Ever wondered how a painting is born?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago (edited)

People ask me lots of questions about my art. The most common question I get is: How much time it took me to paint a given painting. I don’t know why humans are so obsessed with something that is a total illusion (time). I prefer questions such as: How did this painting came to be?

Before I dive into that let me tell you something. Kids are the biggest fans of my art and they ask the best questions. If they ask anything at all. Usually they just get “transported” inside the painting and share their joy about it in exclamations and observations and magical stories. Oh god I LOVE KIDS! Cause they get it! They are not conditioned slaves of their minds yet! Art is not supposed to be analysed or dissected with our mind! It is meant to be felt, experienced and ENJOYED!

So to that archi-boring question about how much time it took me to paint a given piece I answer: Lots of present moments! And it’s true. When I paint, I tap into the Timeless (if I’m lucky enough) and let the Universal creativity flow through me. I have no idea if 2 hours or 2 minutes passed. And I have no interest in timing the process. The only thing that matters is that mind is silent, cause great art, same as anything real (love, compassion, joy, abundance) comes from beyond the mind. You cannot think it into existence, you can just put the obstacles out of the way to let it happen.

Back to the original question: How does a big painting like this one came to be?

For me, I get two access points to create. One is through a vision. I basically meditate or do anything that gets me out of my head (yoga, play violin, sit in meditation etc.) and if I’m lucky, I get an instant download from Universe and I see the painting in my head. Forcing anything makes it impossible. To channel visions, I have to be clear as water, empty as space. Obviously, this access road is random. I can get a vision at any time or place and when I do, I usually make a sketch or at least mental note, or just run to studio and start working on it right away. Joy that flows from making such vision into real, tangible piece of art is hard to describe. It is electrifying. These paintings are usually very unique and receive a huge acclaim from public. People can feel the frequency of it on subconscious level- the purity of something that has not been tainted by too much thinking.

Second access is by stepping into it without really knowing where I am going. Just put basic color background and let the next step reveal itself in the moment, let the brushes dance freely. I may have a rough idea about what I want to deliver, or just a theme (“Oneness” for example) but I do not know the details until my brush is touching the canvas. As I surrender to the process, things start to come. Ah ok, there will be a couple sitting facing each other, ok, I see. Oh, they will be touching their hands, I see, and placed inside a light sphere, let’s do it. Eventually every single details is born in the moment, step by step.

This featured painting (called “We Are One”) is an example of the second access point.
I will post an example of a painting that I got through a vision in the next blog.
Stay tuned and follow me! @jankasparec
100% steem power, 100% love !

Thank you!


Wow, I really like it... thank you for sharing! Jan, may I also suggest updating your profile info with your website pointing, your website has great collection of your work...?! Keep them coming !

dear @good-karma thank you so much. I do have couple websites but none really updated. I am better in updating my facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/jankasparecpaintings/ ). Can you explain me how to update my profile? I was not even aware there is such a thing as "profile" info here :D I know, typical artist...

You're a good karma that I somehow deserved @good-karma ! :) Much love. Following you now.

Again, GREAT work! This kind of art is right up my alley and has always moved me. Thank you for sharing the results and even the process of this work with us all. Namaste :)

Eric merci beaucoup! And you're welcome!

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Amazing stuff Mr. Bot! :) Thanks for all the great work on such a great feature. Pure awesomeness!

Thanks @doitvolutarily I checked your profile and followed you, voluntarily, cause you rock :)

I am in awe from your mindset and your creativity. This is absolutely stunning and I really hope to see more of your work in the near future. I just started following you. Best wishes!

Love and Light your way @merej99 !

Followed you back. Great presence! Thank you!

Incredible painting and incredible words! "Art is not supposed to be analysed ... It's meant to be felt..." it's an excellent way to see and make art.

Thank you unknown artist. Let's be unknown together ;)

Great article with amazing pictures.
You are full on steemit mode :-)

iI cought my self upvoting 4/6 of your posts its time to follow your work. great paintings

Thanks Angelo! Much appreciated! Followed you back.

Pure Cosmic Energy flowing through You and into the canvas! Thanks for sharing! P.S. I understand You love for kids, they are awesome...I always say that kids are the smartest, brightest beings in the Universe...it's wrong to treat them like they know nothing because the truth is completely different from that.

Thank you dear Petra! Following you now! Did you send me a facebook request by any chance? Much love sister!

You're very welcome, Jan! Yes I have :) Much love, brother! It's beautiful to meet such a bright person like You! Thank You for the follow!

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