forgive my vocabulary but I needed to emphasize this). Yes God does not give a FUCK! Why do you think a horrendous acts like child sacrifice could exist if God was biased in her definition of love?
It's a hard pill to swallow my fellow human, but duality is an illusion created for the fun of Big Mama. There is no Good or Bad beyond the concrete of our little minds.

View of my studio with "Power Within" on far wall. Seems so small compared to my really large pieces!

The underlying frequency of all creation is Love, period. Love is in everything, including murder of an innocent infant. I know that I am walking on thin ice here, straying into territory of one of the most intense human pains. I am fully aware that I am trying to explain something that only heart can understand with the language of mind- words.

If you ever touched that place of pure and boundless Divine Love at the core of your being, you know exactly what I am talking about. If you ever transcended the illusion of separation that was cast over your eyes as a gray veil, YOU KNOW! You know that God longed for pain to experience it. You know that the most favorite game of Big Mama is the experience of “unconsciousness” coming back to “consciousness”, to the realization of herself, her own Divine Beauty, through the game called “Evolution”.

Yes you have the Wisdom of an Elephant, the silent sage of Animal Kingdom.

You see, God wanted to forget who she is, so that she could experience the glory and Joy of coming back home, out of the illusion of separation, out of Maia, back to the nest of Universal Love of God Herself. Again and again and again. Through us, and all other life forms. We are God. We are the Big Divine Mother. We were never anything else than God because God is all there is. And yes, she has the best sense of humor!

We can create whole new world were jungle can grow from the sky, whales jump to play with us and we can travel to different dimensions to experience more of this crazy treasure called Creation. But for the starters, why don't we ditch the “Competition game”? Haven't we played it long enough to see that it's getting us nowhere closer to happy ending? Haven't we had enough of this “us against them” BS?

Almost done, signing soon. Always the best moment:)

The Cosmos is vast and life in it unfolds in infinite number of different ways. But the truth within each particle is the same for all.
One fine day, we will laugh at our seriousness, at the complex hierarchy nightmare we trapped ourselves in, and most of all- we will laugh at who we used to believe we are and what's our purpose here on this beautiful planet Gaia.

I might be a dreamer, but I know I'm not the only one.

Thank you for reading and for following me,

Much Love on your journeys,


Amazing sunset today, at Amma's ashram in Kerala, a place of Peace, place of Love.


Really a great post :-)
Resteemed ;-)

Thank you brother. Much appreciated!

This is one of the articles I love so much. Thanks for this awesome post @jankasparec. Btw, this painting is the one I kept thinking of all day after I medicated in the morning. There Should be some reasons behind. :) and that's a great picuture of the beautiful sunset in India . I love it<3

Thank you my beloved @gladysmak . I am so happy you like my art. You better do- since you see it all the time :) It would be a nightmare to have a boyfriend whose art you don't like :)

@berniesanders will crash the price of Steem

Beautiful post Jan!

Thanks Randy!

hey Jan - there is a flaw in your argument - if She doesn't give a fuck why would She want to forget who She is only to come back to Herself again? NO! She does totally give a fuck!! But She gave US Free Will - she embues US with the free will and HOPES and patiently waits for US to ACT CARE out through Her - Her Laws don't care - Electricity doesn't care whether it fries an egg or fries your fanny but the Spirit does care for SURE - I have experienced it - over and over - that's how I know... it's not just some theory I heard some preacher tell me...She made us so that She needs us to express Care and She is Infinitely patient - to let us fall on our faces over and over until we finally start to express Care and then we Unite with Her - Glorious!!! But She expressed Care in the Creation - and always does still to this day - in the Uniqueness of every snowflake...

I respect your point of view. It speaks from dualistic point of view through - Us and Her. There is no dualism in the ultimate expression of Pure Awareness, which is God, and which is also your essence. God does not "need" or "wants". God is the starting point and the destination, with zero needs or agenda. Time, evolution and all that comes with it- has it's divine purpose, but ultimately there is no "point" in it because it is just a play of creation. God has already arrived at the final point- so what would she "care" about? And you're in it- you ARE IT. IN truth- there is no start and no end. And no, the The Divine Truth cannot be expressed in words. That is why the wisdom of Dao says: "The Dao that can be spoken of is NOT the real Dao." Or as some zen masters say: As soon as you tell the truth, it becomes untruth." Peace sister, I honestly don't care for play of words, and I do not defend my opinion. I have touched the truth and I know that all is Love. I thank you very much for taking time and reading and commenting. Much Love sister. My post in not an "argument" btw. It is just what I came to at my journey. Nothing that I am attached to.

I appreciate your point of view - we are not arguing - just discussing - and I am using your terminology from your article - to describe the Indescribable - just to say God does "give a damn" - in my world... my art is a seeking for knowledge of God just as yours is - my life is a seeking for knowledge of God - just as is yours - there is no "arguement" - just experience. Blessings!

Much Love sister. Thank you for being the light in this world. I mean it! Blessings

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