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RE: "The Power Within", original art. A Story Why God Does Not Give a Damn

in #art8 years ago

hey Jan - there is a flaw in your argument - if She doesn't give a fuck why would She want to forget who She is only to come back to Herself again? NO! She does totally give a fuck!! But She gave US Free Will - she embues US with the free will and HOPES and patiently waits for US to ACT CARE out through Her - Her Laws don't care - Electricity doesn't care whether it fries an egg or fries your fanny but the Spirit does care for SURE - I have experienced it - over and over - that's how I know... it's not just some theory I heard some preacher tell me...She made us so that She needs us to express Care and She is Infinitely patient - to let us fall on our faces over and over until we finally start to express Care and then we Unite with Her - Glorious!!! But She expressed Care in the Creation - and always does still to this day - in the Uniqueness of every snowflake...


I respect your point of view. It speaks from dualistic point of view through - Us and Her. There is no dualism in the ultimate expression of Pure Awareness, which is God, and which is also your essence. God does not "need" or "wants". God is the starting point and the destination, with zero needs or agenda. Time, evolution and all that comes with it- has it's divine purpose, but ultimately there is no "point" in it because it is just a play of creation. God has already arrived at the final point- so what would she "care" about? And you're in it- you ARE IT. IN truth- there is no start and no end. And no, the The Divine Truth cannot be expressed in words. That is why the wisdom of Dao says: "The Dao that can be spoken of is NOT the real Dao." Or as some zen masters say: As soon as you tell the truth, it becomes untruth." Peace sister, I honestly don't care for play of words, and I do not defend my opinion. I have touched the truth and I know that all is Love. I thank you very much for taking time and reading and commenting. Much Love sister. My post in not an "argument" btw. It is just what I came to at my journey. Nothing that I am attached to.

I appreciate your point of view - we are not arguing - just discussing - and I am using your terminology from your article - to describe the Indescribable - just to say God does "give a damn" - in my world... my art is a seeking for knowledge of God just as yours is - my life is a seeking for knowledge of God - just as is yours - there is no "arguement" - just experience. Blessings!

Much Love sister. Thank you for being the light in this world. I mean it! Blessings

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