The Virtues of Stoicism (and some recent art!)

in #art7 years ago

Being a rather deep thinker, I realized early on that the human population can largely be divided into 2 types, those who derive meaning from their work and those who pursue the pleasures in life. Of course this is a gross generalization and I do believe that we each fall with the broad spectrum of these two extremes, but I think that there is a truth behind this. Each person's values seem to lean toward direction or another.

As I grew older and begun Learning philosophy (at my dad's behest,) I stumbled across the concepts of Stoicism vs. Epicureanism, which confirmed my earlier understanding of the world.

I have since become a self-identified Stoic as I naturally can forgo pleasure and fight through pain to achieve the results I want. In essence, Stoics live to work. I believe that being indifferent to my internal emotions and submitting to Natural Law is a high virtue to reach for!


This is a philosophy that has allowed me to sit and sacrifice many hours in order to create my designs for my clients. I have missed out on a lot fun, concerts, festivals and events in order to take on my work, but So far I feel as if it has been so worth it!

You may not agree with my lifestyle or values, which is fine, but I'd like emphasize one thing. If you have some kind of a concrete value system and code to live by, life will begin to material upon a strong philosophical foundation!

Much love, light and life to you!
~Hratch Jangala @ jangaladesigns


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